Divisor is a two-digit division of the trial method, roughly the following nine: 1. To the tail method. Think of a divisor as the smaller, whole number that comes close to it. For example, 284 ÷ 48 and 284 ÷ 43, with 40 to try. 2 finishing method. Think of a divisor as the larger, whole number that comes close to it. For example, 284 ÷ 48 and 284 ÷ 43, with 50 to try. 3 rounding method. When the divisor bit is 1, 2, 3, 4 hours, with a smaller whole number to test; when the divisor bits are 5,6,7,8,9, with a larger whole Ten to try. For example, 284 ÷ 48, with 50 to try; 284 ÷ 43, with 40 to try.