One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

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  Black fish
  This one has a little star.
  Blue fish
  This one has a little car.
  Old fish
  New fish
  Say! What a lot of fish there are.
  Yes. Some are red.
  And some are blue.
  And some are very, very bad.
  Some are sad.
  And some are glad.
  Why are they sad and glad and bad?
  Some are thin.
  And some are fat.
  The fat one has a yellow hat.
  From there to here,
  From here to there,
  Funny things are everywhere.
  Here are some who like to run.
  They run for run in the hot, hot sun.
  Oh me! Oh my!
  Oh me! Oh my!
  What a lot of funny things go by.
  Some have two feet and some have four.
  Some have six feet and some have more.
  We see them come.
  We see them go.
  Some are high.
  Some are fast.
  And some are low.
  And some are slow.
  Look at his fingers!
  One, two, three ...
  How many fingers do I see?
  One, two, three, four,
  five, six, seven, eight,
  nine, ten. He has eleven!
  Eleven! This is something new.
  I wish I had eleven, too!
  At our house we open cans.
  We have to open many cans.
  And that is why we have a Zans.
  A Zans for cans is very good.
  Have you a Zans for cans? You should.
  Brush! Brush!
  Brush! Brush!
  Comb! Comb!
  Comb! Comb!
  Blue hair is fun to brush and comb.
  Did you ever milk this kind of cow?
  Did you ever fly a kite in bed?
  Well, we can do it. We know how.
  If you never did, you should.
  These things are fun and fun is good.
  Today is gone.
  Today was fun.
  Tomorrow is another one.
  Every day, from here to there,
  funny things are everywhere.
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Listen and match
Star light, star bright,  First star I see tonight.  I wish I may, I wish I might,  Have the wish I wish tonight.
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在那遥远的地方,有一片世外桃源,那里住着许多小动物!有一只小公鸡,总觉得自己才是世界上最帅的,那么他会遇到什么有趣的事情呢?来自江苏省东台市头灶镇小学的同学们将来“讲述”Mr. Handsome的故事……  主要演员:  凌 爽、王佳伟、黄浩楠、丁静妍、杨佳怡、丁宇凡等  Rooster: I am Mr. Handsome. Look at me, red comb, colorful coat