Eribulin for heavily pre-treated metastatic breast cancer patients

来源 :World Journal of Experimental Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junar
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AIM: To discuss treatment with eribulin in clinical practice outside a clinical trial.METHODS: Archives of patients treated for metastatic breast cancer were reviewed and 21 patients treated with the new chemotherapeutic eribulin mesylate, a synthetic analog of a natural marine product, were identified. Information on patients’ characteristics and treatment outcomes was extracted. Treatment with eribulin mesylate was initiated at the recommended dose of 1.4 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle in 17 patients and at a decreased dose of 1.1 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle in 4 patients due to comorbidities and frailty. Efficacy of the drug was evaluated using the revised Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria. Progression-Free Survival and overall survival(OS) were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method starting from the date of eribulin therapy initiation to the date of disease progression documentation or death, respectively.RESULTS: The median age of patients at the time of eribulin mesylate treatment was 53 years(range 34-75). Sixteen patients had estrogen receptor(ER) and/or partial response(PR) positive disease and 5 had ER/PR negative disease(all triple negative). Eight patients had received 2 or 3 previous lines of chemotherapyfor metastatic disease and 13 patients had received 4 or more lines of treatment. The median number of cycles of eribulin received was 3(range 1-16 years). All patients, except one, discontinued treatment due to progressive disease and one patient due to adverse effects. Six patients had a dose reduction due to side effects. All patients had progressed at the time of the report with a median time to progression of 3 mo(range 1 to 14 mo). Fifteen patients had died with a median OS of 7 mo(range 1-18 mo). Six patients were alive with a median follow-up of 13.5 mo(range 7 to 19 mo).CONCLUSION: This series of patients confirms the activity of eribulin in a heavily pre-treated metastatic breast cancer population consistent with phase Ⅱ and Ⅲ trials. AIM: To discuss treatment with eribulin in clinical practice outside a clinical trial. METHODS: Archives of patients treated for metastatic breast cancer were reviewed and 21 patients treated with the new chemotherapeutic eribulin mesylate, a synthetic analog of a natural marine product, were identified. Information on patients’ characteristics and treatment outcomes were extracted. Treatment with eribulin mesylate was initiated at the recommended dose of 1.4 mg / m2 on days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle in 17 patients and at a decreased dose of 1.1 mg / m2 on days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle in 4 patients due to comorbidities and frailty. Efficacy of the drug was evaluated using the revised Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria. Progression-Free Survival and overall survival (OS) were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method starting from the date of eribulin therapy initiation to the date of disease progression documentation or death, respectively .RESULTS: The median age of patien ts at the time of eribulin mesylate treatment was 53 years (range 34-75). Sixteen patients had estrogen receptor (ER) and / or partial response (PR) positive disease and 5 had ER / PR negative disease (all triple negative). Eight patients had 2 or 3 previous lines of chemotherapy for metastatic disease and 13 patients had received 4 or more lines of treatment. The median number of cycles of eribulin received was 3 (range 1-16 years). All patients, except one, discontinued Six patients had a dose reduction due to side effects. All patients had progressed at the time of the report with a median time to progression of 3 mo (range 1 to 14 months) . Fifteen patients had died with a median OS of 7 mo (range 1-18 mo). Six patients were alive with a median follow-up of 13.5 mo (range 7 to 19 mo) .CONCLUSION: This series of patient confirms the activity of eribulin in a heavily pre-treated metastatic breast cancer population consistent with phase Ⅱ and Ⅲ trials
构建主义理论认为:知识的意义总是存在于情境之中的。学习总是在一定情境之下进行的,人不能超越具体的情境来获得某种知识。教学情境,是学生参与学习的具体的现实环境。“ 让学生在生动具体的情境中学习数学 ”最大的特点和优点之一就是许多知识的引入和问题的提出、解决都是在一定的情境中展开的。因此,情境教学是提高教学有效性的一项重要教学策略。  一、情境教学有效性的涵义  课堂情境创设的有效性为“在数学课堂教学
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摘要:面对着教育多元化的新形式,近年来许多普通高中都增添开设了美术特长班。在这些美术生面前,语文在学生的长远发展上比之其他学科肩负的任务要重,面临的困难更多。所以说教师能否根据学生的潜能进行教学,决定了教育的成败。在美术生的语文教学中要注意因材施教,即教师要针对他们的认知基础和认知特点进行教学,找到适合他们的有效的教学方法,提高学业成绩。  关键词:美术生;语文教学;因材施教  G633.3  当