An Analysis of English Teachers’Classroom Role

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  Abstract:In the process of language learning,the teacher's classroom role is very important to students’ foreign language learning results.However,nowadays teachers are accustomed to the role of classroom leader,and this is very awful to students’ learning.Thus,the analysis of English teacher’s classroom role is very worthwhile.
  Keywords:analysis;English teachers;classroom role
  In the process of language learning,the teacher's role is very important.Teacher’s ideas,behaviors and even personalities will have a direct influence on students’ foreign language learning process and results.Since the reform and opening up,our English educational scale continues to expand and has made remarkable achievements.However,the status of English education still cannot meet the needs of China's economic construction and social development,and there is still a gap with the requirements of the times.Thus,there is an urgent need of analyzing English teachers’ classroom role.
  2.Problems and Causes of the Traditional Role of the English Teacher
  There are so many problems of the traditional role of English teachers.First,traditional English teaching structure overemphasizes teachers’ leading function,but neglects the subject status of students,which leads to the low level of the motivation and interest in English learning.Second,in order to accomplish teaching program,teachers give a class too fast(Cohen 1998).Through this,few students can speak English at the class.Therefore,students’ will lose many chances to open their mouth and speak English.Third,in traditional English teaching,teachers’ authority pushes students hard and strains the classroom atmosphere.Students are always afraid to speak in class,let alone in a strained classroom atmosphere.
  When it comes to causes of the limitation of teachers’ traditional role,many things appear in people’s mind.To sum up,there are mainly three aspects:lack of understanding of students,lack of language learning strategy training,and lack of cultural awareness.Because of the problems of traditional teacher role,there is a urgent need of English teachers’ new role.
  3.English Teachers’ New Role under the New Curriculum
  3.1 Director
  Nowadays,the traditional way of teaching method has been replaced by a variety of lively teaching models.Relation between teacher and students in the classroom is the relationship between the dominant and the body,namely,the relationship between the director and the actors.To be a good director,first teachers should be very familiar with the teaching contents(Liu 2014).During the teaching process,they should give students full play to their enthusiasm and initiative of learn,and let students read,speak play by them.   3.2 Audience
  Every show needs to be sure to reflect the value.During students’ process of showing,except being a good supervisor and giving timely help,appreciation and encouragement are also essential.Enabling students to enjoy the joy of success and stimulating their keen interest are necessary requirements for education for all-round development.While watching children' performance,teachers must be invested and appreciated,and sincerely share their joy of success.Teachers also need to learn how to encourage students to study much harder in the future study.
  3.3 Participant
  To truly become a partner of students,English teachers should not only physically close to students,but also inward close to students.Interacting and doing activities with students can build a harmonious atmosphere of teaching.When students are doing group work,in addition to supervising them,teachers can also take part into one or two groups and discuss with students.
  3.4 Resource-Provider
  Although nowadays the jug-and-mug method has been widely criticized,the teacher is still considered as a good and convenient resource for the students.In this case,teacher’s role is the same as the role of instruction materials.This is very important because in some places,the only way for students to be exposed to English is in language class.
  3.6 Reflective Thinker
  Reflection can enable teachers design teaching materials and promote students’ personal development according to individual differences.For different students,teachers need to take different measures.A cut is not useful for collective teaching(Wright 1987).Reflection also means that after a class,the teachers need to spend some time to reflect their teaching,through which teachers can improve teaching and promote their professional development.
  As English teachers of the new century,they are facing considerable changes.Mere knowledge transfer should not be the main task of teaching,instead,the formation of the correct learning attitude,learning strategies and flexible use of knowledge of students should be put into the first place.This determines the persistent changes of English teachers’ role in the English classroom teaching.
  [1]Cohen,A.D.(1998).Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language.Addison Wesley:Longman Limited.
  [2]Liu,X.S.(2014).A Comparative Study on Students’ and Teachers’ Expectations of Teachers’ Role in English Classroom.Diss.Jiangxi Normal University,8-10.
  [3]Wright,T.(1987).Roles of Teachers and Learns.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Abstract:A language is made up of pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar.Vocabulary is the core of language learning and the basic building material of a language.Without words,no matter how well one le
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班班通是指学校每个班级里具备与外界进行不同层次的信息沟通、信息化资源获取与利用、终端信息显示的软硬件环境,实现信息技术与学科日常教学的有效整合,促进教师教学方式和学生学习方式的变革,最终促进学生的发展。笔者结合自身教学实践,谈谈小学语文班班通教学的作用。  一、融洽师生关系。  远程教学系统,可以让学生在网上完成作业,而教师在网上批改作业。同学们也可以通过网站阅读其他同学的文章。提高了教师批改作业
想象是人对头脑中已有的表象进行加工改造创新形象的过程,它是认识活动的翅膀,可以打破时空的界限,能增强教学活动的能动性。在美术课堂上,如果让学生展开丰富的想象,不仅能发展学生的智力,而且能便于学生更深的理解教材,更牢固的掌握知识技能,从而大大提高了课堂质量。如何让学生在美术课堂上插上想象的翅膀呢?下面就以小学三年级美术课为例,谈谈自己在培养学生想象力方面的点滴做法:  一、“画”出想象力  学生正处
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