
来源 :中国生育健康杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsl_1
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目的对河南省农村地区计划生育/生殖健康适宜技术的效果进行评价,提出河南省农村计划生育/生殖健康适宜技术推广可借鉴的模式和应用机制。方法采取“基层需求陈述、同行专家评议、政府管理参与”步骤。根据问卷调查表及专家座谈调查结果,从人口社会经济水平、技术需求、服务能力和人群生殖保健水平等方面掌握基层的需求。结合国家公布推荐的15项计划生育适宜技术,对每项技术进行评定,确定技术清单。通过对示范地区技术服务人员进行培训,调查其满意度、培训及推广情况,评定技术效果。结果共筛选出吉妮宫内节育器、安舒(γIUD)、宫腔镜检查技术、阴道镜检查技术、宫颈癌初级筛查技术、可视人流技术、宫颈炎康栓、宫糜脱8项技术,作为在宫内节育器、腔镜技术、宫颈癌初筛、宫颈炎检查和治疗方面适宜河南省农村地区的计划生育/生殖健康适宜技术。示范地区服务人员满意度较高,技术效果显著。结论通过本研究,可以提出河南省农村计划生育/生殖健康适宜技术推广可借鉴的模式和应用机制,能很大程度满足我省现阶段农村地区广大群众的计划生育/生殖保健服务需求。 Objective To evaluate the effect of suitable technologies of family planning and reproductive health in rural areas of Henan Province and to propose a model and application mechanism that can be used to refer to the appropriate technology of rural family planning and reproductive health in Henan Province. Methods to take “grassroots needs statement, peer expert evaluation, government management involvement ” steps. According to the questionnaire and experts’ survey results, the grassroots needs are grasped from the aspects of social and economic level of population, technical demand, service capability and population reproductive health level. Combined with the 15 recommended family planning technologies recommended by the State, each technology is assessed and the technical list is determined. Through the demonstration area of ​​technical service personnel training, survey its satisfaction, training and promotion, assess the technical effects. Results A total of 8 items of cervical intrauterine device, γIUD, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, primary screening of cervical cancer, visual abortion, cervicitis and suppository were all selected Technology, suitable as a suitable technology for family planning / reproductive health in rural areas of Henan Province in terms of IUD, endoscopic technique, cervical screening, cervicitis examination and treatment. Demonstration area service staff satisfaction is higher, the technical effect is remarkable. Conclusion Through this study, we can put forward the model and application mechanism of reference for the appropriate technology promotion of family planning / reproductive health in rural areas of Henan Province, which can largely meet the family planning / reproductive health care needs of the majority of people in rural areas of our province at this stage.