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  It is a typical Tuesday morning. I am sitting in the back of a classroom and observing an English reading class. As usual, the teacher first introduces some new words, asking students to read after her and then moves to analysis of the chosen text. By analysing I mean the teacher is translating sentence by sentence for the students, after which students are required to answer questions listed under the text in unison. These questions are all text-based and close-ended, leading to predictable and seemingly perfect students’ performances. I was one of the victims of this way of teaching one decade ago. Yet Chinese teachers now are still using the same old way to teach students, never stopping for just one second and thinking about whether this is effective to teach a language. They just copy what was set to be done one decade ago and repeat the routine day in and day out.
  I have been working in this field for more than four years. Along my path, I am surprised to see how many teachers in China are still puzzled about what matters to day-to-day teaching and hesitated to take actions to turn things around. In language teaching, the bottom line is that teachers can prepare students for their future academic lives so that they can meet complex career requirements. To be exact, instead of teaching students only content, focus should be more on a practical approach of building skills. It is hard to achieve this end since most instructions are rigid and rote as I described above. Without considering individual needs and then tailoring day-to-day practice to meet individual needs, students found them studying in a hostile setting: advanced students cannot get enough practice whereas the low English proficiencies are still struggling in class. Feeling excluded and discriminated, no one will benefit from this way of teaching. To offer equity and inclusion in language teaching for a class of 35 to 40 students with mixed abilities, one way to realize this is to adopt differentiated instruction. Three main aspects need to be taken into consideration when practicing this way of teaching.
  Initially, when planning lessons, teachers need to think about students’ learning style. Most teachers here in China are using the way best suited with reading and writing learners who prefer to digest information displayed as words, neglecting the fact that visual learners, aural learners and kinaesthetic learners are learning differently. Using only one way to teach language denies the opportunities to learn efficiently for those who are unable to adjust this way of teaching. To avoid this, the easiest way is to display information via various media. Take vocabulary lesson as an example. When introducing a new word, one needs to write it down on the board so that reading learners could see. Teachers need to pronounce this word so that aural learners could hear. To meet visual learners’ needs, a video could be incorporated. Teachers could even bring a real-life object so that kinaesthetic learners could touch and smell.   Secondly, it is necessary for teachers to design their lessons based on students’ abilities. Some of advanced teachers have come to realize that rote memorization will not pose positive influence on students’ acquisition of a foreign language for the long run and these teachers have begun to design class activities to diversity teaching styles, in the hope that students could apply what is leaned right away. Nevertheless, they forget to group students by common interest, topic or ability for assessments. If a speaking class is about sports, assigning students working in pairs to discuss football and then to display the discussion will lead nowhere.
  Lastly, managing the classroom to create a safe and supportive environment is as equally important as the above two aspects. A classroom is a place to learn, not a place to sit through 45 minutes. Instead of leaving classroom walls blank, teachers could decorate the classroom in a full English-immersion way by posting topic-related vocabulary, graphic and students’ work. For those who have low English proficiencies, posted vocabulary could ease the pain of communication and understanding obstacles; for intermediate language learners, graphics could aid to deeper understanding towards certain concepts and structures; displaying different students’ work of achievement in the classroom brings about growing dependence and trust between teachers and students, which in turn leading to greater motivation of engagement.
  What is stated above are fundamentals that construct equity and inclusion in language teaching. It would be even more complicated if students are from multiple cultural backgrounds. Therefore, studying in a program that values equity, inclusion and diversity would certainly prepare me for further development and better application of these principles in the field of language teaching.
  【作者簡介】Mo Lijuan, 1990, VIA International Department, Research Direction: ESL Teaching.
【摘要】为了更好融合创新信息技术与课堂教学,本文基于101网校提供的云平台智慧课堂,对高中英语阅读课的教学模式进行了探索和研究。本文提出的教学模式以课前、课中、课后的具体教学活动为例,说明了智慧课堂的构建模式。  【关键词】101云平台;高中英语阅读课;教学模式  【作者简介】张琴,兰州新区舟曲中学。   【基金项目】兰州市 “ 十三五 ”2018 年度课题LZ[2018]GR0830研究成果。 
【摘要】随着我国教育制度的不断发展进步,教育教学中要求教师要顺应新课改发展趋势,采取适合学生需求的教学方式,确立学生的主体地位,从而开展有效的教学。初中英语是初中生学习的重点科目,随着经济全球化趋势的不断加强,英语知识的学习已经受到大部分人的关注,在初中英语教学中,采取小组合作学习的模式,有利于增加学生学习英语的参与度,提升学生对英语知识学习的兴趣,提高英语课堂的教学效率。  【关键词】初中;英语
【摘要】对高职农学专业学生进行《农学英语》课程的教学,不仅可以帮助学生提高实际应用语言的技能,还能培养他们用英语处理与未来职业相关业务的能力。本文主要探讨在《农学英语》专业课程教学中,针对我院实际情况,开发合理的教材,积极运用信息化教学手段,并结合分层教学,小组合作等教学策略,调动学生学习积极性,培养他们自主学习英语的能力,提高课堂效率,从而提高学生的语言交际能力,提升他们的就业竞争力。  【关键
【摘要】顺应社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,顺应中国社会发展的需要,掌握一门世界通用语言—英语,已经成为现代人才素质的基本要求。在这样的趋势下,望子成龙的家长们唯恐自己的孩子输在起跑线上,都希望让孩子尽早学习英语、提前做好准备。因此,幼儿英语教学的热潮不仅出现在我国沿海城市,同样也出现在内陆地区。作为幼儿师范学校,如何培养幼儿园优秀的英语教师,是一个值得研究的课题。  【关键词】就业导向;幼师英语
【摘要】在初中英语的教学中,由于受到“应试教育思想”和“传统教学观念”的影响,教师们在开展教学活动的过程中往往仅仅注重知识的灌输,而忽略了课堂教学的主体也就是学生,在学习方面,学生应该作为主导者。下面,本文就初中英语课堂教学如何有效的进行创新教学展开叙述。  【关键词】应试教育思想;传统教学观念;初中英语;创新教学  【作者简介】张永,安徽省涡阳县雪枫中学。  初中英语作为学生重要的交流工具,学生
【摘要】近几年来高中英语写作的重要性在逐步提升,分值也在高考试卷中日益增多,所以如何有效地提高英语书面表达能力就成为了我们必须关注的问题。短文改错作为一个考查学生英语综合能力的题型,对提高英语书面表达能力有着举足轻重的作用,因此改进短文改错训练方式是提高书面表达能力的必经之路。本文针对高中英语书面表达存在的问题进行研究,并旨在通过改进短文改错训练方式来解决这一难题。  【关键词】短文改错;训练方式
【摘要】在學习的过程中,不少学生常常以为自己按部就班地学习就完成了任务,不需要再作其他思考,所以虽然显得忙忙碌碌,对于学习的方法从没有多花时间作一番思考和总结。事实上,由于老师讲课不可能面面俱到,而仅仅是重要的部分,有些学习方法该由个人归纳总结。  【关键词】英语笔记;笔记内容;复习;预习  【作者简介】李地春,山东省东营市广饶县英才中学。  俗话说得好“好记性不如烂笔头”,“眼过千遍不如手过一遍
【摘要】农村小学学生英语听力学习存在众多“先天”缺陷,诸如经济因素、教师水平因素等。我们如何解决呢?可通过激发学生听力兴趣、注重语言知识过关、注意教学方法改进、注重听力技巧培养等方法去解决。  【关键词】小学英语;听力策略;技巧  听、说、读、写是英语教学中的四种基本技能,我们都知道听和说是学习英语的基础,而且“聽”处于最基础、最关键的地位,那么造成听力理解困难的原因是什么呢?如何帮助学生去排除这
【摘要】中西方之间的差异性,不仅体现在政治经济上,也体现在语言文化上。禁忌语作为一种语言文化现象,在中西方语言文化中存在明显的不同。中西方禁忌语的不同,对两者之间的文化交流起到了一定的阻碍作用。本文主要针对中西方跨文化交际中禁忌语的有关问题进行分析,目的是在明确禁忌语异同点的基础上,促进中西方文化之间的交流。  【关键词】跨文化交际;汉英文;禁忌语  【作者简介】卢绍迎(1979-), 男, 广西
【摘要】随着经济的快速发展,英语已经不再是单纯的工具,逐渐成了全新的思维方式。因此在小学英语教学中就要做好自然拼读教学工作,通过与英语绘本阅读的融合,以此来培养学生早期的阅读素养。基于此本文针对小学英语绘本阅读与自然拼读教学进行了简要阐述,仅供参考。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本阅读;自然拼读;教学;融合  【作者简介】王绿萍,福建省漳州市大房学校。  【基金项目】福建省中小学名师名校长培养工程专项