An Analysis of Status of Urban Residents’ Participation In Community Activities

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  【Abstract】Taking S Community, Linyi City, Shandong Province as an example, in accordance with the research on the status of urban residents’ participation in the community activities.
  【Key words】urban residents; community participation; community activities
  【作者簡介】王君钰(1991.06- ),女,汉族,山东临沂人,目前就读于天津理工大学社会学系,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:社会学理论与应用,曾多次参与社区方面的调研及活动,具有较丰富的实践经验与理论背景。
  In accordance with the research on the status of urban residents’ participation in the community activities in S Community, Linyi City, the various influencing factors of community residents’ participation in community activities are further expounded, thus achieving a certain understanding of the present situation of S Community residents’ participation in community activities, and also providing an empirical basis for the continuous optimization of community activities, the improvement of urban residents’ desire to participate and the development of the entire community.
  1. Motives for urban residents to participate in community activities
  The motives of S Community residents’ participation in community activities mainly lie in the following aspects: among all the subjects, the ones who expect to know friends and build close relationship with neighbors account for 31%; the ones who devote to community activities out of personal preferences occupy 25.25%; the ones who aim to broaden their horizons and do exercises make up 26.5%; 14% of the total subjects participate in community activities to please themselves and improve the sense of happiness; and for the rest 3.25%, they tend to join the activities because their relatives and friends want them to. In the course of the investigation, the author finds out that some of the residents say that participating in activities and serving public welfare can improve personal value. Although different, these motives and goals are closely related to something that is for their own advantages and personal feelings.
  2. Ways of residents’ participation in community activities
  Through the investigation of S Community in Linyi City, the author realizes that ways for S Community residents to participate in community activities are as follows: voluntary participation and compulsory participation.Voluntary participation means that, in accordance with their own preferences and circumstances, the participants decide whether to participate the community activities or not independently, without worrying about any external constraint. In the survey of the willingness to participate in community activities, 72% of the residents say they volunteer to participate in the community activities; while the other 28% say they are forced to be involved in the community activities. In this survey, 85% of the residents join the community activities as participants, 10% of the residents as organizers, and 5% of the residents as the spectators.   3. Types of residents’ participation in community activities
  The data analysis shows that, in the community, 66.67% of the residents tend to participate in management activities; 58.82% are willing to participate in cultural and recreational activities; 37.25% are interested in participating in public welfare activities; residents who tend to interact with neighbors account for 43.14%; and the number of residents expecting political activities is the smallest, accounting for only 11.76% of all the respondents. In the community, volunteers take part in various voluntary activities according to their own circumstances, including organizing charity sale, maintaining community environment, etc.. Volunteers in S Community show great passion for and have established a benign interactive relations with the Neighborhood Committee.
  4. Conclusion
  Encouraging residents to participate in community construction will help to promote the development of a region and even a city, which, from a higher point of view, can be regraded as a key criterion for assessing the success or failure of a community. Urban residents’ participation in community activities, including recreational activities, political activities, management activities and public welfare activities, not only is conductive to the healthy growth of the community, but also raises the residents’ awareness of initiative and responsibility, improves the interactive relationship among the neighbors, and increases the sense of identity and participation .
  [1]Zhu Ying.A Research on the Attitude towards and Behavior of Urban Residents’ Community Participation—A Case Study of Residents of Baoji City[D].Ningxia University,2010.
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