第十三届全国初中物理知识竞赛试题(2003年)第四大题着重考查学生电学中电源问题: 题目:手机、数码相机等电器中多使用可充电电池,电池上所标的“电压”和“容量”是两个重要参数.容量的单位通常为“毫安时”(符号mAh).某种可充电电池所标的电压是1.2V,容量是1300mAh,请估算这种电池可储存的电能. 分析:从容量单位的组成看,它是放电电流与放电时间的乘积.原则上,这种电池应该能够以1300mA的
The thirteenth national junior high school physics knowledge contest question (2003) The fourth major topic is to re-examine the problem of power in students’ electricity: Topic: Rechargeable batteries are commonly used in mobile phones, digital cameras, and other electrical appliances. “Capacity” is two important parameters. The unit of capacity is usually “milliampere-hours” (symbol mAh). The voltage of a certain type of rechargeable battery is 1.2V and the capacity is 1300mAh. Please estimate the energy that this battery can store. Analysis : In view of the composition of the capacity unit, it is the product of discharge current and discharge time. In principle, this battery should be capable of 1300mA