Research on Design Orientation of Blind Reading Aid

来源 :西江文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ez062009
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  【摘要】:The blind reading aid is a new product designed by the society today. It is a reading aid that can help blind people and people with low vision to read printed fonts. Previously, with the progress of science and technology, The market gradually appeared for some books for the blind reading, compared with ordinary books, blind books on the text for the braille, through the blind with a finger touch, learn the contents of the book. However, the cost of such books is relatively high cost. Subsequently, the domestic and foreign markets followed by the emergence of blind e-books, blind people can choose what they want to learn the content of this electronic products greatly reduce the production costs, cost-effective increase. Now, the market gradually appeared in the blind reading aid, the product has a specific system, you can scan the print fonts, through the internal converter, converted into Braille, blind and then through the hand touch to read. How to design the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the blind reading aids products, this series of questions are the important part of this research and exploration, this article will be an important part of the study. From the following aspects to carry out positioning analysis:
  Ⅰ.Environmental positioning analysis
  For the blind to facilitate the use of blind reading aids, the blind use of it in the main use of the environment at home, libraries, supermarkets, study rooms and other places.And from the sales area, can be at home and abroad Dazhong Xiao urban areas and rural areas. As the blind have not received a high degree of education and training, so their level of cultural quality relative to the normal people is relatively low, the market Located in the middle and low consumer market.
  Ⅱ.Functional positioning analysis
  First of all, practicality in the blind reading aids to be reflected in the design, to take into account the blind reading books or articles to read the obstacles to meet the basic needs of listening.This blind reading aid can be stretched as needed to ensure that the largest scanning area and the smallest space volume. Second, controllability in the actual reading process will be reflected, when the reader to hear their own not interested in the section, which requires automatic adjustment button to control the reading content. Then, security in this design should be taken into account one of the factors to prevent damage caused by operational errors, to ensure user safety, to fulfill the "people-oriented" and "barrier-free design" concept.   Finally,comfort is the product design process must consider the factors, where the comfort of a multi-layer meaning, including economic, time-saving, easy to operate, easy maintenance and so on. Designers should design the product as much as possible to take into account the user experience, so that they fully enjoy the convenience of the product.
  Ⅲ.Structural positioning analysis
  The blind reading aid can be designed as a stretch structure. When working, turn on the switch, then put the blind reading aid on the open state.Put on the text you want to read, if the scanning of the text is more extensive, you can open place the extended part inside the reader. Readers through the internal specific system, scanning to identify printed text, and then through the product of the word converter into voice broadcast, and finally transmitted to the blind. At the same time read the auxiliary system to receive the picture read to the processor center, after binarization, grayscale and other pretreatment. This picture in the character recognition module of the Chinese character preprocessing after the picture positioning and identification of Chinese characters. Finally, to determine the sound of the text out to read the form of the module, so as to achieve the blind friends can also hear the effect of the picture.
  Ⅳ.Material positioning analysis
  Currently on the market of electronic products, shell materials, the general use of carbon fiber, magnesium alloy and aluminum alloy four kinds of materials. ABS plastic strength is low, the density is relatively small, so want to resist enough strength about 1.2mm thickness can be achieved. Magnesium alloy strength is high, so make the shell thin to 0.45mm. But the hardness of magnesium alloy is high, easy to process, so the cost and difficulty are relatively high. Aluminum alloy strength is relatively high, and the elastic coefficient is relatively large, so easy to make the product deformation of the situation. While the tensile strength, the thickness of the shell can be reduced to 0.8mm, not easy to deformation, wear and scratch resistance, production costs are not high, so the blind reading aid can be used aluminum alloy material, shape available aluminum alloy paint, paint, paint the processing technology, reduce the paint and wear.
  Above is the blind reading aids product design positioning analysis. Any blind person, have equal participation in any social life and decision-making rights and obligations. And the realization of the legitimate rights and interests of persons with disabilities, especially the blind, is the duty of every social organization, every individual of society, that is, every member of society. Our citizens, who are physically well-behaved, should lead by example, and should assume the responsibility and obligation of knowledge assistance to the blind. Through effective knowledge and basic cultural knowledge to provide them with ways and means to solve the problem, and strive for the disabled to achieve equal access to knowledge and rights and opportunities. Because how to help the blind how to obtain useful professional knowledge, basic knowledge, cultural knowledge, and how to improve the blind's own literacy and accomplishment, whether to participate in social life on an equal footing for the disabled is both a problem of survival and national and social development issues.
一、我们都有“病”  科技与互联网在当今社会发展速度惊人,生活在这样一个匆匆忙忙的时代,我们或多或少会感染上在这种社会情况下所滋生出来的特有病症。与其把他们称之为病症,不如说他们是这个时代进程不断增快以及互联网时代碎片化的产物,更是我们在某一刻心理状况以及神经反应的精确描述。  拖延症、囤积症、选择障碍症、路怒症、亲密关系恐惧症、公主病、纠结病等等这一系列徘徊在心理障碍和疾病之间的症状,他们无不来
结合当代艺术的发展,纵观当今的艺术作品,当代艺术家不再一味的追求作品的观赏性。而是将更重要的方向投入于艺术品所能传达出来的引人深思的观念,写实与具象也逐渐被弱化。从起初注重实用性与美观性,传统工艺人将大力气放于如何制作出精美的物件上。传统的美术作品也是这样,无论是中国古代的山水画还是西方文艺复兴时期的作品,画家都将画面的构成、色彩以及其观赏性作为重点。  就我自身的专业来说,绘画发展到今天,画面的
【摘要】:21世纪是一个文化多元化的时代,在这个新世纪下,二胡,这一传统艺术也有了不一样的发展变化,传统乐曲经典长存,但是在新世纪的发展大潮下,二胡这门艺术被从多个角度重新诠释,舞台表现,不同领域的借鉴引用都体现出老艺术的新发展。继承和创新是二胡艺术发展的关键,本文将从三方面探讨研究二胡艺术在新世纪的发展与创新。  【关键词】: 二胡艺术;21世纪;发展;创新  一 作品类型的发展  (一)西方现
【摘要】:Abstract: Study on the innovative design method of bionic children's furniture and the future trend, following the design principles of bionic children's furniture, according to the future develo
【摘要】:中国民间剪纸,是一种注重造型和色彩表现的特殊剪纸类型,是人们喜闻乐见的传统文化瑰宝。随着社会的发展,世界经济一体化的趋势越来越明显,民族文化在多元化发展中备受重视,而民间剪纸以它独特的造型及色彩魅力吸引着众人的目光。本文在此基础上,首先介绍了民间剪纸,接着研究了民间剪纸在乡村建设中的价值,最后基于对文化遗产的保护,提出了要传承和发展民间剪纸艺术。  【关键词】:民间剪纸;乡村;传承和发展
上篇写到社会弊病所带给我们的关于社会发展以及社会对人的一系列影响的深刻反思的同时,也为当代艺术又注入了新鲜的观念。这种观念深刻来源于每个人的内心,他们是各个阶层的通病,比单纯的社会问题在艺术上的表达更直指人心。拖延症这个影响我们较为深重的社会心理疾病是最应该让我们引起重视的,我认为好的艺术在一定程度也会起到敦促的作用,所以如果我們着眼于拖延症也未尝不是一种可以改变某些弊病的途径。  21世纪的到来