A Letter to Nature

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  I am li hua,one of your folks who am honorred to have a heart –to- heart talk with you.The purpose of my letter is to give you a sense of what is happening now and to wait for change.
  You are like a magician,and many amazing things are presented by you.sometimes you will be able to destroy buildings and flood the land,but we believe you are not intentional.There is no denying the fact that we have caused an indelible injury to you for which we human beings should have felt extremely sorry.
  Once we hurt you for our own development.We put sewage and industrial waste water into your blood,causing it to have a lot of poisonous elements such as P,N and so on.The sewage also pollutes the river,which is very harmful to the survival of the fish,and many species perish.During our development,air pollution was caused as well.Our indiscriminate cutting causes the concentration of oxygen in the air to decrease.Many factories have been emitting toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide for years,which has led to greenhouse gases and winter smog.The greenhouse effect causes glaciers to melt and sea level rise.All of these will do you great harm.We feel very guilty about this.
  But we believe that if the stream did not have fish,still water would have no harmful elements such as N.P,if the sky did not have birds,spring would crows no longer.We 're being too selfish,so it is time for us to take steps to make up for you.
  What can we try to make up for in water use? We are capable of controlling water pollution,so that the sky is bluer,the water cleaner,you are more beautiful.Although this is a great challenge,it is easy to climb.Everything is possible.Now,we have tried to save water as much as possible,such as washing dishes with rice washing,finishing water with water and so on.Apart from that,we have implemented the south-to-north water diversion project,which has made full use of water resources.At present,scientific farming has become more and more popular.Oniy in this way can water waste be minimised in agricultural irrigation.ln the aspect of air pollution control,we have drawn up many relevant policies and carried out relevant measures.Afforestation has gradually become the consensus of people,which is conducive to the recovery of content.The factories of the main chimneys have been shut down by the government,with fewer and fewer toxic substances being released from the chimneys.The car fuel we use is also constantly upgrading from a single gasoline to a diversified one.As a result,the pollution from car exhaust will be smaller and smaller.And the winter haze has caught me off guard.How to reduce the concentration of PM2.5 is a great difficulty for us.we have set our goals and strive to achieve them.Reducing the use of fertilizers is a good option in controlling land pollution.Because of our overuse of fertilizers,land contains large amounts of N,P elements.This can cause some water pollution.So we will try to reduce the use of fertilizers and proect the land.The most important is land desertification,and its speed is very alarming.But we have curbed its growth rate,and some have even achieved negative growth which is worth what are proud of.
  so many measures are performed that we human beings can win back what we have been dreaming of.lmagine our future world:the sky blue,the water clear,the green trees to become cute,we live in harmony with you.We are looking forward to your patience.The harmonious world needs us to create together,please don't lose faith.let us create beautiful harmonious earth together!My dear nature,l believe that we can make a difference with our joint effort.
随着新一轮基础教育改革序幕的揭开,《数学课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》)实施即在。如何面对这场改革,小学数学应该怎样教,这是我们每位小学数学教师所必须思考的一個重要问题。我长期在农村学校工作。笔者认为,面对新的教学改革形势,小学数学教学应做好“五个转变”。  一、改变教材呈现形式  对于低年级学生来说,他们以形象思维为主,因而美丽的童话故事,有趣的游戏,小迷语,都可成为学习内容的载体,以卡
摘 要:国家针对大学生创新创业能力的训练计划提出以后,各个高校均根据自身情况进行创新创业训练计划项目的制定与实施,以此提升学生的创新创业能力,完善大学生的综合素质,充分发挥艺术领域和文化的传承。  关键词:音乐院校;创新创业;训练计划项目;探究  通过对学生创新思维以及综合素质的培养可以加强学生的创新创业能力,同时为社会注入全能型的人才增添助力,培养具有综合能力素养的全面人才,同时高校的创业计划也
摘 要:现代经济的发展涉及到信用经济,信用不仅体现在生活中的方方面面,并且还渗透到国民经济的发展。信用在大学校园中也是不可或缺的,对信用及其相关问题的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。本文以大学生信用认知报告为依托,重点探讨网贷产生的原因、现状以及改进措施。  关键词:信用;网贷;诚信  如今,经济的高速发展以及互联网的日益普及,p2p网络借贷伴随着争议孕育而生。作为置身校园的学生,经常可以听到因网络贷
摘 要:现代社会是个终身学习的社会,“学习”已经成为人们生存所必须的能力。因此,在教学中如何促进学生自主学习显得尤为重要。计算机网络的发展为学生根据自己的需要合理安排学习时间、地点、学习方式的自主学习提供了方便。在网络环境下,教师要创设多种问题情境,优化知识形成的过程,改进教学方法,促进学生自主学习,并通过“课内--课外”相结合、“个体--合作”相结合,提高学生获取信息、分析信息、处理信息的能力,
摘 要:近年来,我国不断推进高校改革,使得学校的教务管理工作呈现出新的特征,逐渐打破了传统的封闭式、单一性的管理体制,代之以更加开放和多元的教务管理体系,“以生为本”的理念正深入贯彻到各项具体工作中。然而,高校院系教务管理工作的深刻变革既取得了令人可喜的成绩,也暴露出了许多新的问题和挑战,这就需要我们必须正视教育改革的曲折性和反复性。本文将针对高校院系教务管理工作展开探讨。  关键词:高校院系;教
摘 要:隨着网络的普及和互联网的发展,“互联网+”开始与各行各业产生联系,并对各行业的发展模式和思维模式提供启发和引导。文章通过分析互联网及“互联网+”思维,就湖南省传统手工业如何在互联网思维模式下,将自身的文化价值和产品价值最大化提出理论设想,同时,提出传统手工业在做好传承和发展工作的同时,要避免对传统手工业进行全盘市场化。  关键词:互联网思维;传统手工业;发展  国内“互联网+”理念的提出,
摘 要:随着时代的发展,科学技术在社会中扮演者越来越重要的角色,计算机作为新世纪的宠儿,对计算机进行组装与维修的行业也早已成为了新世纪里必不可少。笔者通过问卷调查、查阅资料、实际走访等方式,从中高职部分师生了解到,中职升高职过程中,计算机组装与维修知识前后承接过程中出现了诸多问题。[1]这篇文章笔者以讲诉《计算机组装与维修》在中职与高职的课堂讲诉为例,列举了部分恶劣现象,并总结分析了出现诸多问题的
摘 要:随着社会经济的快速发展以及信息技术的不断创新和完善,我国高校教育事业也随之快速发展,尤其在新时代的影响下,信息技术已经在教育领域中得到了广泛应用,并逐渐进入到了大数据时代。大数据时代的到来,为传统高校档案信息管理模式打开了新篇章,不仅改善了传统管理模式的弊端,同时创新出有针对性的管理模式,充分展现了大数据技术在高校档案信息管理中的重要性。本文通过对大数据的特点以及高校档案信息管理现状进行简
摘 要:随着社会的发展,人们越来关注高职学生的职业生涯。职业生涯对个人而言具有积极的推动作用,可以实现个人目标,加速职业发展。本文主要针对高职院校学生,分析其职业生涯规划时所面临的问题,进而给出一些意见与建议,以期保证高职学生职业生涯规划的时效性和科学性。  关键词:高职学生;职业生涯;规划指导  引言  高职学生职业生涯规划对学生将来的发展非常有利,可以帮助学生明确将来奋斗的方向,看清当前所处的