员工是公司的成本,还是公司的资产?对于这个问题,不同的公司有不同的回答。如果将员工定位于成本,企业效益不好的时候必定要压缩成本。而钟国仪则坚决地把员工定位成公司的资产,只要公司肯投资,这部分资产就必定可以升值。“这种投资可以是多方面的,不仅体现为薪水和福利,还体现在沟通、培训上,以及为员工提供发展机会, 等等。”加盟联邦快递之前,钟国仪已从事航空货运十年之久。谈起联邦快递在中国的发展,钟国仪的语气中显露出兴奋和自豪。钟国仪认为,在激烈的快
Is the employee the cost of the company or the company’s assets? Different companies have different answers to this question. If the staff located in the cost, poor business efficiency must be compressed when costs. While Zhong Guoyi firmly positioning employees as the company’s assets, as long as the company is willing to invest, this part of the assets will certainly be appreciated. “This investment can be multi-faceted, not only for salaries and benefits, but also for communication, training, and development opportunities for employees, etc.” Prior to joining FedEx, Zhong Guoyi had been engaged in air cargo for ten years . Talking about the FedEx’s development in China, Zhong Guiyi’s tone showed excitement and pride. Zhong Guoyi believes that in the fierce fast