Analyze the nationality of art with the world

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  The nationality of art, that it is include unique form of art and techniques, they would have the feature about art, the tradition culture elements will integrates artic creation, thus this work must has ethnic style. Cosmopolitan of art has discard old traditional ideas. Which means not only is a kind of the way of acceptable of many people, but also it is a force beyond class and nationality.
  The relationship about world and nationality of art, there have two different views. The first is world of art beyond nationality. On the other hand, it with the development of times, art would communicate with each other that like economic progress, and it will unify on the basis of acceptance, so this is a kind of artistic movements of world, and the world of art has involved national, and art is only based on the other cultures can be development.
  Writer think the nationality of art and world, they are supplement with each other, and inalienable. The nationality of art is from cosmopolitan, it can not without national, because that also have same element. The nationality of art is different with world, and also can not be separated, because they are interrelated, and also differences.
  Japanese modern design with development of traditional design reflected this. Japanese design progress are remarkable to the world, after the Korean war “the development of Japanese design enter the international market in 20th century 50. Then Japan has replaced US became the first car production all over the world in1980. This is a amazing achievements. However, because of Japan is a small territory with large population, and this is a characteristic of Japan’s life, under this background, traditional and modern design were vividly reflected.
  Japanese design experienced from Europe and American design, and recommended concept and pay attention to forte, they were invited famous designers imparted, such as in the 20th century one of famous designers “Rovi”, who has thoughts modern industrial and experienced in Japan. He made Japanese design leaps and bounds, and brought fresh air for Japanese design. Japan’s national civilization development were based on the essence of foreign culture, and Japanese own national feature tolerance, and good at draw lessons essence of Chinese and western culture, they think the world is dialectical all the time, so they never seek eternal in design area, and more performance on concept and style. There have a strong flexibility.   Japanese design character with cosmopolitan were interpenetration, and mutual development. as we all know, Japan is a traditional design with modern design development, it made a corresponding change for domestic and foreign market. Basically the traditional design did not have destruction of the modern design, and that keep paced with modern design, they are noninterference, joint development, and steel learning with each other.
  For Italy, Scandinavia and China, Japanese design astonishing achievements, that has reference function while keep modern design development, How to develop our national culture, it has already became new topic about design development all over the world.
  The globalization of design does not mean that it is same or lose. Around the world of thousands of years of civilization, different nationality, geographical environment and different country, they had precipitation of different culture. Under the background of modernization, Postmodernism was buried the modernism, and ushered in the diversification of new design ideas. It need move towards the world, and connect with international, consequently it must on the basis of the traditional culture, The culture of world as a grand stage about culture exchange, we should to talk about world and avoid the nationality, the reason is no theoretical roots, as water without source, however if we closed door and to make nationalism, so that will be abandoned by time.
  If we don’t have nationality of design, as result no design of the world, while if no design worldwide this big stag, so there is no space for development of nationality.
  The whole design of the 20th century, which inheritance of the traditional ethnic design. A variety of design art exhibition, whether the 1925 Paris art deco and industrial exhibition, or international exhibition of modern art in 1937, they all has the local ethnic characteristics, and to emphasized local features, and all of participating countries wanted to redefine traditional national culture in multicultural context for example, Poland's exhibit was displayed in the tradition of local folk art, and their folk style into contemporary design, and expressed the cultural and ethnic characteristics. On the other example the “Bauhaus” in Germany, that it is outcome of industrialization development, the designers of the “Bauhaus” were expanded modern rationalism of the international system, finally the international style replaced the mainly with manual of regionalism and nationalism, bu t “nationalization of the design” is still clearly in German. About design, The nationality of art with the world are like a double-edged sword, if that get a way from international or aesthetic, so it will be heading out of the world design stage. As well as if we abandon that profound traditional culture, it’s will lose foundation, and seems like water without source. From this perspective, that is only combining to create a good design work, and better live in the design with the times, finally raise national design of art for identity of the world, overall it will add a great color for the world design.
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