Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Its Pedagogical Implications for Idiom Teaching

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The paper attempts to start from the cognitive linguistic view and explore teaching methods of English idioms by using the conceptual metaphor theory.It aims to analyze the following three teaching methods:building idiom teaching on the analysis of conceptual metaphor,categorizing the source domain of conceptual metaphor,comparing the similarities and differences between metaphors of Chinese and English.Through the above analysis,the paper arrives at the conclusion that conceptual metaphor knowledge is an important premise for the deep understanding of English idioms and that teachers need help students heighten their sense of conceptual metaphors so as to better understand and memorize English idioms. The paper attempts to start from the cognitive linguistic view and explore teaching methods of English idioms by using the conceptual metaphor theory. It aims to analyze the following three teaching methods: building idiom teaching on the analysis of conceptual metaphor, categorizing the source domain of conceptual metaphor, comparing the similarities and differences between metaphors of Chinese and English.Through the above analysis, the paper arrives at the conclusion that conceptual metaphor knowledge is an important premise for the deep understanding of English idioms and that teachers need help students heighten their sense of conceptual metaphors so as to better understand and memorize English idioms.
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