Cooperation Brings Mutual Benefit

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  The European Commission’s decision to slap tariffs on Chinese solar panels has met strong opposition and caused much dispute. Alongside a weak economic recovery, it might be more wise for the EU to seek cooperation and common development with China rather than provoke a trade war for partial interests.
  China and the EU are important trading partners and have enjoyed an increasingly thriving relationship in recent years. The latter is China’s biggest trade partner and top import source while the former is Europe’s second biggest trade associate and third largest export haven. In 2012, both sides hit over $546 billion in trade. Despite positive developments, bilateral trade disputes remain, which can only be solved via negotiations.
  At present, solar panel producers in the EU face serious problems. Prior to the global financial crisis, the EU had issued a development plan on renewable energy sources, taking steps to push for the transformation of the energy industry via subsidies, amongst others. However, support has dwindled in recent years, resulting in decreasing market demand, as well as the decline or bankruptcy of some photovoltaic enterprises.
  On the other hand, Chinese photovoltaic enterprises have always prioritized technological innovation and large-scale production, constantly reducing costs, which is the major factor behind the competitive edge of Chinese solar panels. However, the EU, citing India in its investigations, has ignored the resilience of Chinese made products. In fact, production costs of solar panels in India are much higher than in China, while few can rival the scale of industry within the latter.
  In the global solar panel scheme, China is at an advantage in the production of battery components and panels, while the EU takes the leading role in research and development, raw materials and equipment manufacture. Their respective strong points are revealed in product prices. This is the result of economic globalization and international industrial specialization, as well as comparative advantages and free competition.
  China has shown sincerity and a constructive stance in the trade dispute. Likewise, the EU should in turn be sincere in its efforts to reach a settlement that satisfies both parties. What we need is cooperation rather than confrontation.
【摘要】以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心。当前履职环境日趋复杂,基层央行要提高履职效能,必须把以人为本放在首位,通过实现“人本管理”,科学合理地配置人力资源,达到效率的最大化,为全面做好新形势下的基层央行工作,提供可靠的智力支持和人才保证。  【关键词】基层央行 人本管理 以人为本 人力资源  一、当前基层央行队伍现状透析  一是“人”“岗”相适性较弱。虽然近年新行员的录用缓解了人员紧张矛盾,但由
【摘要】出纳是一项繁琐性、适应性、专业性很强的工作,出纳工作既是财务管理工作的起点,又在整个财务工作中起着承前启后的作用。随着高等职业教育的跨越式发展以及高职院校财务会计制度的不断改革完善,对高职院校的财务管理工作提出了新的更高的要求。因此,如何在新的形势下,创新及完善高职院校的出纳工作,为高职院校财务管理工作的顺利开展奠定坚实的基础就成为我们必须予以重点研究的课题。  【关键词】高职院校 出纳工
摘要:财务管理对于企业的发展具有十分重要的作用,是企业日常管理中十分重要的部分,有助于企业的可持续发展,然而,建筑企业财务管理依旧存在一些问题,影响企业的长远发展,本文主要对建筑企业财务管理现状加以分析并提出相关措施,旨在改进我国的建筑企业财务管理,提升建筑企业财务管理水平。  关键词:建筑企业;财务管理;现状分析  随着我国市场经济的快速发展,建筑企业财务管理对于建筑企业的发展日益重要。一般来讲
【摘要】公立医院财务管理是医院发展中不可忽视的重要环节。财务人员由于长期处于常规性、事务性的财务工作,普遍存在思想素质不过硬、职称学历偏低、创新意识不强问题。通过对医院财务人员加强职业道德教育、提升职称学历水平、树立终身学习意识、加强创新创强意识教育,提升医院财务人员综合素质。  【关键词】公立医院 财务人员 素质提升  公立医院是指政府举办的纳入财政预算管理的医院,也就是国营医院、国家出钱办的医
Despite opposition from 18 EU memberstates,hundreds of EU solar companies and 15 European photovoltaic (PV) associations,Karel De Gucht,EU's Trade Commissioner,