对党负责与对人民负责相一致的观点,是党的群众观点的一个重要内容.共产党员必须始终以这一观点作为自己一切言行的准绳. 一、对党负责与对人民负责的一致性,.是由我们党的性质和宗旨所决定. 中国共产党是工人阶级先锋队,全心全意为人民服务是党的唯一宗旨,共产党除了工人阶级和人民群众的利益没有自己特殊的利益.党性和人民性在本质上是一致的.因此,“每个党员对人民负责,即是对党负责,对人民不负责,即是对党不负责.要理解对党负责与对人民负责的一致性,要使二者统一起来,不要使二者割裂开来,对立起来.”(《刘少奇选集》上卷第350页)
The view that the party is responsible and responsible to the people is an important part of the party’s mass point of view, and party members must always regard this view as the yardstick for all their own words and deeds. First, the responsibility of the party and the people should be consistent, Is determined by the nature and purpose of our party and the CPC is the vanguard of the working class and serving the people wholeheartedly is the sole purpose of the party and the communists have no special interest except for the interests of the working class and the people. Therefore, “Each party member is responsible to the people, that is responsible for the party and the people are not responsible, that is, it is not responsible for the party. To understand the responsibility of the party and the responsibility of people should be consistent The two unify, do not make the two split up, the opposite. ”(“ Liu Shaoqi anthology ”on page 350)