在国外,学校、培训中心等已经越来越多地摆脱冰冷简单的模块化设计,设计师在力求强化教育空间功能性的同时,也更突出人性化的氛围营造,让在这里学习的人们在获得知识的同时,也得到思想的解放。由西班牙设计公司Masquespacio设计的2Day Languages语言学校就是这样一个充满了小清新风格的空间,温暖恬静的颜色搭配木质的家具,让这里更像一个咖啡馆或者小工作室,而非一个语言学校。建筑的古典风格融合进当下时尚清新的感觉,既体现了瓦伦西亚城市的历史,也
In foreign countries, schools, training centers, etc. have increasingly got rid of the cold and simple modular design, designers strive to strengthen the functionality of education space, but also more prominent human atmosphere to create, so that people here to learn in the Get knowledge at the same time, also get the liberation of ideas. The 2Day Languages language school, designed by the Spanish design house Masquespacio, is a space full of little freshness and warm colors with wooden furniture make it more like a cafe or a small studio than a language school. The classical style of the building blends into the fresh, contemporary feel of the city, reflecting both the history of the city of Valencia and