随着人们生活水平的提高,机动车已经普遍的进入到了人们的日常生活之中,所以对于环境的破坏日益加剧,为了能够保护环境,人们对于机动车排放污染物也相应的越来越严格,很多国家都采用了ASM系统来对机动车炮房污染物的浓度进行判定。为了能够达到这个目的,VMAS系统应运而生,其首先被美国人提出,随后在我国也以其为标准设定了GB 18285机动车排放标准。本文以JJF 1385-2012为测量依据,通过建立的数学模型,对流量分析仪流量示值误差校准结果的不确定度进行了分析,得出流量示值误差校准结果的不确定度在(8.9~180)L/s处,为Ur e l=2.0%。
With the improvement of people’s living standards, motor vehicles have generally entered people’s daily lives, so the damage to the environment is aggravating day by day. In order to protect the environment, people are correspondingly more stringent in regard to the emission of pollutants by vehicles. Many countries have adopted the ASM system to determine the concentration of contaminants in motor vehicle shelters. In order to achieve this goal, the VMAS system came into being, first proposed by the Americans, followed by our country as its standard set GB 18285 motor vehicle emission standards. In this paper, based on the JJF 1385-2012 measurement, the uncertainty of calibration results of flow rate analyzer error is analyzed by the established mathematical model, and the uncertainty of flow calibration error is found to be between (8.9 ~ 180) L / s, Ur el = 2.0%.