Study on Teaching and Learning English of Senior High School in the Background of New Curriculum Sta

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  Abstract:The new curriculum standards require English teachers to reform the traditional classroom teaching model,focus on upgrading and cultivating students’core qualities,teachers change traditional teaching concepts,and at the same time guide students’learning strategies based on the core qualities of the new curriculum standards to complete the cultivation of students’good learning habits.
  Key words:New curriculum standard;English teaching;learning
  1 Introduction
  The new curriculum standards enable students to further clarify learning objectives,develop self-learning abilities and cooperative spirits on the basis of learning at the compulsory education stage,pay attention to cultivating students’comprehensive language abilities,and pay attention to improving students’use of English for information acquisition,information processing,and analysis.Problems and ability to solve problems,and the ability to think and express in English.Through the learning of high school English courses,students’language skills have been further improved,their international outlook has become broader,and their patriotism and sense of national mission have been further enhanced,laying a good foundation for their future development and lifelong learning.
  2 An analysis of teaching methods based on the new curriculum standard high school English class
  2.1 Teachers should integrate disciplines to broaden their horizons
  The topic of textbooks involves a wide range of cultural knowledge and has an interdisciplinary nature.In preparing the teaching process,teachers not only need to search the relevant knowledge through the Internet,but also ask teachers of other disciplines to ask for professional knowledge,while teaching students knowledge and improving their own quality.
  2.2 Follow the cognitive laws to develop skills training
  In teaching,teachers arrange various forms of vocabulary and grammar exercises to strengthen students’understanding of the learned words and syntactic structures and develop their language skills.
  2.3 Explore student interest in learning
  Through the design of the appeal,structure,degree,and task of textbook content,teachers have enhanced students’understanding of English language and their understanding of contemporary languages,especially English.The use of materials in textbooks has aroused ideological resonance among high school students.
  2.4 Take multiple teaching methods   In teaching,teachers should absorb the results of modern language teaching theory and practice,but also need to combine China’s national conditions,inherit traditional and effective multi-teaching methods to inspire students to cultivate students’innovative thinking,innovative spirit and practical ability.
  3 Based on the new curriculum standard high school English classroom learning strategy guidance
  Learning strategies are the behaviors,thoughts,and actions that learners exhibit during the learning process.It will have an important impact on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills,the storage of new knowledge and skills,the integration of old and new knowledge,and the application of knowledge.Therefore,teaching to help students develop and apply effective learning strategies is an important step.It is also an important step to cultivate students’life-long learning skills so as to achieve personal life and career goals.Curriculum standards divide learning strategies into four categories:cognitive strategies,regulation strategies,communication strategies,and resource strategies.
  3.1 Create situations to cultivate students’language skills
  Language learning is always associated with a certain social and cultural background,ie“situation.”Learning in the actual situation can enable students to use their own experience in the cognitive structure to assimilate and index the new knowledge currently being learned.
  3.2 Create problems and lead students’thinking
  Teachers must meticulously design problems,be problem-oriented,lead students’thinking,allow students to think independently,reason and explore,and train students’thinking quality.
  3.3 Cooperative learning incorporates catalytic learning capabilities
  Cooperation has achieved the exchange of wisdom among students and acceptance of the soul.It is an effective way to cultivate language communication and literacy in the field of culture.
  3.4 Strengthen communication and expand students’cultural awareness
  With the rapid development of the Internet,it is convenient to use network information resources other than textbooks to guide students to learn more about and contact with various aspects of information in English-speaking countries,and to use the Internet platform to achieve“face-to-face virtual”communication with foreign countries.
  3.5 Informed fusion lubricates emotional attitudes
  In classroom teaching,teachers play teachers’words and deeds,fully explore and use potential knowledge factors such as teaching materials and environment,start,maintain,and strengthen students’awareness activities,so that the teaching process is not only the process of cognitive training,but also the process of emotional cultivation and promotion.
  4 Conclusion
  In the context of the new curriculum reform,English classroom teachers should mobilize interest in learning,innovate in teaching methods,create a good atmosphere in the classroom,use students as the center,strengthen communication and exchange with sincere feelings,create a good high school English teaching model,and guide students in English learning.The right way to improve the quality of English teaching and learning.
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  [2]Ming xia Sun.Reflection on New Curriculum Reform in Senior High School English Teaching[J].Journal of Fujian Institute of Education,2017.
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摘 要:写作教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,小学是学生刚刚接触语文的时候,因此这时候培养学生的写作能力是十分关键的。生活是知识的源泉,只有投入到生活中,知识才能无限地发展和延伸,对于学生的作文教学更是如此。从生活的角度阐述小学作文教学的策略。  关键词:小学语文;作文教学;作文生活化  一、小学语文教学之现状  据调查,目前我国的小学语文作文教学效率普遍低下,学生写作的积极性不高,应付性的粗制滥造情
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摘 要:英语是高中课程中最重要的课程之一。新课改以后,高中英语的教学变得越来越关键。“过程写作”方法的逐步实施,使学生的写作能力得以快速提高,并因此受到广大教师的欢迎。笔者在总结了多年的英语教学经验的基础上,结合“过程写作”模式进行研究,力图为以后的研究者提供借鉴。  关键词:“过程写作”;高中英语;应用  新课改以后,高中英语教学得到前所未有的重视,其教学水平也得到逐步提高。英语写作一直是英语教
教材中的练习题一般都具有基础性与代表性的特点,许多练习题、习题、期末测试题、中考试题均源于教材中练习题、习题的改编或变式,在教学中正确引导对原题进行适当的变式拓展,对发挥学生的潜力,将有助强化学生基础,培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。现就湘教版初中数学八年级下册的一道练习题为例进行说明,本文将与读者共赏。  【引例】(八年级下册1.4角平分线的性质P25练习第2题)如图,在△ABC中,
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摘 要:在学生养成教育中,采取暗示的方法会起到意想不到的效果。我们可以采取淡化言行、转移兴趣、激励机制、以静制动等暗示方法对学生进行良好习惯的培养。  关键词:暗示;效应  “暗示”一词在《心理学大词典》上是这样描述的:“用含蓄、间接的方式,对别人的心理和行为产生影响。”  我国著名教育家陈鹤琴在阐述“暗示的影响”时指出:关于良好的举动习惯风俗等,我们都可以利用暗示来养成。  在班级学生的养成教育