Report on Introduction to art and literature in Renaissance

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  Common features of art in Renaissance:
  The most important feature is humanism. This includes one's perception,one's beliefs,one's sexuality,and one's worldview. The works of this period demanded the breaking of feudal theocracy and the breaking of feudal asceticism. Break the blockade of the feudal system on people's spirit and even the body. Renaissance art is marked by a gradual shift from the abstract forms of the medieval period to the representational forms of the 15th century. Subjects grew from mostly biblical scenes to include portraits,episodes from Classical religion,and events from contemporary life. Human figures are often rendered in dynamic poses,showing expression,using gesture,and interacting with one another. They are not flat but suggest mass,and they often occupy a realistic landscape,rather than stand against a gold background as some figures do in the art of the Middle Ages. Renaissance art from Northern Europe emphasized precise detail as a means of achieving a realistic work.
  Common features of literature in Renaissance:
  In the 13th century,Italian authors began writing in their native vernacular language rather than in Latin,French. Dante,Petrarch,and Machiavelli are notable examples of Italian Renaissance writers. Renaissance literature is characterized by the adoption of a Humanist philosophy and the recovery of the classical literature of Antiquity,and benefited from the spread of printing in the latter part of the 15th century.
  the link between art and literature in Renaissance and the ones in ancient Greece and Rome
  Although it has been a long time,the Renaissance is an event in which some of the advanced intellectuals of the emerging bourgeoisie,through the study of ancient Greek and Roman art and culture,propagating the humanistic spirit through literary and artistic creation. But what distinguishes the Renaissance from the ancient Greeks was that the core of the humanistic spirit was the idea of a human center rather than a deity to affirm human values and dignity. Therefore,the Renaissance art content became man and with the development of society paper,so a large number of excellent paintings appeared.
  The gods and men in ancient Greek literature had free and unrestrained individualism,revelations and pleasures of life,and displayed an indomitable spirit in the face of difficulties. The powerless fate brought confusion and fear to the ancient Greeks and fostered their self-consciousness and individual spirit. In addition,they have inspired vigorous life in the struggle against fate. Ancient Greek literature shows the vivacity and beauty of human nature in the pursuit of the values of the present world,the contradiction between man and fate,and expresses the freedom,optimism and romance of human childhood. Life consciousness,humanistic consciousness and free ideas are the basic spirit of ancient Greek literature. It became a profound cultural and ideological change in many European countries in the 14th-16th century. It was a bourgeois anti-feudal and anti-religious cultural movement formed under the historical conditions of the disintegration of European feudal society and the germination of capitalism. It proclaimed the end of the Middle Ages and the birth of modern society. Humanistic thought reflects the characteristics of antagonism against medieval feudal thought everywhere. It uses man against God,preaches human rights,and opposes the divine right. During the Renaissance,religious and aristocratic literature continued to exist in various European countries,and folk poetry,legends,jokes,fables,plays and other literary works were popular. Most of these styles of literature were born in ancient Greece. The Renaissance inherited and spread the various types of literary works to other countries and became the mainstream of European literature at that time.   common features of art and literature in China at the same period,and compare the features with the ones in Renaissance:
  During the Renaissance in Europe,China was in the Ming Dynasty.
  In this period,Europe and China both experienced a great deal of realism.The search for literary and artistic works has created an unprecedented prosperity.Most literary and artistic works of this period in China were to expose the condemnation of feudal society,Which called for the liberation of human nature,praise freedom,and long for a good society.European literature during this period also focused on reality and humanism.The works of this period required the breaking of feudal theocracy and the fetters of feudalism on people's minds.
  Three of China's four best-known works,"Water Margin","The Three Kingdoms"The Romance of West was all from the Ming Dynasty.All three works reflected the darkness of feudal society at that time.
  "The Divine Comedy","Hamlet" and "Decameron" reflected the decline of the feudal aristocracy in Europe at that time and embody the humanistic thought.
  In art,first performance in the Renaissance,the western painting art mainly Christian subjects to represent ordinary people rich inner expression,Chinese painting art is to express the author's feeling of description of objective object,this kind of emotion because of enjoying the experience,different region,different original tacit knowledge connotation of different thoughts are different. Secondly,the objects of western painting are the figures in concrete reality,which are representational. In Chinese painting,the specific images are changed through the artist's own emotions to make them more abstract.
  In literature,the literature of the Renaissance were of a combative nature. At that time,novelists,poets,painters,architects and musicians all took humanism as their ideological weapon and pointed their fingers at the church and religious theology,the spiritual pillar of feudalism,which bravely challenged the theocracy ruling in the middle Ages. Secondly,set up the attention reality and the actual pragmatic spirit. At that time,Chinese literature,including poetry,prose,fiction,drama and other fields,gradually showed an overall upward trend. Moreover,it also advocates the liberation of individuality,asks to get rid of the bondage of etiquette and religion,affirms human's natural desire,attaches importance to the expression of real emotions and so on.
【摘 要】提高初中學生的英语自学能力不是一蹴而就的,而是一步一步提升的过程。以当代教育为前提,老师在初中英语的课堂中,应该改变传统的教学模式,融入多元化教学,更应着重培养初中生的自学能力,进而全面提高初中生的综合素质和主观能动性。  【关键词】初中英语;自学能力;培养策略  随着人们对英语学科的重视,更加关注初中英语教学。初中阶段学生具有一定的理解能力,可塑性比较强,加强初中学生管理和教育,为未来
【摘 要】在中学阶段,物理是一门非常重要的课程,教学内容、教学设计、教学方法等在中学物理教学中都起着至关重要的作用,在新课改下对中学物理教学有了更高的要求,本文将基于中学物理教学设计的原则以及策略进行简单的论述,为中学物理教学设计提供一些参考。教学设计是以现代教育理论为基础发展的科学系统的教学方法,是当代教师最基本的教学工具。那么想做好一个教学设计,需要遵循的原则以及编写策略显得尤为重要。  【关
【摘 要】英语学科是中职教育中的重要学科,开展的目的是为了巩固学生的基础知识,培养其语言表达能力,在以后的学习和工作中能够灵活运用英语去交流沟通。所以教师要重视阅读习惯和技巧的培养,运用多样化的教学手段,提高学生的英语素养,进而使其获得全面发展。本文从当前中职英语教学中存在的问题入手,并提出了培养阅读习惯和技巧的措施,希望可以有效提高学生的学习水平,拥有良好的阅读习惯。  【关键词】中职英语教学;
【摘 要】中职计算机专业具有较强的专业性和操作性,要求学生在掌握理论知识的基础上,实现各种技能的操作。传统教学模式较为单一,导致课堂教学氛围极为枯燥,难以激发学生的学习兴趣。教学APP不仅拥有广泛的教学资源,而且其较强的趣味性极大的引起了学生的好奇心和探索欲,为高效课堂开展创造了良好的条件。  【关键词】教学APP;精准教学;提高成绩;措施  计算机是中职教育中不可或缺的一门课程,尽管众多学生知道
【摘 要】高中数学作为高考中的重要科目,具有学习难点多、内容较广的特点,学生在学习过程中中会出现一些困难,因此从能力导向角度积极有效的进行高中数学,有利于学生高中数学知识的掌握与运用,提高数学应用能力。教师要从培养学生数学学习能力的方向入手,有效改善传统数学教学策略,提升学生数学学习的效率。本文从高中数学概念教学的特征入手,分析当前高中数学概念教学存在的问题,进而从能力导向角度促进高中数学概念教学
【摘 要】化学学科是高中理科中十分重要的一门学科,它虽然不像物理和数学逻辑性那么强,但相应地需要记忆的东西也变多了,因此对学生的能力要求也提高了。本文分析了现在高中化学教学过程中存在的一些问题,提出了用实验提高高中化学学习效率的教学策略,希望能够借此提高教学質量和教学效率,使学生的综合素质能有较大的提升。  【关键词】高中化学;实验教学;教学策略  一、引言  化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,在高中
【摘 要】正所谓“德才兼备,以德为先”,高中班主任在日常的管理实践中,要注重对学生德育教育的培养和提高。本文即是在阐述高中班主任管理实践中融入德育教育价值的基础上,从故事教育、新闻事件融合以及组织德育活动三个角度出发,对于高中班主任德育教育的渗透方法进行说明,以供大家参考。  【关键词】高中班主任;管理实践;德育教育;教育价值  随着新课程教学改革的不断推进,传统的高中班主任班级管理方式已经不再满
【摘 要】随着新课改的不断提出,在2003年新课改提出的大背景下数学学科的学习在初中阶段中占据着越来越重要的作用,要求学生在掌握基础理论知识的同时,更应该通过不同的方式逐渐使得初中数学的高校课堂得以不断的构建,因此如何构建初中的数学高校课堂,也是目前教師应该思考的问题,作为一名合格的数学教师,应该不断的针对学生此前的学习状况和学习进度,开展适合学生的教学活动,使得学生在这样的课时活动当中逐渐感受到
“彼黍离离,彼稷之实;行迈靡靡,中心如噎”让我们感受到对国家的深情;“惟草木之零落兮,悲美人之迟暮”让我们感叹岁月的无情;“君子务本,本之而道生”让我们受到深深的启发······  这些优美而富有深情的话,便是文言文。它是我们中华优秀的传统文化,也是当今高中生的“噩梦”。文言文作为语文高考的元老级题型,随着高考改革而变化。高中生文言文阅读能力也应不断提高。为了传承发展文言文,我们该如何提高文言文的
【摘 要】本文的研究目的视为了明确纪检队伍建设的重要性,通过提出一些有针对性的建议来促进企业纪委发挥职能。经济的不断发展为公司的发展带来了机遇,为促进企业的健康发展,需要企业纪委充分发挥作用,加强自身队伍建设,通过加强思想作风建设、加强对业务知识的学习、建立健全人员机制、重视廉政建设和接受群众监督,来提升自身的能力,更好地监督企业运营。因此,本文提出的策略能够在一定程度上优化企业纪委的自身建设,有