An Analysis on Bellow’s Description of Female Characters in Herzog

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  Abstract: Saul Bellow is a contemporary American Jewish novelist and is the Nobel Literature Prize winner in 1976. This paper analyzes the description of main female characters in Herzog, from which we can see that Bellow has created two new females who are different from the traditional ones, reflecting the author’s progressive view of women.
  Key words: Bellow; female characters; Herzog
  Saul Bellow, a contemporary American Jewish novelist and the Nobel Literature Prize winner in 1976, has been well known as a great writer of Jewish male intellectuals. In the man-centered world he has created, we can also see many characteristic female characters who have been overlooked or unfairly commented on by critics. Herzog is Bellow’s most representative work, which establishes his status in the literary world. By analyzing and commenting on the female characters in Herzog, this paper attempts to prove that Bellow’s female characters are almost as vivid and unforgettable as his male ones.
  2.Bellow’s Description of Female Characters in Herzog
  Herzog, the protagonist of the novel, is a middle-aged Jewish American intellectual with an enviable university position and social status. However, the failure of the two marriages makes him feel painful and close to the edge of collapse. In the end, Herzog finds a trace of hope for life in the arms of his mistress Ramona and subverts the image of male dominator in patriarchal society. His wife Madeleine and mistress Ramona are independent and new female images in pursuit of happiness.
  2.1 Madeleine: the Spokeswoman of Feminism
  In Herzog, Bellow’s depiction of Madeline is vivid and delicate. She is intelligent, capable, knowledgeable, independent and enterprising. She has a strong desire for knowledge and pursues equality between men and women and is a typical representative of feminism.
  First of all, Madeleine pursues academic success so as to gain equal status with men and win their respect. Later in her marriage, Madeleine begins to shift her focus to academic research and she also likes to exchange academic ideas with scholars. In addition, Madeleine is not willing to be dominated by others and dares to get rid of the shackles of traditional marriage concept and to pursue true love. In real life, on the one hand, she can’t tolerate Herzog who is the selfish and tyrannical, as well as their marriage without love, respect and understanding; on the other hand, in the process of getting along with Valentine, she feels care, respect and love that Herzog never gave to her. Therefore, to pursue her own happiness, Madeleine proposes to divorce and breaks away from the shackles of unhappy marriage.   From the initial obedience to the patriarchal society to striving for equal rights, Madeleine finally lives a happy life with Valentine. This series of changes reflects her awakening of female consciousness. Bellow successfully displays Madeline, a new type of female intellectual, vividly in front of the readers.
  2.2 Ramona: an Independent and Intellectual New Woman
  Ramona, Herzog’s mistress, is another significant female character in the novel. From the Bellow’s description, we can see that Ramona is a new female image different from the traditional one, who is beautiful, intelligent, economically independent and has her own career.
  Although different from Madeleine’s pursuit of absolute equality, Ramona also has a clear goal in her career and life and strives to win respect in her relationship with Herzog, and she finally makes Herzog be hopeful for life again. Compared with Madeleine’s radical feminist image, Ramona is more gentle and rational, which is undoubtedly the new female image that the author appreciates more.
  Moreover, Ramona, as a new modern woman, is also dedicated to the pursuit of love and never conceals her desire for a happy family. From Ramona, Bellow shows readers that women are not always in a passive and subordinate position when they get along with men; to some extent, Ramona acts as Herzog’s “master”, completely subverting the patriarchal male centered theory and reflecting Bellow’s progressive view of women.
  Judging from the above-mentioned female images, Bellow’s understanding of the social status of women in the male dominated world, the relationship between family and career, and between men and women can be appreciated. They profoundly reveal the inner world and thoughts and feelings of women in a disadvantaged state, especially their desire to be respected, understood and loved by others; they show us Bellow’s unique love and understanding for women in the men’s world and his recognition and acceptance of feminism movement. It can be seen that Bellow’s depiction of female characters is very successful.
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