夏日是做梦的季节,众多欧洲小镇会变身为超大剧场,戏剧表演、舞蹈轮番上阵,陷身其中你会难以分辨现实与梦境!布雷根茨艺术节Bregen Art Festival湖边建起中国长城一年一度的布雷根茨艺术节是奥地利最负盛名的艺术节之一,始于1946年。今年艺术节的主演场地依然是位于城边的水上舞台,这座舞台坐落在奥地利与德国、瑞士交界的博登湖上,是目前欧洲最大的露天水上舞台,最多可容纳6800名观众。水上舞台歌剧一直是布雷根茨艺术节的最大看点。今年艺术节的最大亮点是整个舞台将被
Summer is a dream season, many European towns will be transformed into super-theater, theater performances, dance turns into battle, where you will find it difficult to tell the difference between reality and dream! Bregenz Festival Bregen Art Festival built the Great Wall of China The annual Bregenz Festival is one of the most prestigious arts festivals in Austria, beginning in 1946. This year’s festival is still the waterfront stage located on the edge of the city. Located on Lake Constance, where Austria meets Germany and Switzerland, it is the largest open-air stage in Europe with a maximum capacity of 6,800 spectators. Water stage opera has always been Bregenz Festival’s biggest spotlight. The biggest highlight of this year’s festival is the entire stage will be