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  “问”是一门艺术,做学问须敢问、勤问和问到底。那么,面对着自己喜欢的异性朋友时,你也会主动邀请他(她)约会吗?这个暑假你准备好约他(她)出去玩了吗?Come and join our discussion.
  July Topic
  Host: In our society it’s usually the guy who asks the woman out. (Yeah.) Have we seen a change in that?
  Ian Kerner (IK): Oh, yeah, definitely! I mean, I think, especially with the 1)proliferation of online dating, there are so many singles out there. And, you know, today women when they are online, they can wink at a guy; they can put a guy in a hot list. I mean, you know, it’s post-Sex and the City. It’s the age of third-wave 2)feminism, but I think many guys welcome women asking them out.
  Host: Because I…I don’t think women know or realize it, we feel pressure, too.
  IK: Oh, totally!
  Regena Thomashauner (RT): I think it’s so frightening to be with a guy, because you’re expected to ask her out, take the rejection, pay for her date, and then of course be 3)psychic and read her mind and to deliver her everything that she wants. And I think if we take a little 4)guesswork out of it and we say, “Hey, you are so cute, would you go out with me?” Oh, it’d be fantastic!
  Host: But what about the…what about the flip side which is not so nice—the rejection part of that? What if the guy says no?
  IK: Well, listen, I don’t think it’s always about coming out and saying, “Will you go out with me?” I think it’s about being willing to start an interesting conversation with a guy, whether it’s at a bookstore, online, at a movie theater, at a café. And if you start an interesting conversation, the rejection isn’t as significant. I think that’s also about not personalizing and making it about you as much about as the situation.
  Host: Do some research. Know his interests.
  RT: Absolutely! Because if you go up to a guy—even if you are at a sports bar—and you say, “Hey, I have no interest in sports but you’re cute.” You know, that ’s a start. It is a beginning. You don’t want to be aggressive. You want to be attractive; you want him to be drawn to you because of the 5)fabulous gorgeous woman that you are.
  Host: You say, “Don’t go on…on a group date, go on a one-on-one date.”
  RT: Oh, yeah, because you want to get to know the guy. You don’t want to be stuck at…in a movie for two hours. And please, above all things, do not invite him to a wedding. It’s so…so 6)inappropriate (Yeah, that’s…that’s terrible!) for a first date.
  IK: But I…I think it’s also again just being willing to start an interesting conversation with a guy somewhere and putting yourself out there.
  RT: Even a not interesting conversation would work,
  don’t they?
  IK: No. I think you should always be as compelling, as interesting, as fascinating, as possible.
  Host: We’ve got a few don’ts.
  RT: I think women are fascinating, period.
  Host: We’ve got some don’ts here—don’t be nervous; don’t be 7)vague; don’t be aggressive, (Yeah.) which seems almost an 8)oxymoron because you…you’re kinda being a little aggressive asking him out.
  RT: I think you’re being attractive and 9)seductive. Because aggressive is frightening; that’s what hockey players do, and football players, that’s not what a woman does.
  Host: And the last one, don’t get frustrated, what do you mean by that?
  RT: Well I think that if you go for it, and he doesn’t get the hint, just go for it again; especially if he’s cute and adorable. Don’t be 10)fazed if he doesn’t 11)catch on at first.
  IK: 嗯,没错!
  IK: 呃,瞧,我不认为说句“你会和我上街吗?”就总是意味着约对方出来。我觉得这更多是试探你愿不愿意与一位男士展开有趣的谈话,无论是在书店、网上、电影院,还是在咖啡店里。假如你展开了一场生动的谈话,被拒绝就不是那么重要了。我也觉得不要把交谈变得过于个人化,不要老是聊自己,也要注意当时的场合。
  IK: 但我……我还是觉得只要愿意和一位男士在某个地方展开有趣的谈话,把自己投入到交谈中(很重要)。
  IK: 不。我觉得你们女士应该总是尽可能地引人注目,尽可能地有趣,尽可能地令人着迷。
  No way! I am not a wuss at all. Whenever the chance arrives I’d grab it! She may not be the right date but if I don’t ask her out, the right date may pass me for good.
  Yeah, I am afraid so. I feel like an idiot if the person whom I ask out on a date rejects me. I’d rather let the other side test the waters first.
  Absolutely not. How could someone like me, who has been blown off so many times, be afraid of making the first move? In other words, good or bad, I am well prepared.
  It depends. If I get a crush on someone and we click very well, I’ll definitely have the guts to ask for a date. Why not?
  Well, the thing that irks me big time is I get nervous easily whenever I am about to ask her out. I guess I’m not afraid but just not ready all the time.
  Yes and no. Yes is because I am afraid of being rejected; no is because I want to leave a hint to the guy that I am inclined to approach him.
  Boy! That’s hard to say. I don’t want to spoil the friendliness between us if I take the first step. You know, I’d ask her out without a doubt if she appears to be interested.
  Yeah. I couldn’t agree more. Basically, I don’t think I have enough money to show her a good time. I’m afraid our first date will fall short of her expectation.
  Tips: wuss意思是“胆小鬼”。说话者认为机会来了就要去争取(grab it意为grab the chance),免得永远地(for good)错过合适的约会。
  Tips: 不敢主动约会人最普遍的原因之一就是害怕被拒绝。I am afraid so.是个委婉的肯定回答。说话者还用了个比喻,就是被拒绝后感觉像个傻瓜(I feel like an idiot)。俚语test the waters意思是在投入一件事物之前先尝试一些事情,在这里指先让对方开口。
  Tips: 看得出说话者因被多次抛弃(blow sb. off)已磨炼出坚强的心,不但敢于主动出击采取第一步(make the first move),还两手准备。无论结果是好是坏都勇于面对。
  Tips: 俚语get/have a crush on sb.意思是“对某人产生好感、一时的迷恋”;click意思是“合得来,情投意合”。指“有胆量做某事”就可以用have the guts to do sth.来表示。
  Tips: 原来最令说话者苦恼的(irk sb. big time)是他很容易紧张。be about to do sth. 意思是“将要做某事”。说话者认为不是自己害怕,只不过并非随时都有心理准备。
  Tips: Yes and no.是对问题的一种两可回答,既肯定又否定,既是又不是,既好又不好。既然如此,其后就要紧跟两种原因了(Yes is because…; no is because….)。be inclined to意思是“倾向于……;想……”。
  Tips: 当表示惊奇、颂扬或厌恶的时候,可以用Boy!这个感叹词来表达。说话者不希望由于采取了主动约会这一步(take the first step,与make the first move相近)而破坏了两人间友善的交往。词组without a doubt意思是“无疑地”。
  Tips: I couldn’t agree more.=I totally agree.意思是“我完全同意”。说话者觉得自己没有足够的经济能力能让对方在第一次约会中享受到美好的时光,从而达不到(fall short of)对方的期望。
各位读者,你有否曾因为一个封面、一句话而爱上一本书?又或者自诩是“书虫”、“书痴”?小编自愧离“书虫”还差得很远,但却曾因一句话爱上了一本书,而且也相信,看到这本书很多“书痴”会汗颜。  小编说的正是这本《查令十字街84号》。此书记录了上世纪中叶纽约女作家海莲和伦敦一家旧书店书商弗兰克之间的书缘。双方通信达20年之久,却未曾谋面,至弗兰克去世也无缘相见。之后,海莲把往来的信件汇集成册,以书店的地址
Asking clerks or at help desks  在服务台进行咨询时  (Hello.) Can / Could I have…please? (Falling intonation[降调])  (Good morning.) Can / Could you give / get me…please?  (Good evening.) A table for two, please.
What can you say when you want to encourage people to keep talking to you? Try making a comment or asking a question—it shows the other person you’re interested in what they are saying. Here are some
编辑注:编辑部Jenny前往北京参加第13届“21世纪.联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛,回来以后讲了赛场的见闻。小编Tiffany觉得对广大读者十分有益,于是邀请Jenny将感受一一写下,与《口语版》的读者朋友分享。另外,由疯狂英语编辑部制作的《第十三届“21世纪·联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛》的有声书本也将于8月上市。对演讲比赛有兴趣的朋友可要留意了哦!    以前读大学的时候就听说过这个“21世纪
记得1998年电影《You’ve Got Mail》(译作《电子情书》)风靡全球的时候,那个叫“伊妹儿”的东西还是件新鲜事儿,如今却是普遍到泛滥的程度。但是当手中的铅字渐渐被电脑里没有感情的文字所代替,许多人开始怀念起写信的日子来。一纸写满情感的信笺,或者一张寄自他乡的明信片,都能让人感受多一丝暖意。    我得把这封信寄出去。  I need to send/post/mail this let
From the movie Kate and Leopold  选自电影《隔世情缘》/《穿越时空爱上你》  故事梗概: 19世纪的公爵Leopold为了追踪一个出现在宴会上的陌生人,无意间闯入了时空隧道,来到100多年后的21世纪。在陌生的环境中,他遇到了广告界女强人Kate。但是Kate显然无法相信他来自19世纪这一事实。在两个人的相处过程中,19世纪和21世纪的思维习惯和表达方式的碰撞,让生
或许是应了那句歌词:“外面的世界很精彩”,关于国外大学校园里的方方面面,向来都是我们读者最好奇的。差异当然是存在的。别的不说,就授课形式这一方面,国外大学,尤其是欧美大学的授课方式,就有lecture(讲座课)、tutorial(导师指导课)、seminar(讨论课)等形式,我们一起去看看吧~    这所大学是公认的名校。  The university is fully accredited. 
又迟到了?还错过了重要客户会议?威尔可真够惨的。这一切都是堵车惹的祸。    Stephanie: Will! Where have you been? You know we had the meeting with the clients this morning.  Will: Oh, no! Am I too late?  Stephanie: Yes, they just left. ①
地球村越来越小,科技发展越来越快,人们的生活方式越来越多样,因此催生出了许多新的社会角色。紧随潮流而动的你,是否就是以下的其中一位?    1 Social Notworker 网交不工作者    Meaning: A person who is having fun surfing a social networking site instead of working.  随着网络的普及化,“网
说起中国的节日,大家一定知道端午节会有粽子,中秋节会有月饼,那么西方的感恩节又有什么呢?—火鸡!没错,但除了火鸡就没别的了吗?想不到?现在,我们一起来数一数,看看究竟应该有多少种“宝贝”才算过上了完美感恩节吧!    Turkey 火鸡  The celebration of Thanksgiving will be incomplete without the legendary Turkey.