考试的主要目的 ,不是看学生知道些什么 ,而是看学生用知识来完成什么 .但目前高中数学考试却很难达到这个目的 .同样的问题这次考过、评讲过 ,下次再考又会出现同样的错误 .试卷评讲课上老师常常会大发雷霆 :怎么回事 ,讲过了还不会 ,才考过又错了 .屡考屡抱怨 ,屡抱怨屡不会
The main purpose of the exam is not to look at what the students know, but to see what the students do with their knowledge. However, the current high school math exam is difficult to achieve this purpose. The same question is examined, commented, and will be tested again. There will be the same mistakes. The teacher will often be furious in the paper assessment class: how is it going to happen? It will not be passed before it is tested. It will be wrong again.