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  Western cultures and theirinfluence on English
  Teaching from the Perspective of their
  Daily habits and habits
  【Absrtact】the cultural exchange between China and the West has begun since ancient times, but it is not a much discussed problem to help students understand the cultural exchange between China and the West. From the point of view of practice, this paper discusses how to carry out the education of cultural exchange between China and the West.
  【Key words】eastern culture; western culture; cultural exchange between china and the west
  Cultural difference is the difference between different cultures. When they meet, they will react with shock, competition and loss. This article carries on the elaboration to this.
  1. Differences in the meaning of Daily Life between Chinese and Western cultures
  English words idioms proverbs and so on often imply certain cultural connotations. Compared with the Chinese language some of them have different cultural connotations some of them have different commendatory or derogatory meanings and some have different denotation of cultural connotations. The word “red” in Chinese does not exactly correspond to “red” in English. And the English word red is sometimes not the Chinese word for “red.” “red ruin” is a fire, “red battle” is a bloody battle, “red ink” is a deficit. And green is not “green.” The word “dragon” holds supreme respect in China and is a symbol of the Chinese nation. In Britain and the United States, however, it is a kind of breathing smoke and fire, ferocious can be photographed monster. It’s a symbol of disaster. In Britain and America, funerals wear black. China wears white, and if we wear white, we will offend them.
  2. Differences in the use of language in Chinese and Western cultures
  There are differences in the word order of speech between China and the West. Because of the different modes of thinking between China and the West, there are great differences in the word order of speech. For example: the comparison of Chinese and English prefaces in simple sentences, Chinese: subject time adverbial place adverbial manner adverbial predicate object, I play basketball happily on the playground every day; English: subject predicate object manner adverbial place adverbial time adverbial I play basketball happily on the playground everyday. In greeting people, there are differences between China and the West. For example, it is natural for Chinese people to meet and ask each other, “where are you going?”So we can’t take it for granted, “where are you going?” Instead, we can say something like “how are you? “something like that. In terms of address, there are differences between China and the West. In China, surnames are put before and after, whereas in the West, the opposite is true.   3. Cultural differences between East and West in explicit English expressions
  The differences between Chinese and British kinship appellation. As we know, a first name consists of a family name and a given name. In Britain, the order is given name family name; in Chinese, the opposite is family name given name. We even have the distinction between the first name and the last name in reverse, not to mention the complicated appellations. Differences in figurative meaning of animals. Most of the Chinese idioms related to dogs contain derogatory meanings, such as “foxfriend dog party”, “dog jumping the wall”, “wolf heart and dog lung”, “dog leg”, and so on. Although the number of pet dogs has increased greatly in recent years, the “status” of dogs seems to have changed.
  4. Summary
  In short, the cultural differences between China and the West actually exist in every detail of life, this article only from a few “points” to carry out a simple exposition. With the continuous development of science and technology, the Earth has become more and more “small”, but only when we really understand the different regions and different cultures, the distance between the world will be really closer.
  [1]Matthew M.M.P.D. A Cultural Perspective Of The Feeding Habits[J]. Internet Journal of Nutrition
【摘要】在 “互联网 ” 背景下,通过互联网与信息技术结合的英语学习, 改变了传统的学习行为和学习方式 ,使学习者不受时间与地域的限制, 随时随地吸取新的信息和知识是时代的趋势和要求。高职公共英语教学要通过引入现代化的的教学方式和手段,尽快实现由传统教学模式向基于信息技术和网络平台的多模态教学模式的转变。  【关键词】高职高专;互联网 ;多模态教学模式  【作者简介】胡莹,黑龙江建筑职业技术学院。
【摘要】在未来社会与工作中,高职学生所需要掌握的首要生存技能便是学会与他人交际。本文将针对增强高职学生跨文化交际能力的重要性进行详细的分析,其目的是研究出提升跨文化交际能力途径以及跨文化交际能力水平测试的方法。  【关键词】高职;英语教学;跨文化交际能力  【作者简介】张娅楠,开封文化艺术职业学院。  近年来,随着改革开放步伐的加快,对外交往日益频繁,国与国之间的交流也越来越广泛,社会上对高职学生
【摘要】随着科技的快速发展,加之社会对“大众创业,万众创新”的呼唤,近些年来我国创新创业的热潮不断涌现。作为培养创新创业主力军的重要场所——各大高校,创新教学改革势在必行。创客教育是基于创新培养的学习方式,是未来教育的方向,给传统的大学英语教学带来了新的发展机遇。  【关键词】创客教育;大学英语;教学改革  【作者简介】史艳英(1971.9-),女,汉族,内蒙古人,本科,内蒙古农业大学,副教授,研
【摘要】小说《喜福会》中对不同人物性格,生活方式及个人命运的刻画,生动具体的描写了中西文化的差异与交融。本文对小说《喜福会》中,中国和美国在文化诸多方面的差异进行了对比,主要从价值观方面,婚姻观方面以及语言表达方面进行了讨论,旨在为如何正确看待中西文化差异提供思路与启发。  【关键词】价值观;婚姻观;差异  【作者简介】史田花(1992.04.24-),女,山西财经大学,硕士研究生,研究方向:外国
【摘要】教师是人类桥梁的工程师,这个职业光荣而圣神,如何提高课堂教学效率,是我们一线教师追求的永恒的主题,也是减轻学生负担的有效途径,新课程的改革打破了传统的教学模式,给英语教学带来了一缕曙光。如何才能在新时代的背景下提高英语课堂效率,是摆在我们教师面前的一个“拦路虎”,笔者结合自己多年的初中英语教学的经验和对现代化教学模式认识,对新时代背景下进行高效课堂的看法做了一些总结。  【关键词】 新时代
【摘要】在新课改的大背景下,初中英语教学中十分注重对学生英语阅读和写作能力的培养,不仅是因为初中生英语阅读和写作能力的提升可以在很大程度上帮助学生提高英语成绩,而且还能从多方面反映出学生英语的综合能力。本文在深入分析英语阅读和写作之间的关系后,提出了相应的意见和建议。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读;教学;写作  【作者简介】易颖(1979.03.13-),女,江苏扬州人,扬州市文津中学,汉族,本科,
【摘要】“互联网 ”对传统教学方式带来新的挑战,对于中职英语教学也是如此,中职英语教学目标在于培养综合性人才,提高学校英语教学的水平,互联网带来许多好的影响,中职教育应该借此创新改革英语教学,通过互联网平台等全新模式革新传统模式,本文主要分析了“互联网 ”在中职英语教学应用优势,提出了“互联网 ”背景下的中职英语创新教学措施。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;中职英语;创新教学  【作者简介】薛双年,男
【摘要】对话教学以“沟通性”的“对话”为核心,倡导师生共建富有生机的课堂氛围。本文尝试将此引入农村中学的英语教学中,通过教师与文本的对话,与学生的对话,学生与文本的对话,与学生的对话,及教师的自我对话等多种形式,探究对话教学对农村英语教学及学生学习的积极影响。  【关键词】对话教学;农村中学;英语学习  【作者简介】王静(1988-),女,甘肃静宁人,兰州城市学院,硕士研究生,助教,研究方向:英语
【摘要】基于核心素养,探索初中英语阅读教学模式,以科普2011版仁爱英语八年级(下)Unit7 Topic2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well Section C 为例,解读如何结合阅读课堂教学设计,实现对学生的语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格的培养和塑造,从而能够有效地将英语学科核心素养渗透贯穿到真实英语阅读课堂教学中。  【关键词】初中英语;