Work Ethics and General Morality

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ft4200770
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  【Abstract】“The Starving Sudan” is a photographic work awarded with South Africa Pulitzer Prize, which also arouses the warm discussion about work ethics and general morality. This paper aims to give comments from an objective perspective.
  【Key words】The Starving Sudan; Work Ethics; General Morality
  Many people have probably seen the picture “The Starving Sudan”. Owing to this picture, news reporter Kevin Carter was awarded with South Africa Pulitzer Prize in 1994. It is a Sudanese girl, kneeling down on the earth because of severe starvation. Not far away behind her is a condor, eying her covetously. Just using one picture which hit upon all the audiences’ hearts, Kevin Carter showed us the desperation of the whole African Continent. However, this picture, which shaked the entire world, caused so many criticisms and questions. Lots of people raised the same question: why didn’t he save the girl immediately? Finally, Kevin Carter can not stand public opinion as well as the moral perplexity coming from himself. The heavier and heavier mental pressure at last made him kill himself, only several months later after he had been awarded. Thus, we fix our attention on this point: how to balance between work ethics of a news reporter and general morality.
  The news reporter whom we need nowadays should be an impartial and adiaphorous observer. He also shoulders the same responsibility as other common people and should have the basic general morality. We discuss how to balance between work ethics and general morality when a news reporter undertakes his job. In fact, this is a scale which can not be mediated and even has no balance point. There must be incline between these two according to different news reporters of different characters. However, this incline has its own law and principle.
  News reports must be object and true. But it does not mean news has no humanity and human emotions; it does not mean news replaces general morality with responsibility and even obliterates it. Maybe the times we have always been pursuing is coming when the valuable news and the strongly effective picture disappear from our views. However, even in this kind of times, the work of a news reporter is also indispensable. Work righteousness is the base of a news reporter’s credit standing. The window of minds should never be blinded by some so-called responsibilities. General morality and work ethics of a news reporter is inseparable. It all depends on how the news reporter views it and grasps it.   Take the picture “The Starving Sudan” for example. The photographer seized this so precious and rare scene with his keen insight. For it, the whole world was warned once again. We saw exactly the poverty in Africa and millions of refugees with hopeless look. If there had not been the visual and lively report and photo, how could we who live in the comfort perceive the desperation in Africa and how to arouse the attention and help of people around all over the world? Isn’t the function and importance of this picture much larger than to save one person who is among millions of people that face the same fate? The key is that only this kind of picture can make us see the true and also the severe fact of the whole world. Furthermore, there are concrete dividing jobs in the modern society. There are administrant departments and even international and territorial aid organizations in every country and even in every city. What and where are their responsibilities? No person accuses them of the happening and going-on of this tragic scene. On the contrary, they pour their accusations upon a news reporter whose responsibility is to supervise and report with truth and objectivity. A really valuable news works is able to reveal the ponderance of problems and by it to urge the relative organizations to do something useful, consequently, make them exert the functions effectively under the news supervision. This enlists the larger interests for general morality as well. One person’s starvation and helplessness is not terrible, what is terrible is the going-on of this situation and facing it the relative organizations do nothing and even accept its existence. It is this phenomenon that is the most terrible thing that is against general morality.
【摘要】本文以自己的一堂课第一次上课过程和经过反思后的上课过程为例,探究了在转换或递进教学内容时,如何进行流畅的连接。总结出了三点衔接流畅的策略,即导入提问要符合学生认知,问题要由易到难,环环相扣,重难点问题,准备铺垫性的问题,以符合学生的认知规律。  【关键词】问题衔接 转换和递进 引导和铺垫  目前,很多老师在阅读教学实践中往往会采用“三阶段”阅读教学模式,即在阅读课时一般要设计读前、读中和读
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【摘要】在新课标的指导下,以教师为主的理念逐渐向以学生为主的理念转变。学生作为学习的中心和主体地位日益受到广大教师群体的关注。然而中学生主动学习英语的积极性尤其是农村学校学生的积极性仍然不高。本文通过对影响中学生主动学习的因素分析并阐述培养学生自主学习能力的方法,使学生终生受益。  【关键词】英语学习 主动性 影响因素 培养策略  在新课标的指导下,以教师为主的理念逐渐向以学生为主的理念转变。学生
【摘要】微课是信息技术的发展的产物,同时也是一种全新的教学模式。它不仅能够打破传统教学课堂时间的限制,还能增强课堂的学习氛围。因此,它被广泛应用在小学英语教学中。所以本文分析了微课的主要特点,然后详细阐述了如何借助微课,提高小学英语教学质量,提高学生学习效率。  【关键词】微课 提高 小学英语 教学 质量  英语是小学生学习的重要科目之一。新课程标准明确指出:小学英语教师应该以学生为主体,培养学生
【摘要】对《简爱》的前篇《藻海无边》的解析长期以来绝大多数都是关于后殖民话题与女性主义的解读。然而,随着创伤理论的兴起,对《藻海无边》的重新解读令人深刻的体会到其更是一部完整的创伤小说。在文本中,作者琼·里斯逐步刻画了女主人公安托瓦内特受到创伤迷失自我,走出创伤重获新生的艰苦历程。  【关键词】创伤 精神 身份危机  一、创伤性小说的创作背景  “创伤”是本论文的关键词之一,在本文中,其意义主要是