Gender Differences in Chinese and American Communication Space中美交际空间中的性别差异

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  Abstract:In people’s lives,no matter what you do,you will communicate with the opposite sex,such as parents,siblings,friends,bosses,subordinates,and so on.However,different gender has its own different kinds of gender culture.Men and women,according to their gender and cultural rules,standardize their communication behaviors.Thus,emergence of gender differences in communication can be seen everywhere.This thesis studies gender differences in communication space.Perhaps some behaviors are appropriate in one kind of gender culture,while they may be incomprehensible or baleful in another culture.
  Key Words:gender differences;Chinese and American communication space;intercultural communication
  摘 要:在人们的生活中,不管做什么都会与异性进行交流,诸如父母、兄弟姐妹、同学朋友、上司下屬,等等。然而,不同的性别有着自身不同的性别文化,男性和女性按照各自的性别文化规则来规范自己的交际行为。因此,交际中出现的性别差异随处可见。本文从交际空间的角度为出发点,主要研究了男女在交际空间方面存在的性别差异,从而得出结论:交际中存在性别差异,也许在一种性别文化中得体的行为,在另一种性别文化中就可能是令人无法理解或者有害的行为。
  Chapter 1 Introduction
  With the development of China’s reform and opening up,the interaction increases among people from different regions and different cultural backgrounds. In this situation,the economic and social contacts between different countries,different nations,and different culture will grow.Gender,which as an important subject in social linguistics and a variable can not be ignored in interpersonal communication,was more and more concerned.
  As with other intercultural activities,cross-gender communication is easy to be misunderstood.Research on gender differences in communication has a very realistic significance to cross-gender communication.In this thesis the author try to explore gender differences in communication culture,aim at enhancing the people’s awareness of gender culture in communication,so as to improve their cross-gender communication.
  This thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter 1 is an introduction.Chapter 2 examines the gender differences in Chinese and American communication space.Chapter 3 is the causes of the gender differences in communication culture.Chapter 4 discusses the influences and solutions of gender differences in Chinese and American communication culture.Chapter 5 is summary.
  Chapter 2 The Gender Differences in Chinese and American Communication Space
  Network communication has a great deal of difference from face-to-face communication,text-oriented in the past letter writing or voice telephone communication.So language involved in network communication attracted more wide concern of linguists and sociologists.   2.1 The Gender Differences in Cyberspace Communication
  2.1.1The Words
  For a long time,people always think that women as chatterboxes,love to talk.But recent theories suggest a wide range of gender talk,men’s amount of talk is far greater than that of women.According to the study,it can be seen that men’s words are more than women in network communication.
  2.1.2 A Short Brief Reply Language
  Brief reply function of the language has two main points: first,it can show if the listeners agree that speaker’s remarks; second,it takes the cohesive effect of changing topic.People believed,women use a short reply more to keep the conversation can continue than men in face to face communication.While according to the study men use more short replies.
  2.1.3 Figurative Language
  The use of figurative language is an essential aspect of network communication.According to the “male-dominated on the” point of view,women are in the passive subject status.While according to the selected conversations,in network language,men use more figurative language than women.
  2.2 The Gender Differences in Network Communication and Face to Face Communication
  There are a lot differences of male and female in network communication and face-to-face communication,I mainly take the Turn-taking session for example here.
  Turn-taking session constitutes the basic elements in communication,is an important part of conversation analysis study.In the process of the traditional conversation,turn-taking session plays a critical role,and it maintains a process for the session,makes the conversation continues in an orderly manner.In Internet chat rooms,there will be often many simultaneous conversation,and people compete to participate in the discussions of one or more topic.Turn-taking session in this network communication is more complex than traditional face-to-face communication.This thesis adopts a continuous expression as the gist of observing and measuring turn-taking between men and women in network communication.According to the survey,males are dominated in network conversation.They can get more speaking opportunities than women and can control the contents and processes of conversation.This is commensurate with traditional face to face communication.
  Chapter 3 The Causes of the Gender Differences between Chinese and American Communication Space
  Men and women have different cultural backgrounds and thinking ways,so it is inevitable to reduce gender different in communication.And the causes of the gender differences vary between China and American communication culture.This thesis analyzes the causes from the following aspects.   The Causes of Gender Differences in Cyberspace Communication.Like face-to-face communication,gender differences in online communications reflect some stereotypes of men and women.In online communication,women prefer the emotional support of company,men often make assertions and dominate conversation.All these reflect men and women’s speech styles,and indicate men’s dominance and women’s submission position.People feel it is easier to get to know women online.It would seem that most people feel that cyberspace tends to be friendly to women.It allows women to adopt more active personas.However,we have also observed that there are many comments and joke about gender discrimination online.It is obvious that face-to-face patterns of thought and interaction are replicated in cyberspace.
  To sum up,gender differences in cyberspace indicate that the stereotypes of men and women are rooted in our culture,no matter people communicate face to face,or online,these notions will be reflected.
  Chapter 4 The Influences and Solutions of Gender Differences in Chinese and American Communication Space
  When working with isomerism,people will find the opposite sex will make some strange behavior,which makes people feel unreasonable or even unbearable.There are inevitably communication error in cross-gender communication,it is easy to lead to communication misunderstandings.Effective communication methods people used to think to communicate with the opposite sex,which is now obsolete.This chapter discusses several communication misunderstanding cases,and propose some solutions.
  4.1 The Influences of Gender Differences in Communication
  4.1.1 The Quality of Communication
  Quality of communication is one of the most important factors when women communicate with others.Women in communications will achieve harmony with the communicator.Quality of communication ask people to say the truth,tell the truth.Through a series of experiments showed that compared with women,men often do not comply with the quality standards of communication.
  4.1.2 Recognition and Humility
  Through a series of studies,scientists have found that women are more apt than men to make praise.Scientists believe that females are commended more than males.In comparison,however,men are more apt to be pride,boasting.
  4.1.3 Flexibility
  Flexible means to benefit others as much as possible,reduce conflict as far as possible,less critical and understanding and compassion.Generally speaking,women are more like to use parenthesis.In addition,women hold a tolerant attitude,like to rely on others,so they tend to hear the views of others,and like using disjunctive question to seek for opinions in order to achieve the goal of successful exchanges.While men are relatively independent,and like to use the imperative to ask people to do something.   4.1.4 Courtesy
  In the communication,we should pay attention to the relationship between ourselves and others,and have to be polite.We should not often interrupted or changed the subject when other are speaking.
  4.2 The Solutions: Cultivating the Ability of Intercultural Communication
  Intercultural communication is people with different cultural background communicated with each other.while the fundamental purpose of foreign language teaching is to cultivate students ’ability to communicate in a foreign language,through the language to understand their nation’s way of life and thought.
  Being able to identify different gender-specific language and non-verbal behavior in different cultures,and explain their function.Mastering the ability will improve their sensitivity to different cultures ,don’t have a misunderstanding due to cultural differences.
  Being familiar with the language and behavior way of people with different gender in daily life.And at the same time,“Do as the Romans do,and behave.”
  Focusing on communication etiquette of gender culture.When we communicated with the Americans,we should not only ignore their etiquette.When western people communication with Chinese,they should also respect the etiquette of China.
  Chapter 5 Conclusion
  This thesis analyzes the embodiment and causes of gender differences in Chinese and American communication space.It is clear to find the fact there are gender differences in communication.
  The thesis shows: firstly,gender has a great influence on intercultural communication.Ignoring the gender factor can cause communication errors.Secondly,the factors affecting gender differences in addition to gender,there is physiological factors,and the most important is socio-cultural factors.Thirdly,successful cross-gender,intercultural communication requires not only essential language knowledge,but also need to be familiar with different cultures.
  In the end,there must be several limitations in this thesis.Firstly,due to the limited time,energy and capability,the sources(can be used) of the study is limited.Secondly,there must be several questions that I can’t make enough researches,so I sincerely hope scholars and professors on this subject can give some profound understanding and suggestions.
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摘 要:幼小衔接工作是每个幼儿园大班幼儿、家长和园所共同面临的一项重要工作,由于儿童所处的客观环境、学习内容、作息时间、自理要求、师生关系等都发生了较大的变化,幼儿从幼儿园进入小学是一个重要转折。由于生活习惯上的骤变,以及课目的繁重,使许多小孩子在进入小学后,开始兴致挺高,可几天下来就会发现,孩子总是丢三落四,不是忘带本子,就忘写作业,老师上课讲的什么也说不出来,上学的兴趣也大了,还有许多此类的问
据报道,某小学一名五年级学生作弊后被发现,回家后即跳楼自杀。课业负担过重,心理压力大等等因素,使这类事件在中小学生中时有发生,让人扼腕叹息!成人还是成才?值得大家深思。  从现代和未来社会对人才素质的要求看,仅仅具有高学历以及精深的专业知识是远远不够的,面对世界日新月异的变化,面对激烈的人才竞争,除了掌握必备的科学知识以外,还必须学会认识自己,正视自己,学会掌握和控制自己的情绪,并体察别人的情绪,
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Abstract:From the day linguistics has aroused our attention,we have known that the study on language is complicated and should be accomplished from different perspectives.Among the hues of linguistic
摘 要:中华文化是中华民族的根,对传统文化的学习和继承是每一个中国人的历史使命和一种生活方式。本人尝试将建构主义学习理论用于指导古诗文教学,建构了一种以学生为中心,通过课堂内外生本、生生、师生间的互动,课内外知识的相互补充来促进学生进行更有效学习的互动学习模式。  关键词:合作;互动教学;学为中心;高效课堂  古诗文是中华民族文化的精髓,通过阅读了解诗词的意境,品味诗词中蕴涵的哲理和思想感情,学生
摘 要:在“大众创业、万众创新”的时代背景下,全国各界均提高了对创新创业教育的认识,推动大学生创新创业教育,培养“双创型”人才已成为高校人才培养主要发展方向。本文以同济大学浙江学院为例,通过问卷调查,研究独立学院“双创型”人才的培养存在的问题并提出提升途径。  关键词:双创;人才培养;独立学院;提升途径  一、独立学院“双创型”人才培养存在的问题  根据独立学院开展创新创业教育和师资队伍建设现状,
摘 要:隐性教育是指通过一系列内隐的教育活动让受教育者在不自觉中受到熏陶和感化,从而获得隐性经验的一种教育活动。在这些隐性因素中,大到社会环境,小到校园文化和班级班风建设,都对大学生的素质培养起着重要的作用。只有遵循教育的内在规律,不揠苗助长,才能实现隐显结合,达到有效而“无迹”的理想教育境界。  关键词:隐性教育;大学生;素质教育  随着当今大学教育事业的蓬勃发展,社会对大学走向及培养模式提出了
班本课程内容来源于本班的实际情况,来源于本班幼儿的兴趣点,是本班幼儿实际发展状况,基于教师对班级幼儿的了解,它的进程始终围绕“兴趣、问题”展开,反映的是教师、幼儿之间真实的学习、生活的探索、模仿过程。开学初,我们班围绕孩子对草莓的兴趣点展开了课程,形成班本课程——草莓甜蜜蜜。  一、课程产生  寒假中,偶然看到班上尧尧妈妈的朋友圈,尧尧和班上好朋友朱谦和、蔡欣邑随爸爸、妈妈去草莓园了。孩子们挎着小