Research on Multimodal Discourse in College English Classroom Teaching

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  【Abstract】At present, the multimodal discourse of classroom teaching in China is a new type of classroom teaching mode. Its appearance has changed the original traditional teaching mode. Although the teaching of multimodal discourse is an innovation, there are still some shortcomings in multimodal discourse.
  【Key words】college English; classroom teaching; multimodal discourse; research
  In order to improve classroom learning efficiency, multimodal discourse is slowly used in the classroom. It is the reform and innovation of the traditional classroom teaching model.
  1. the connotation of multimodal discourse theory
  Multimodal discourse refers to the modern communication process through the use of visual, auditory and tactile, as well as symbolic resources such as text, painting, and sound. In 2001, Gunther Kress of the University of London and Theo Van Leeuwen of the University of Technology in Sydney published the book 《Multimodal Discourse: The Media and Modality of Contemporary Communication.》The authors proposed four concepts: discourse, design, production, and spread.
  2. the principle of multimodal teaching mode construction
  At present, we have not found a teaching model suitable for a variety of teaching tasks, and we propose the following principles according to the problems that are easy to appear in the study of multi-modal discourse in college English classroom teaching:
  2.1 Teachers need to strengthen interaction and communication with students.
  In the process of classroom learning, we need to use the entire multimodal model to mobilize the enthusiasm of students by using multi-modal mobilization and using scientific methods to control the time of classroom teaching, the efficiency of teaching, and the way of teaching.
  2.2 Provide students with real multimodal learning resources
  While teaching knowledge, teachers should strengthen their learning ability and develop more multimodal learning resources. Teachers can combine the learning content of the classroom with the content of student life, create learning methods and learning resources that are suitable for students.
  2.3 Inspire and maintain students? interest in learning
  Whether students can learn English well, the interest of learning is the key. Therefore, multimodal teaching should base students? interest in learning and stimulate students? interest in learning. In the course of preparing lessons, teachers should give full play to the role of multimodality in the teaching mode and choose a teaching mode suitable for teaching content.   3.the application of multimodal discourse theory in college English classroom
  3.1 Create a new teaching atmosphere under the multimodal discourse theory system
  The traditional classroom teaching mode that we know is that the teacher unilaterally explains the content in the classroom and imparts knowledge, while the student acts as the recipient and plays the role of information record and memory. Although the education reform in China has improved the college English class, the teacher can improve the content of the class and display the knowledge in the book in multimedia form student.
  3.2 Effectively guide students’ information expression under the guidance of multimodal discourse theory
  Multimodal discourse theory requires teachers to constantly change the teaching methods in the teaching process, and to improve students coping ability and information processing ability. We can use the situational teaching model to engage students through the setting and performance of the scene. This way not only increases the interaction between teachers and students, but also allows students to better understand the learning content.
  4. Conclusion
  Multimodal discourse theory provides an important guiding role for college English classroom teaching, strengthens students’ interest in English learning, and improves teacher-student relationship. The implementation of multimodal discourse theory has greatly improved the current educational dilemma in China.
  [1]Qin Qiongfang. Application of Multimodal Discourse in Foreign Language Teaching,2017.
  [2]Ma Lifang. Research on teaching mode under the framework of multimodal discourse,2016.
【摘要】英语语法学习的重要性对中职学生来说是不言而喻的,但就目前来说,中职英语语法教学中存在不少问题,无论是学生学习能力不足,还是教师的教学方法刻板,都严重影响着语法教学质量的提升。因此,进行中职英语语法教学优化是当前英语教师亟须进行的任务,旨在于促使学生在更科学、更完整的语法教学中真正掌握这些基础知识,从而使他们的英语素养获得实质提升。  【关键词】中职英语;语法教学;有效性;教学策略  【作者
【摘要】现阶段,社会对于人才的需求逐渐向全面化发展和转变,同时,我国在教育行业的信息化改革上也越来越深入,翻转课堂就是在计算机技术之上进行的一种课堂模式,其在大学英语教学中的运用为教育的发展迎来了新的挑战和契机,有助于学生综合能力的提升。鉴于此,本文将对翻转课堂在大学英语教学中的应用进行分析。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学英语教学;应用  就目前我国大学生英语的教学模式而言,很多院校还延用以往的教学
【Abstract】Ergative sentence is considered as a special pattern, has received lots of attention in both western and Chinese linguistics. The thesis systematically make a comparative study on English an
【摘要】语法是英语的骨架,要想学好英语语法是重中之重,而在高中英语教学中,语法教学一直以来都是老师们教学的一大难题。目前,语法教学存在一系列问题,如教师教学枯燥、学生惰性思考、片面学习等,都是学好语法的一大障碍。本文主要围绕高中英语语法教学中存在的问题,重点提出了改进英语语法教学的一些策略和方法,从而对其以后的英语教学提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;语法教学;改进策略  要想说好一口流利的
【摘要】“以学定教”是高中教育的新方式,它有别于传统的“以案定教”,更尊重学生,体现了“以人为本”“以生为本”的素质教育观,真正展现了“为了学生的发展”的教学原则。这种教学方式,更为关注学生个体,更受学生欢迎,在提升教学效果方面,发挥了重要作用。本文基于高中英语教学视角,探讨了“以学定教”教学模式的一些策略,以期提升英语教学质量。  【关键词】高中英语;“以学定教”;策略  【作者简介】陈芳,安徽
【摘要】英语在高中教育阶段有着极为重要的地位,而阅读教学是提高学生英语理解能力、写作能力以及口语表达能力的重要途径。高中英语教师重视阅读教学,并随着教学观念的改变以及教学手段的优化,不断改进阅读教学方法,提高阅读教学质量,进而提高学生英语综合能力和素质,促进学生综合发展。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;改进策略  【作者简介】汤静,江苏省沭阳县建陵高级中学。  前言  英语是作为国际性语言被选入
【Abstract】Nowadays, technical barriers to trade (TBT) have exerted a great effect on international trade. As a new measure of trade protection, TBT makes agricultural export in our country face many p
【摘要】英语作为高中教育体系中的重点学科,其学习一直以来都是学生的难点和问题。学习英语没有捷径,需要的是我们持之以恒的学习和不断的积累,最终量变促成质变,同时英语学习的方式和技巧也是学好英语的关键,可以说掌握好学习英语的技巧和方式是学好英语的前提和保障。笔者结合自身的英语学习经验,就高中英语学习的体会与技巧浅谈几点个人看法,希望对同学们今后的英语学习有所帮助。  【关键词】 高中英语;学习体会;学
一、研究的背景  《小学英语课程标准》指出帮助学生形成一定的综合语言运用能力是基础教育阶段英语教学的核心任务。对小学生英语阅读能力的培养是有效发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础。因此,在小学阶段,开展阅读教学成为小学英语教学发展的必然趋势。  二、提高小学英语阅读教学有效性的策略探究  1.阅读前——调动积极性,激发兴趣。阅读前的主要任务有效导入阅读主题,自然引出本课所学习的话题,使学生的注意力集到课