《五柳先生传》是陶渊明托名五柳先生写的自传 ,五柳先生的形象就是陶渊明的自画像。短短不足二百字 ,逼真传神地把陶渊明的性格志趣和精神风貌展现出来。语言朴素洗练 ,平淡而寓意深刻 ,最大的特点是用了带“不”字的否定句。钱钟书先生说 :“‘不’字为一篇眼目。”一语道破
The biography of Mr. Wu Liu is an autobiography written by Mr. Tao Yuanming’s famous name Wu Liu. The image of Mr. Wu Liu is the self-portrait of Tao Yuanming. It is less than 200 words short and vividly reveals Tao Yuanming’s character and spirit. The language is plain and easy to use. It has a plain and profound meaning. The biggest feature is the use of negative sentences with the word “no”. Mr. Qian Zhongshu said: “The ‘no’ word is an eye.”