Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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  Symbolism was a late nineteenth-century art movement of French, origin in poetry and other arts. Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas, by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Special charm in the novel is the uses of symbolism, which portrait deeply the landscape of Jazz Age and the collapse of American dreams. In the article, we will analyze the specific uses of color symbolism to imply the destination of the collapse of American dream.
  The first color used in The Great Gatsby is white. Fitzgerald used this color in one of the opening scenes at the Buchanan household. Daisy and Jordan are both clothed in gorgeous white summer dresses, lying on white couches, and in a white room. The white color in this novel symbolizes innocence, purity, and beauty. This is before their true identity is revealed. It turns out that neither of these women are any of those things. They are both fake. The women use white clothes to hide the fact that they were not sweet little girls, but corrupt fakes putting on an act. Fitzgerald had another symbolic meaning in the color white. It was that white is the easiest color to soil or tarnish. It tells you how the beautiful, innocent women quickly change and become corrupted as the book goes on. In the first chapter it says, "They were both in white, and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house". This implies that they are something beautiful and perfect such as angels or doves. But soon, the reader finds that these doves are truly crows painted white.
  The next color used was blue. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea, which means a broad scale, while it also means gloom and depression. In the novel, Fitzgerald describes something connected with dream and unreality. He uses blue to describe Gatsby' house: blue lawn that is an important part in his life, and blue garden; Gatsby also gets a blue navy clothes from the captain due to his upright characteristics. All of these symbolize Gatsby's dream and melancholy.
  In chapter two of the novel, the eyes of Doctor Eckleburg are blue, with bleak look, watching the gray valley indicating an unfortunate disaster. In the author's opinion, this is God's eyes; he knows that Gatsby's dream is doomed to fail. So his eyes are sad and gloomy. And George Wilson believes that Eckleburg's eyes are existence of God.
  The color green symbolizes different choices the character, Gatsby, can make during his life. The green element in this novel is taken from the green light at the end of the dock near Daisy's house. "I watched the green light fade away as the boat drew farther from the dock". The color itself represents calmness, as in everything is perfect. This warns Gatsby that he should not pursue his dream of getting Daisy back because his chance has passed and everything is as it should be. More than other colors in the novel such as gold or blue, the color green influences the story greatly. Green shows many thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and choices that Gatsby has throughout the story.   Another symbol of the color green is "go." Where as in my first example the color green showed that Gatsby should leave well enough alone, in the this example the color green is associated to a traffic light signal where the color green is symbolic of the “go” action. Also, Fitzgerald used this by meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. Daisy has a green light at the end of her of dock on the other side of the bay from Jay Gatsby’s house. The green light represents Jay’s money, jealousy, and the go ahead for Jay Gatsby to get Daisy back from Tom no matter what it takes. Jay Gatsby thinks that money will make his former lover come back to him. Every one that attends the party is very envious of Jay Gatsby’s money. Gatsby is very jealous of Tom because he is married to Daisy.
  Fitzgerald uses the color yellow to symbolize moral decay. He writes' The lamp-light, bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair.' He is talking about Tom and Jordan Baker, and he is suggesting that Tom might be heading for moral decay. In the book there are several things that Tom does that might prove this. First of all Tom is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson. A second thing is that he does not like Gatsby, and several times he tries to prove that he is not who he says he is. Tom even hires a detective to prove this. Gatsby had a Rolls Royce that was yellow 'His station wagon scampered like a yellow brisk-bug '. Gatsby's car was referred to many times in the book, but it was always referred to as 'The yellow car'. The color yellow was used most frequently when there was a death. One of the first things that Fitzgerald wrote about when Myrtle died was when they laid her on a table in the garage. He wrote 'The garage, which was lit only by a yellow light in a swinging wire basket overhead' page.
一、课题研究的主要成果  ㈠理论成果  ⒈ 构建了语、数、英学科的教学模式  “灵田教育‘一三三五’自主课堂教学模式”:  “一”即课堂教学始终以学为中心,而非以教为主要任务;“三”即课堂教学主要三种方式:自主学习、合作学习、探究学习;“三”即三个模块:预习、展示、反馈,这三个模块可以是三种不同的课型,也可以是一节课中的三个环节;“五”即课堂的五个基本环节:明确目标、巩固测评,这五个基本环节它可以
一、消除偏见,挖掘积累素材  很多农村学生都有一个共同的一个特点:写一种动物,宁可搜肠挂肚写那些少见的珍奇动物,也不习惯于描写那些身边的家禽家畜;写“我的妈妈”,总觉得自己当农民的妈妈远不如人家当教师、当医生以至清洁工的妈妈更有写头,农村学生容易陷入这种由于认识的偏颇一味追“洋”材料而导致“无啥可写”的习作困境。  为此,我给学生说《故乡》,读《小二黑结婚》。告诉他们:生活是作文的源泉。并有目的有
“爱美之心,人皆有之”一语道出人们对美的需求已是生活中不可缺少的部分,因为美是人们精神生活的一种享受,一种乐趣,一种陶醉。语文教学应该提倡在教学中要将教材中的美转化为学生的美感,提高学生的审美能力。  一、引导学生体会语言文字美  语文教材编选的文章大多是文质兼美、历代传诵的名篇佳作,可以说语文教材是一个琳琅满目的美的世界,一篇课文就是一个鲜活的生命。在作品中,我们看到的是具体的、感性的典型形象,
一、个性化作文是高考作文命题改革的趋势  2015年以来,高考语文作文出现的新题型,即任务驱动型作文。与以往传统作文不同的是,任务驱动型作文都会在试题命制中增加“请综合材料内容及含意作文,体现你的思考、权衡与选择”这句话。类似于电视剧《神探狄仁杰》中的金句“元芳,你怎么看?”“你”是指写作的考生个体,要求考生从自身实际出发思考,规避套作,实现高考试题“立德树人,和谐发展”的独特功能。  根据最新考
一、写研究日记  长期处在传统课程的教与学模式方式之中的学生,往往会养成被动的学习惯性,对研究性学习这种全新的学习方式缺乏认识,更缺乏主动摸索、主动思考、主动总结的习惯,要提高研究性学习的有效性,就要对学生进行必要的指导,包括:介绍研究性学习课程的性质、目标、实施步骤、意义等,介绍一般的科学研究方法;给学生开设科普讲座或一门短期的综合课程,介绍一些有关当前人类发展中普遍面临的问题,以开拓学生视野,
一、老生常谈  “老师,您帮我管严一些,孩子在家里不听话,老是打游戏,不做作业,烦!”每次见到家长,家长都是这样叮嘱我,语气充满无奈和期待。我总是微笑地听着,我很想说一句:“你陪伴孩子了吗?”孩子的健康成长主要来自父母的爱和温暖,这种爱和温暖是父母在陪伴孩子的过程中,孩子慢慢感知到的,潜而默化的,润物无声呀。  我在与家长沟通时,往往重申这点,多平静地陪伴孩子学习。家长很多时辩解:现在的知识很难,
一、小学数学问题情境的创设教学存在问题  1.对问题情境教学的认识上存在偏差  在小学数学教学中,对于问题情境创设教学在新课标中对问题情境教学已经提出了明确要求。同时在教学实践中,教师也在结合实际不断的进行尝试攻改革,收到了一定的效果。但就问题情境创设教学实际还很不理想,教师在对问题情境创设教学的认识上还存在偏差。  2.问题情景创设针对性不强  问题情境创设只有具有针对性,才能使其在教学中发挥应
一、读出诗之味  古诗语言相比较于其他的文学语言更具有精炼性与含蓄性。诗歌的音律性决定了诗一定要读。读平仄,读抑扬,读意韵,读情感。读是一种入境,读是一种享受,读是一种神交。诗歌是美的艺术。古诗最常用的手法是借景抒情。但是因为景是不可以说话的,而且在古诗里,图景是片断的,跳跃的。所以,通过反复诵读或吟诵,运用想象的手段,才能真正地把每一联所勾画的图境连结起来,结合整体进入诗的意境中去,不跳读,不漏