9 Inventions That Changed How We Communicate改变人们交流方式的九项发明

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  Human illustration
  The capacity of human beings to create images allows us to convey thoughts and experiences in an efficient and elegant manner. The earliest known instances of such expression are found in 40,000 year old cave paintings from Spain and France.
  Paper, the thin material produced by pressing together moist fibers and then pressing them together into sheets, is significant for an obvious reason. With a writing system one needs a platform to write on. Before there were clay tablets, stone, and papyrus1, but such things were cumbersome and economically unviable to mass produce. Therefore, paper served a huge function which would later be amplified with the printing press. It democratized2 and further diffused the reaches of human communication.
  The printing press
  The printing press is a device used for uniformly pressing ink onto a printable medium (usually paper). The invention of the printing press in Europe by Gutenberg displaced earlier, more expensive methods of printing and led to the first assembly line method of manufacturing books. The printing press, because it was such an economically viable means of printing communication, led to the vast proliferation3 of written communication.
  The electrical telegraph
  The telegraph is a piece of technology which uses electronic signals to relay coded messages over long distances without the physical exchange of the object bearing the message. The telegraph is so consequential to communication because it radically reduces the amount of time needed to relay a message. For example, after the transatlantic telegraph cable was laid, a message could be sent from America to Europe within a matter of seconds as opposed to a week.
  The telephone
  The telephone, perhaps the most conspicuous4 communicative device in our lives, is the piece of telecommunication technology which allows two or more users to hold a verbal conversation even though they are not in the same area. First developed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, the telephone was the first piece of technology that allowed people to speak with each other over vast distances.
  The radio
  The radio specifically works through the radiation of electromagnetic signals through the atmosphere. Information, in this instance sound, is carried by changing or modulating5 the property of the electromagnetic waves. The radio did more than just inform and entertain the majority of the world’s population in the early twentieth century. It also was the earliest, and until television, the most conspicuous demonstration of electronic mass media’s propensity6 to diffuse ideas and homogenize7 culture.   The computer
  A computer is a device that can be programed to carry out a variety of operations automatically. A computer at least consists of a central processing unit, which carries out arithmetic or logical operation, and a form of memory to store the operations. Computers are so ubiquitous8 in our lives we sometimes forget the key promise of computing. Computers are not a tool which are meant to supplant human ingenuity9. Rather they are here to augment human capabilities and allow us to further expand our horizons.
  The internet
  The internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that link billions of devices worldwide. Although a young technology, this system of interconnectedness has permeated virtually every aspect of our lives. The internet is also significant because, as perhaps the largest information technology breakthrough in human history, it has allowed for entirely new methods for social interaction, activities, and organization.
  Social media
  Social media, can generally be understood as a virtual network or community through which people create, share, and exchange information and ideas. Social media, though a recent phenomenon, is a breakthrough which differs from all kinds of previous media because of the increased reach, usability, immediacy, and interconnectedness of consumers. In many ways, social media is a culmination10 of all the kinds of previous inventions in human communications. That is to say, not only does social media use the power of computing and the reach of the internet, but also it uses time-old breakthroughs such as written symbolic and visual representation of stories and ideas.
Now we can approach our meals with the confidence of knowing we’re eating food that will avoid the threat of gaining weight,becoming diabetic,risking heart disease and developing joint pain.知道了哪些食物可以帮
在全国政协2020年12月31日举行的新年茶话会上,习近平总书记强调要发扬为民服务孺子牛、创新发展拓荒牛、艰苦奋斗老黄牛的精神,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程上奋勇前进。“三牛精神”的说法既应时应景,又形象生动,顿时在海内外媒体走红,为人们津津乐道。  《新华每日电讯》(Xinhua Everyday Telegraph)2021年1月4日发表“The Spirit of the Ox”(牛的
这学期第一次用Zoom来上课,别人已经使用很久的软件,对我来说,要突破心理关口,克服IT障碍,却不是那么简单的事。黄口小儿手上抚来弄去的小玩意,一到黄发长者眼中,就变成复杂晦涩的大难题,而禁不住视为畏途了。  2019年下半年,课上了一半,因为时局的关系,学生都各散东西,跑回老家去了。当时急就章,余下的课,只好每次都长篇大论一字一句写出来,放在计算机上,所以准备得特别辛苦。2020年上半年,刚跟学
北京外国语大学 陈德彰教授  热烈祝贺《英语世界》四十华诞!这是一本难得的好期刊,受到有关教师和学生的欢迎。《英语世界》内容丰富多彩,学术严谨,又不失活泼,不但帮助我们学习英语,还帮助我们开阔眼界,更好地了解世界,可谓功莫大焉。作为一名教了几十年英语的教师,我本人从中获益匪浅。如今退休了,仍每期必读。希望《英语世界》越办越好,取得更大成绩。  广东外语外贸大学 黄忠廉教授  世界观,观世界。《
陈敬铭在大型外国文学期刊《译林》2015年第6期上发表了译文《什么也别带走,什么也别留下》,原作是英国作家Simon Winchester撰写的散文“Take Nothing, Leave Nothing”。  译文文笔流畅,理解基本合格,译出了原文作者的观点:游客只做到“什么也别带走,什么也别留下”是远远不够的,游客还应该尊重旅游目的地居民的风土人情、习俗礼节。译文译出了作者向当地居民道歉的诚意
四级  Directions:  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence “Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular”.
我出门不大说话,是因为我不会说普通话,人一稠,只有安静着听,能笑的也笑,能恼的也恼,或者不动声色。口舌的功能失去了重要的一面,吸烟就特别多,更好吃辣子、吃醋。  I seldom talk when I am outside because I never mastered Standard Chinese. When among the crowd, I only listen in silen