我们于 1 989~ 1 999年 4月采用90 Sr敷贴器三次疗法治疗寻常疣、跖疣等多种皮肤疣患者 1 0 3例共计 2 30个皮肤疣。经过多年疗效观察 ,现将结果报道如下。1 资料与方法1 .1 临床资料 经本院皮肤科确诊的寻常疣患者 62例( 1 4 6个疣 ) ;跖疣 2 8例 ( 61个疣 ) ;甲周疣 4例
We used 90 Sr applicator three times therapy from 1983 to January 1999 to treat 303 skin warts, including verruca vulgaris, plantar warts and other skin warts. After years of efficacy observation, the results are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 clinical data confirmed by the hospital dermatology patients with condyloma 62 cases (146 warts); plantar warts 28 cases (61 warts); 4 weeks a week verruca