在教育生涯的第6个年头, 我看到默耘先生编写的《经典教学方法荟萃》,忽然很感慨。世界上总有些人的思想,有些人的行动,是走在我们前面的,通过他们辛勤的汗水,不断实践,然后给我们留下巨大的精神财富。其实早在我们读大学的时候,就曾学习各种各样的教学方法,例如布鲁纳发现法、练习法、启发式教育法、探索研究法和谈话法。之后在自己真正走上教学岗位的时候,也会在日常教学中涉及各种各样的教学方法,并且陆陆续续地从杂志上、报纸上、网络上学到各种各样的教学方法。所以,教学方法对于我们来说,并不陌生,但是在看到这本《经典教学方法荟萃》的时候,我真的很佩服别人的归纳能力和愿意归纳总结的态度。我们似乎很少会在课后做这样的工作,归纳总结适合我们和适合学生的教学方法。
说起英语中的经典教学方法,就想起日常教学中,自己经常用到的听说法、反馈法、语法法、交际法、任务型教学法等。在自己六年的英语教学中,五年的教科书都是新课标的“Go for it”,其所提倡的任务型教学法也就理所当然成为自己最熟悉的教学方法。
任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上以完成任务的方式进行教学。这是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“在做中学”(learning by doing)的语言教学方法,是交际教学法的发展,引起了人们的广泛注意。如今它已成为应用语言学家和外语教学实践者认可和接受的一种外语教学方法,也是教育部制定的中学英语课程标准所推荐和提倡的外语教学法,是吸收以往多种教学法的优点形成的,具有以下特点:
在任务型教学中存在各种各样的任务,如 Pair work,Group work,Role-play,Debate,Sorting, Listing and so on等。
在现在的英语教学方式中,大多数情况下缺乏真实的语言环境,能使用外语的活动有限,因此,在课堂上人为地营造良好的学习氛围显得十分宝贵。Pair work和Group work是一种有指导、有组织、有目的的语言训练。他们可以改变以往的只有几个号学生在课堂上发言的状况,做到让更多的学生有更多的练习说的机会。同时,Pair work和Group work进行的时候,是在两位或几位同学之间进行的,并没有太多老师的干预,所以学生,特别是那些胆怯的学生,可以克服害怕恐惧的心理状态,从而在活动中变得积极,自信,使整个课堂活动氛围愉悦轻松起来。
Pair work和Group work改变了传统方法中教师为中心(teacher-centered)的课堂教学模式,以学生为中心 (student-centered),变被动学习为主动。学生不仅加深所学知识的印象,而且大大增强学习语言的欲望,让学生快乐地投入任务活动中。
在实际教学中,我们可以把Pair work和Group work应用在不同的教学课型中,如听力课、阅读课、作文课、口语课等。
如在英语口语教学中,以八年级上册Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?为例:
Pair work:
Think of three stores in your town and fill in the chart.Then talk about the stores.
要求班上的学生两两组合,然后根据老师提供的范文进行Pair work。例如,
A:I think Teen World has the best service.
B:I think Bargain House has the worst quality
Group work:
Where are we going for lunch?
Think of three places to have lunch near your school.
这一环节学生通过Group work 合作,亲自动手设计,对所学的词汇有了很好的应用,培养了学生语言的应用能力与合作精神。
A: Danny’s is the closest. Let’s go there.
B:No,it’s the most expensive.I think we should go to Dumpling house. It has the cheapest food? C: But is the food good there?
B: its ok, and…
D: Oh, we shouldn’t go to the Dumpling house, the service there is the worst. We should go to the House of the noodles. The food is delicious and the price is not so expensive.
C: And the house of noodles also has good service, ok, then we decide to go to there.
例如:A:In my group,B thinks we should have lunch at Dumpling house because it’s the cheapest food,while I hope to eat at Danny’s for it’s the closest, but D decide to go to the House of the noodles because it has the most delicious food and the best service, what’s more, the price is also not very high, so at last we all decide to go to the House of the noodles.
Group work常常应用于阅读课中。以八年级上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?为例,这篇课文为例,在学生预习课文之后,基本了解课文内容,可组织学生进行讨论。
What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest.Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think Jazz 107.9 FM is really great.It plays the most interesting music.
1.What’s the review about?
2. Which one is the best movie theater in town?
3. What’s the worst clothing store?
在会话课中Pair work和Group work当然是最有用武之地的课型,根据教材提供的或自行设计的接近生活的场景,通过角色扮演(role-play)让学生进行操练。比如在八年级上册 Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister?这篇文章中,我们可以设置这样的 一个场景,Role-play a conversation.
Lily: Did you like the singing contest yesterday, Lucy?
Lucy: Oh, it’s fantastic. I can’t believe my eyes. Peter sang so well.
Lily: But I think Bob sang better than Peter.
Lily: Oh, which one was peter?
Lucy:The one with longer yellow hair,he was shorter than Bob.
Judy:Oh,I also think Bob sang better,but Mike was more handsome than him and he sang more clearly than Bob.
Anne:I agree with Judy,but Helen danced better than all of them, and we can tell that he really wanted to win.
Judy:Well,everyone wants to win.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.
Anne:That’s right, all of us are enjoying the singing competition, and it’s wonderful.
通过上面的例证,我们可以看到,在日常课堂教学中,如果可以很好地利用Pair work和Group work这两项课堂教学形式,就能使学生很好地参与到活动中,激发他们的学习兴趣,让他们克服心理障碍,变得自信、乐观起来。更重要的是,通过Pair work和Group work可以降低学习难度,创造更多的机会让他们说英语,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。
当然组织这样的活动,也对教师提出了更高要求,教师不仅要会进行普通的课堂教学,还要有一定的能力进行教学活动设计,可以有很好的组织能力,能够组织学生很好地进行Pair work和Group work。
说起英语中的经典教学方法,就想起日常教学中,自己经常用到的听说法、反馈法、语法法、交际法、任务型教学法等。在自己六年的英语教学中,五年的教科书都是新课标的“Go for it”,其所提倡的任务型教学法也就理所当然成为自己最熟悉的教学方法。
任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上以完成任务的方式进行教学。这是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“在做中学”(learning by doing)的语言教学方法,是交际教学法的发展,引起了人们的广泛注意。如今它已成为应用语言学家和外语教学实践者认可和接受的一种外语教学方法,也是教育部制定的中学英语课程标准所推荐和提倡的外语教学法,是吸收以往多种教学法的优点形成的,具有以下特点:
在任务型教学中存在各种各样的任务,如 Pair work,Group work,Role-play,Debate,Sorting, Listing and so on等。
在现在的英语教学方式中,大多数情况下缺乏真实的语言环境,能使用外语的活动有限,因此,在课堂上人为地营造良好的学习氛围显得十分宝贵。Pair work和Group work是一种有指导、有组织、有目的的语言训练。他们可以改变以往的只有几个号学生在课堂上发言的状况,做到让更多的学生有更多的练习说的机会。同时,Pair work和Group work进行的时候,是在两位或几位同学之间进行的,并没有太多老师的干预,所以学生,特别是那些胆怯的学生,可以克服害怕恐惧的心理状态,从而在活动中变得积极,自信,使整个课堂活动氛围愉悦轻松起来。
Pair work和Group work改变了传统方法中教师为中心(teacher-centered)的课堂教学模式,以学生为中心 (student-centered),变被动学习为主动。学生不仅加深所学知识的印象,而且大大增强学习语言的欲望,让学生快乐地投入任务活动中。
在实际教学中,我们可以把Pair work和Group work应用在不同的教学课型中,如听力课、阅读课、作文课、口语课等。
如在英语口语教学中,以八年级上册Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?为例:
Pair work:
Think of three stores in your town and fill in the chart.Then talk about the stores.
要求班上的学生两两组合,然后根据老师提供的范文进行Pair work。例如,
A:I think Teen World has the best service.
B:I think Bargain House has the worst quality
Group work:
Where are we going for lunch?
Think of three places to have lunch near your school.
这一环节学生通过Group work 合作,亲自动手设计,对所学的词汇有了很好的应用,培养了学生语言的应用能力与合作精神。
A: Danny’s is the closest. Let’s go there.
B:No,it’s the most expensive.I think we should go to Dumpling house. It has the cheapest food? C: But is the food good there?
B: its ok, and…
D: Oh, we shouldn’t go to the Dumpling house, the service there is the worst. We should go to the House of the noodles. The food is delicious and the price is not so expensive.
C: And the house of noodles also has good service, ok, then we decide to go to there.
例如:A:In my group,B thinks we should have lunch at Dumpling house because it’s the cheapest food,while I hope to eat at Danny’s for it’s the closest, but D decide to go to the House of the noodles because it has the most delicious food and the best service, what’s more, the price is also not very high, so at last we all decide to go to the House of the noodles.
Group work常常应用于阅读课中。以八年级上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?为例,这篇课文为例,在学生预习课文之后,基本了解课文内容,可组织学生进行讨论。
What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest.Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think Jazz 107.9 FM is really great.It plays the most interesting music.
1.What’s the review about?
2. Which one is the best movie theater in town?
3. What’s the worst clothing store?
在会话课中Pair work和Group work当然是最有用武之地的课型,根据教材提供的或自行设计的接近生活的场景,通过角色扮演(role-play)让学生进行操练。比如在八年级上册 Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister?这篇文章中,我们可以设置这样的 一个场景,Role-play a conversation.
Lily: Did you like the singing contest yesterday, Lucy?
Lucy: Oh, it’s fantastic. I can’t believe my eyes. Peter sang so well.
Lily: But I think Bob sang better than Peter.
Lily: Oh, which one was peter?
Lucy:The one with longer yellow hair,he was shorter than Bob.
Judy:Oh,I also think Bob sang better,but Mike was more handsome than him and he sang more clearly than Bob.
Anne:I agree with Judy,but Helen danced better than all of them, and we can tell that he really wanted to win.
Judy:Well,everyone wants to win.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.
Anne:That’s right, all of us are enjoying the singing competition, and it’s wonderful.
通过上面的例证,我们可以看到,在日常课堂教学中,如果可以很好地利用Pair work和Group work这两项课堂教学形式,就能使学生很好地参与到活动中,激发他们的学习兴趣,让他们克服心理障碍,变得自信、乐观起来。更重要的是,通过Pair work和Group work可以降低学习难度,创造更多的机会让他们说英语,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。
当然组织这样的活动,也对教师提出了更高要求,教师不仅要会进行普通的课堂教学,还要有一定的能力进行教学活动设计,可以有很好的组织能力,能够组织学生很好地进行Pair work和Group work。