“Haunted House” is a collection of short stories, “Carnival,” which treats the illness of a young girl as the main line. It also expounds and darkly describes the romance that the young mistress elope with the coachman a hundred years ago Plot, though not much ink, but fascinating. This intertwined narrative model makes the work appear free and lively. Another feature of the work is elegant lyric, ending with an unexpected result. Noi, a six-year-old girl, had measles and was cured, but she still closed her eyes and lay in bed. According to the psychology of the child, the doctor thinks that there is a magnetically appealing person in her heart. That is her beloved mother. In order to keep her mother waiting at her side, she worried and worried about her willingness to continue lying in bed. As the story unfolds, the work shows the reader that, as the doctor expected, Noy did have a very attractive character in mind, but this character was not her mother, but the groom’s son, Billy, playing with her , And thus lead to a true and romantic plot. This very artistry of the idea of making the work full of charm and novelty.