On Effective Strategies of Oral English Teaching in Junior High School

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  1.The main problems of oral English Teaching in junior high school and the analysis of its causes
  1.1 Too many students in one class
  Cultivating students’ listening and speaking abilities must be through a large number of repeated practice, during which, every student must have enough chance of listening and speaking training. China, however, is a country with a large population, there are large groups of students, but the teachers and teaching resources are limited. There are only a few private foreign language schools that teach English in small classes, each about 30 students. Most of the schools, especially public schools, teach English in large classes, the number of students in a class is about 60 to 70 in general.
  1.2 Few opportunities for listening
  The ability of speaking English must be established on the basis of listening to a lot of English. In China, however, due to the teachers’ low oral English level, the outdated teaching methods of teachers, some poor economic regions lack of hi-tech teaching equipment or their listening materials in a bad quality, and a variety of other reasons, students do not have enough chance to listen to English, which not only has a direct impact on the training of listening, but also indirectly affects the training of speaking.
  1.3 The monotony of oral activities
  Many teachers are simply restricted to the oral communication teaching practice, and they can not connect the materials together. They can not innovate or design oral activities. They can neither explore useful materials from contexts nor find available materials as a supplement to the contexts from other resources. Except the limited class time, there are no other forms of oral English activities for students.
  2. Strategies to improve the quality of oral English teaching in junior high school
  2.1 Improving the evaluation system
  In China, there isn’t a final assessment for oral English. So, the speaking ability can not draw attention of teachers and students. Correspondingly, the training of spoken English can not be planned effectively, oral activities can not be effectively carried out. Sometimes, there is even no speaking activities. Therefore, it is very necessary to have oral tests in our English learning process, which is an effective measure to guarantee the training of oral English.
  2.2 Simulating contextualized teaching
  The key everyone can speak native language well lies in: once born, he/she is surrounded by the native language. This native language environment can make people master this language quickly. The same theory goes as we learn a foreign language, especially spoken language. Teachers should strengthen the spoken language teaching, they can take measures like the simulation situation. With the help of multimedia, teachers can create situation for students to make a dialogue, and let students participate in the dialogue, let them feel the atmosphere, and inspire students to express their desires.
  2.3 Paying attention to the input of basic knowledge
  The basic components of oral expression are words, phrases and sentence patterns. In daily teaching process, teachers should require students to accumulate words from textbook, homework or test papers. Teachers should be very strict to input knowledge of this part. They can force the students to memorize these words, phrases and sentences through dictation.
什么是音乐欣赏?有人说:“音乐欣赏就是听音乐”。确实,听就是欣赏的俗称。严格地说,欣赏和听还是有差别的。欣赏,是从审美的角度去听音乐,而不是随随便便地听。一位美国音乐学家默赛尔说得好:“音乐欣赏在一定意义上是音乐活动的基本形式,是作曲家和演奏家工作的出发点和归宿。”  一、论点提出的依据  如何有效地组织课堂中外国音乐作品欣赏,这一论点的提出源于以下二个方面。:  (一)新课标的要求  《义务教育
一、教学目标  以基本的武术动作练习为基础,初步掌握太极功夫扇的四个基本动作,以扇操表演为引导,调动学生学习太极扇的积极性,完成分解和组合动作,发展学生的上下肢协调和手眼相随能力;培养学生持之以恒的意志品质和热爱民族民间传统体育的情怀。  二、教学过程  (一)教学环节一:开始部分(3分钟)  铃响,师生到位,体委将队列整好,清点人数;师生之间相互问好,教师宣布教学内容,设定教学情境,激发学生学习
一、教學内容分析  本节课选材为人教版Go for it,七年级下册unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 本单元的language goal是describe animals & express preferences。  二、学情分析  本课的教授对象是初2019级2班(平行班)  1.学生对英语比较喜欢,课堂发言比较积极,但是还是容易紧张,影响到口语表达。  2.英语基
随着素质教育的不断推进,学校的美术课也越来越受到各方面的关注和重视,而创造力的培养是素质教育的重要核心。如何通过美术教育去营造一种适合培养学生创造性的环境,这是美术教育的目标。  一、创造性思维是培养学生创造力的核心  创造性思维具有流畅性、灵活性、新颖性、独特性等特点。它是整个创造活动的智能结构的关键,是创造能力的核心。  (一)运用发散思维,培养学生的创造性思维  美术教学中,让学生进行艺术创
汉字,是中华文明的瑰宝。它不但承载了我们几千年的历史,而且是从古到今人们进行沟通的重要手段。  一、何为字理  汉字是古代劳动人民根据生产、生活的需要创造出来的。每一个字的构形都有一定的道理和依据。依据汉字的构字理据和组成规律进行教学,主要表现在:象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借等造字方法。  1、例如,在学习“晶”字中,通常我们会这样教学:晶什么结构?答:上下结构;  2、由什么组成?答:三个
在我们农村小学,教学设施相对落后,学生见识比较狭窄。掌握一定的识字方法,不仅能使学生对汉字产生兴趣,还能增强汉字记忆。《语文课程标准》指出低年级段要求学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望,根据课程标准对识字的要求和新教材的特点,结合儿童的身心发展和认知规律充分利用儿童的生活经验,运用多种形象直观的教学手段,创设丰富多彩的教学情境,运用识字和用字相结合的方法,开展识字教学。 我在识字教学过程中,针对不
一、教学目标  知识与技能目标:  1.在具体情境中感受合并同类项的必要性,理解合并同类项法则所依据的运算律。  2.了解合并同类项的法则,能进行同类项的合并。  过程与方法目标:  1.通过具体情境导入同类项以及合并同类项的概念,经历合并同类项的过程,培养学生的观察、归纳等能力。  2.通过大量练习巩固,培养学生计算能力,帮助学生形成解题经验。  情感态度与价值观目标:  在学习中培养学生分类、