20世纪 80年代以来 ,拉美国家政府在直接生产领域、经济管理和调控以及社会政策领域的作用发生了深刻的变化。这些领域的政府干预措施让位于市场机制。这种变化集中体现了经济发展模式的转换 ,并且对社会各阶层和集团的地位和利益产生了深远的影响。促成这场变革的直接因素是 80年代的经济危机 ,但其根本原因在于拉美国家发展战略存在着种种问题且未能适时进行调整。拉美国家政府作用的变迁既是其社会经济发展内在逻辑的要求 ,也是国际政治形势和经济思潮变化的结果。但拉美国家改革和调整进程中也存在着致命的缺陷。为了继续推进经济改革和政治民主化进程 ,拉美国家政府应在减缓“社会债务”、提高经济效率和国际竞争力等方面发挥应有的作用。
Since the 1980s, the roles of Latin American governments in the areas of direct production, economic management and control, and social policies have undergone profound changes. Government intervention in these areas gives way to market mechanisms. This change has concentrated on the transformation of the mode of economic development and has had a profound impact on the status and interests of all social strata and groups. The direct factor contributing to this change was the economic crisis in the 1980s. However, the fundamental reason for this change was the existence of various problems in the development strategy of Latin American countries and the failure to make timely adjustments. The change in the role of the Latin American government is not only the logical requirement of its social and economic development, but also the result of changes in the international political and economic trends. However, there are also fatal flaws in the process of reform and adjustment in Latin American countries. In order to continue promoting economic reform and political democratization, Latin American governments should play their due role in alleviating “social debts”, improving economic efficiency and international competitiveness.