Read It and Keep: Is It Time to Reassess the“Beach Read”? 重识“海滩读物”

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  The “beach read” has become such a ubiquitous concept in contemporary literature that we assume it has always been around.2 In fact, the term only emerged in the 1990s, usually in book trade publications such as Booklist and Publisher’s Weekly.3 It was only around the middle of the decade that it migrated into the general lexicon and became something literary journalists began using.4
  It’s hard to pinpoint the first usage, but the summer of 1990 is when many writers began, which leads me to believe that somewhere out there is a canny book publicist sitting on the fact that he or she coined the term for a release that summer.5
  Vacation reading is not a new concept. Ever since the 19th century, when novels were considered relatively sinful indulgences,6 leisure and fiction-reading have been closely associated. But it was not until the wide popularization of paperbacks in America in the middle of the last century that you began to see the beach so closely entwined with a page-turning thriller.7
  Now the term is so ubiquitous that its definitions are a point of contention8. Many people, I’ve noticed by informally polling friends, are prone to distinguishing a beach read by genre.9 Some people thought all thrillers are beach reads; others thought all romances10 are. Some people thought only mass market paperbacks are eligible11 for beach read standards.
  Some thought a beach read must somehow incorporate summer or a vacation into the plot.12 Others thought it should be more escapist13 than that. Still others thought that the beach read was a way to designate14 the one summer bestseller that everyone was going to read. Gone Girl came up a lot.15 And still others thought the concept is gendered16, that books marketed to women are more prone to being called beach reads. This is perhaps true, but in a survey of the literature, as it were, I found it applied to plenty of male books, and in particular those written by James Patterson17.
  Still, the essence of the beach read, most could agree, was more of a mood than anything else: attached to vacation, the book shouldn’t have any really weighty themes or social significance.18 It should be enjoyable and easy, with brisk pace and simple diction.19 An element of fantasy is generally involved.
珊瑚  本名曲丽杰,著名越野跑运动员、教练、公益志愿者,国内首位将TDG(巨人之旅)、UTMB(环勃朗峰超级越野跑)和UTMF(环富士山超级越野跑)三大国际越野赛全部完成的女性。兼职编剧、专栏作家、新媒体总监,致力于越野跑文化在中国的推广传播,成立珊瑚越野俱乐部,并于2016年創办中国少儿越野赛,至今已成功举办5场。    2016 年,我和位于云南大理的“珊瑚越野俱乐部”的同事们,一起举办了第一
近年来,从思想史和历史的视角探讨译名的流变成为译名研究关注的热点。“intellectual”的译名探究即是一例。  众所周知,“intellectual”目前的译名“知识分子”一直为学界所诟病。方维规认为,中国从未有过一个公认的、真正能够匹配西方那种具有文化职能和社会职能的intellectual概念,把“知识分子”与“intellectual”对应,只能是方枘圆凿。(方维规:《概念的历史分量》
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1. 傻傻分不清楚  “傻傻分不清楚”是歌曲《野蛮游戏》的歌词,本来是说老虎和老鼠分不清楚,既可指这两个词发音模糊、不易区分,也可形容在爱情中很难看清对方是凶猛强势的老虎,还是弱小可爱的老鼠。这句流行歌词后来成为网络流行语,被广泛传播与应用,常见于各种媒体、微博、论坛、博客、微信、贴吧,多用于比较两个相似的人或事物。由于二者相似度过高,无法弄清它们之间的区别,是一种戏谑化的网络夸张用语。  “傻”
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