Bourdieu, Culture and the Production of Belief

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  Pierre Bourdieu is widely regarded as one of the greatest sociologists and thinkers in the 20th century due to his contributions to a broad range of areas. His studies on culture, amongst other things, have been in the center of discussions for and brought profound influence on our society. This essay attempts to explore Bourdieu’s research on culture, particularly the production of belief. It argues that the production of belief not only has relations with the object, but also is largely affected by the subject’s own conditions, especially the field he/she belongs to, the cultural capital he/she owns and the habitus he/she possesses. The analysis is unfolded using a string of key propositions within Bourdieu’s theoretical framework. It is expected that this article could, at least to some extent, assist the understanding of Bourdieu’s works on how belief is produced in the reality, which is in line with Bourdieu’s own advocate of practice theory.
  Bourdieu (1993) created three key concepts, namely field, capital and habitus, and these serve as the pillars of his theories. The application of the concepts is instrumental in interpreting the society from both objective and subjective perspectives as advocated by Bourdieu. More specifically, a field can be seen as an objective setting existed among various social positions. In society, there are a large number of fields that are autonomous and independent such as the religious field, the economic field and the like. As per Bourdieu’s (1979) own words, different social fields are places where participants struggle for victory. All these fields follow their own rules and are irreplaceable by other fields. Therefore, in different fields, naturally, subjects are restricted by differing rules. Nonetheless, Bourdieu reckoned that subjects were not in a totally passive position when facing these rules. On the contrary, subjects are able to change rules through practice, albeit unconsciously for most of the time. Through such practice, the unity of two opposite sides, subjectivism and objectivism, becomes possible.
  When it comes to how the aforementioned practice could be done, capital and habitus step in. Bourdieu argued that social capital and cultural capital played crucial roles, and all these three forms were symbolic capital. He further stated that different classes in the society had, and were in turn positioned by, different amounts of total capital owned. In this essay, the focus is on cultural capital, which according to Bourdieu could usually be gained via education and other ways. To understand this concept, it is crucial to examine cultural capital’s symbolic features.   Another concept habitus refers to all kinds of durable while changeable system of dispositions. Habitus is a reflection to the external world, and it comes from life experience, education and other backgrounds. As can be seen, the idea of habitus gives a heavy weight to subjectivism rather than objectivism. Bourdieu did not draw a clear line between habitus and capital, it could be reasonably concluded that habitus per se is a form of capital, and it more or less implies different resources owned by different subjects.
  In terms of art, Bourdieu argued that culture of each time would create specific beliefs and values about art, and these beliefs and values dominated the ways through which people viewed artworks or even artists. Bourdieu (1996) further pointed out that the producer of artworks and accompanied values was not artist who created them physically; rather the true producer was the production field of belief that created them spiritually. Therefore, this essay argues that according to Bourdieu the value of artworks come not from themselves and artists behind but from the production of belief. In this context, the essence of analyzing artworks turns into the scrutinization of belief. First and foremost, visual art must be physically seen by its audience, but what’s controversial is that how the audience view art is a matter of opinion rather than fact. As Berger (1972) argued the way we saw things was impacted by what we already knew or believed, the essence of which could fit well into Bourdieu’s key concepts as discussed earlier.
  Advertising is another form of contemporary art discussed in this essay. Even though some might argue that advertisement is more like a commercial product rather than art, yet the fact that ads are watched by so much audience demonstrates its indispensable role in modern society. As to TV ads, the main group of audience is family members especially housewives who usually turn ads into buying decisions. Therefore, the field has been established. Also, as mentioned earlier field actively interacts with cultural capital. In this respect, it is reasonable to say the ordinary families, on average, do not have a very high taste for art. In other words, those who have a higher level of cultural capital like artists may probably reckon ads as vulgar from the perspective of art.
  The production of belief in the context of culture is a complex one. Although it is difficult to precisely assess what factors play what roles in this process, Bourdieu’s theories might be instrumental in understanding some important facets. This essay reviews Bourdieu’s key arguments on field, cultural capital as well as habitus. Through applying these concepts to three contemporary art forms, the essay argues that the production of belief comes from a combination of subjectivism and objectivism. The artwork itself is important in producing beliefs regarding it, but the subject who views the artwork is also vital. Therefore, the production of belief can be seen as a cultural process where the subject’s own backgrounds are integrated into the object’s value as a whole.
  1.Benjamin, W. (2008). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. UK: Penguin.
  2.Berger, J. (1972). Ways of seeing. Harmondsworth, UK: British Broadcasting Corporation.
  3.Bourdieu, P. (1979).Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste, London: Routledge.
  4.Bourdieu, P. (1993).Thefield of cultural production: essays on art and literature, Cambridge:Polity.
  5.Bourdieu, P. (1996). The rules of art: Genesis and structure of the literary field. USA: Stanford University Press.
摘要:我国的历史悠久,具有浓厚的文化底蕴。同时我国党组织在多次会议中都指出要重视对中国传统文化的传承与发扬工作,做好文化强国工作的实施。所以,我国要针对教学的理念以及方式进行深入的研究,在教学中融入中国的传统文化。民族音乐是传统文化重要的传承方式,对学生进行民族音乐的教学,可以加强学生的艺术沉淀,提升学生的音乐素养,实现中国传统音乐的传承与发展,为传统文化的发展奠定基础。  关键词:小学音乐;民族
摘要:思维导图是一项能够将知识体系具体化的教学方式,文章从思维导图在小学数学教学中的用处出发,探究出其在课堂上的具体运用,并提出几点建议,希望能够让思维导图在我国小学数学的教学发展中发挥更大的作用。  关键词:小学数学;思维导图;重难点;易错题;学习能力;卷面成绩  1、思维导图的综述  1.1定义  思维导图就是将学生平时所学习的枯燥的、抽象的数学概念等知识点,以文字和图片的形式展现在学生面前。
摘要:数学作为义务教育阶段的核心课程,在学前教育时期就应该打好基础。幼儿在学前教育阶段学到的知识对他们起到了重要的启蒙作用,教师不仅要完成这一阶段的数学启蒙任务,还应该与小学数学的课程衔接,为孩子们打下必要的知识与能力基础。本文主要针对幼儿园与小学数学教学的衔接,谈一谈如何在学前教育中做好衔接工作。  关键词:幼儿园;小学数学;教学衔接  引言:  数学知识是有一定抽象性的,很多幼儿升入小学后无法
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摘要:当前教育要求促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展,美术课是培养学生直观审美能力的主要学科,在美术的学习过程中学生会逐渐养成独特的审美能力,有利于引导学生提升自身的创新素养,锻炼学生的创造力。本文主要探讨了小学美术教学中如何培养学生的审美能力,陶冶学生的情操,进而使学生成为综合型人才。  关键词:小学;美术教学;审美能力;培养策略  引言:小学阶段的学生还没有对学习形成足够的认知,这一阶段的主要教育
摘要:小学阶段的科学课堂,能有有效培育学生们科学的思维方式,锻炼小学生的科学素质,让学生们树立对于自然、日常生活中经常遇见的现象的正确意识,由于师生之间存于一定的年纪差距,因此所具有的思维与认识并不一样。这种情况之下小学教师就需要应用合适的教学手段展开小学课堂教育教学,让课堂充满轻松愉悦的氛围。  关键词:小学科学课堂;教育教学;有效对策  一、调动学生的学习兴趣  俗话说“兴趣是最好的老师”,是