Modeling and adaptive motion/force tracking for ver tical wheel on rotating table

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzj668
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This paper is devoted to the problem of modeling and adaptive motion/force tracking for a class of nonholonomic dynamic systems with affine constraints(NDSAC): a vertical wheel on a rotating table. Prior to the development of tracking controller,the dynamic model of the wheel in question is derived in a meticulous manner. A continuously differentiable friction model is also considered in the modeling. By exploiting the inherent cascade interconnected structure of the wheel dynamics, an adaptive motion/force tracking controller is presented guaranteeing that the trajectory tracking errors asymptotically converge to zero while the contact force tracking errors can be made small enough by tuning design parameters. Simulation results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking methodology. This paper is devoted to the problem of modeling and adaptive motion / force tracking for a class of nonholonomic dynamic systems with affine constraints (NDSAC): a vertical wheel on a rotating table. Prior to the development of tracking controller, the dynamic model of the wheel in question is derived in a meticulous manner. an exploratory motion of the trajectory tracking error asymptotically converge to zero while the contact force tracking errors can be made small enough by tuning design parameters. Simulation results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking methodology.
The globally optimal recursive filtering problem is studied for a class of systems with random parameter matrices,stochastic nonlinearities, correlated noises a
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