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  May 10, 2018 saw the unveiling of the 12th Taiwan-Zhejiang Cultural Festival in Taiwan. The festival is an annual event jointly held by Zhejiang in Taiwan. Since its inception in 2007, 40 plus groups from Zhejiang have staged over 200 performances and 30 some exhibitions in the fields of performing art, visual art, historical and cultural relics, intangible cultural heritages, and cultural and creative industry.
  The history of the festival indicates the popularity of the cultural exchanges program.
  The 12th festival extended from May 10 to June 13 and was held in Taipei City, Xinbei City, Nantou County, Taidong County and Yunlin County. The two key events of the festival from Zhejiang were an exhibition titled  and an acrobatic show.
  The acrobatic show was performed by 35 artists from Zhejiang General Troupe of Quyi and Acrobatics. The troupe staged its first performance at the theater of Nantou County Cultural Administration on May 10. The performance had won many top international acrobatic competitions in countries such as France and Italy.   Local people queued to get into the theater at six thirty in the afternoon. The 842-seat theater was full pretty soon. After the show, the acrobats from Zhejiang wowed that they looked at the audience from the stage and were surprised to find there were so many people including those along the walls and in the aisles. The show was punctuated by applause and laughter. The troupe staged second performance in Yunlin County on May 12 and the third at Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial in Taipei on May 15.
  was the centerpiece of the festival. Organized by Zhejiang Museum and held first at Railway Art Village in Taidong County, the exhibition highlighted how rich the traditional life is in the province and how the regional aesthetics permeates everyday life. In order to promote cultural exchanges and friendship across the straits, guests at the exhibition sealed Longjing Tea that represented Zhejiang and Oolong Tea that represented Taiwan into a jar, together with a couplet jointly inscribed by Lai Yinjie, a government official of Zhejiang, and Huang Jianting, county magistrate of Taidong. The couplet read: “Fragrances of tea add flavor to the both sides of the straits and culture shares the same roots and same tradition.” The jar will serve as witness to the cultural exchanges between the two provinces and will be opened in the future.
  After the tea sealing ceremony, Cai Qin, deputy curator of Zhejiang Museum, took the guests around and explained exhibits in the five sections featuring tea ceremony, chess playing, Guqin performance, incense burning, and calligraphy writing. The researchers from Zhejiang Museum demonstrated calligraphy and gave a lecture on ancient wine vessels.
  Among the exhibits was a huge sculpture by Lin Gang, president of Hangzhou Institute of Sculpture. The sculpture presented elements of the postindustrial period such as disused machine parts and put together through modern industrial methods. The regrouped piece presented a unique perspective on the world. Another artwork of significance at the exhibition was an embroidery tapestry titled , adapted from the namesake painting by Chen Jialing, a master of silk weaving technique, which is on the national list of intangible cultural heritage. The modernistic artwork was indeed a masterpiece. Another exhibit of significance was Ode to Wuxing, a duplicate of a work of calligraphy written in 1301 by Zhao Mengfu of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The original work is now in the collection of Zhejiang Museum.
  The exhibition at Taidong extended from May 12 through 26. Then the exhibition moved to Jinwen University of Science and Technology in Xinbei, where it lasted from May 29 through June 13.
7月9日,浙江歌舞剧院、浙江交响乐团联合创排的民族歌剧《青春之歌》开排,并将于9月中旬在杭州首演。日前,该剧已被文化部列入“中国民族歌剧传承发展工程重点扶持剧目”,被浙江省委宣传部、浙江省文化厅列入2017年度重点项目,成为浙江献礼十九大的重点剧目。    用歌剧演绎半个世纪前的“青春小说”  此剧汇聚了浙歌最优秀的演员,还特邀了国内一线歌剧主创团队加盟。导演是中国名导张曼君。张曼君曾获得戏剧梅花
提起陈香梅女士,大家首先想到的是一连串闪亮的头衔:望族名媛、飞虎将军遗孀、华府资深顾问、银行董事、中美破冰外交家……  如今,这位世界知名人物与德清结下了情缘。6月17日下午,陈香梅签名藏书票捐赠仪式在德清举行,这枚珍贵的礼物辗转落户德清余英溪畔的陆放艺术馆,成为该馆“镇馆之宝”。  版画家陆放精心制作    陈香梅签名的藏书票是由著名版画家陆放雕刻印制的。谈起这枚藏书票,陆放打开了话匣子,他说:
著名文化学者余秋雨说过,地球上有两条人造的长线是中华民族独有的,是中国人的骄傲。一条是万里长城,一条是京杭大运河,让中国人感到骄傲和自豪。京杭大运河从北京跨越6省2市,止于杭州。而大运河对于崔巍,则是生命的载体和职业的主线。  文化和艺术是世界共同的语言。作为国家一级导演、杭州歌剧舞剧院院长,崔巍非常忙碌。金酉初秋的一个下午,笔者与刚刚导演完第十三届全国学生运动会开闭幕式的崔巍如约见面。她还略显疲
500多年前,一代儒学宗师王阳明出生于浙江余姚,他中年为官,因触怒宦官,被贬至贵州龙场。在龙场这安静又困难的环境里,王阳明结合历年来的遭遇,日夜反省,最终悟道,这就是历史上著名的“龙场悟道”。他提出“致良知”“知行合一”,成为心学集大成者。他精通儒、释、道三家学说,而且上马能战,下马能文,做到了“立德、立功、立言”,被誉为“真三不朽者”。  王阳明是浙学代表人物之一,他的思想是一笔宝贵的文化遗产,
“曾记得,菊花赋诗夺魁首,海棠起社斗清新,怡红院中行新令,潇湘馆内论旧文”,浪漫轻柔的钢琴伴奏越剧《红楼梦》选段凄美地萦绕在座无虚席的杭州剧院内。林黛玉弱柳扶风的形象和脍炙人口的王派唱腔,引来场内掌声雷动……已很久没有这种体验了,前阵子这场《“琴越”独唱音乐会》,着实让笔者被惊艳到了。    简洁大气的舞台上,着一袭粉色绣花礼服的中国戏剧梅花奖得主、著名越剧演员陈晓红清丽优雅、楚楚动人,她正与浙江
在伊达斯建筑论坛位于柏林市中心的办公室,克里斯汀、汉斯讲述了他们和松阳的故事。  和伊达斯关注过的世界上其他地方的建筑实践相比,松阳乡村发展的独特之处是什么?  最大区别是,它切实发生了。我们在欧洲和世界上其他地方讨论被人们忽视的乡村问题,我们开会、做展览,但是中国在行动,在向前推进,不是在空谈。我不知道建筑师徐甜甜和当地人这种非常好的互动,是如何建立起来的,重要的是他们找到彼此,彼此支持、彼此信
摘 要:本文主要探讨休闲娱乐功能是不是博物馆的一项重要功能?通过对博物馆进行调查,阐述当今博物馆休闲娱乐功能的发展现状并针对其存在的问题提出建议使其更好地为观众服务。  关键词:博物馆;休闲娱乐;设施;  中图分类号:TU242.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-3520(2014)-07-00-03  一、休闲娱乐功能是博物馆的一项重要功能  在1989年修订的国际博物馆协会章程中, 对博
城市书房是与小康社会发展水平相适应的公共文化布局、环境和服务的转型升级,提升了图书馆的社会地位,为业界提供了可复制、可借鉴的办馆模式。  日前的一个傍晚,笔者途经金华“悦读吧”,小屋灯火通明,透过落地玻璃窗,只见室内众多人或手书一卷,或奋笔疾书。这是金华市今年初首批开放的两家“悦读吧”之一的东苑分馆。“24小时全天候开放,就像是读者的‘专用书房’。”市民王晶说。  “让我有了‘家’的感觉”  “悦