Founder of Fine Cultural Products with Creativity of Taipei

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  Lin Qican, Chairman of Glass Association of Hsinchu, Taiwan has a long-standing passion for glass. In his first year of vocational college, he saw serials of exquisite and delicate glass works in the home of his classmate who ran a factory of lampworking glass art ware. Deeply impressed by them, he determined to take up the artistry. To outsiders, it sounded like a joke and nobody could imagine that later Lin Qican sticked firmly to it and paid more than 10 years for it. After pursuing his career in the glass industry for more than ten years, Lin Qican could still not forget the glass artistry, so he decided to give an end to the role of supporting others only and set up a workshop with strong personal style.
  In the International Gift Show, the reporter saw a lot of crystal clear and lifelike handicrafts such as ornaments, pendants and necklaces. Under the light, there was a faint halo shining around their bodies, and their noble beauty and good quality were showed clearly. Rooted in the exquisite and true-life handcraft tradition of Hsinchu, nurtured by freehand and abstract ideas and added to different skills and changeable appearance, the art crafts of Zhuqing combine practical functions with glass artistry. These spetial technological characteristics make it difficult for the mainland to have similar products. Therefore, after investigating for several times, Lin Qican, who has won the Golden Glass Award for three times decides to take advantage of the cross-strait markets which have been opened continuously since the "Three Direct Links" was carried out and to bring traditional art ware of Taiwan into the market of the mainland. He said, besides letting the public enjoy the transparent and clear appearance of crystal glass, he would also use different techniques and changeable and appearance, combine practical functions with glass artistry, so that people of both Taiwan and the mainland could find other usages of glass and prolong the life of traditional industries jointly.
日前,有研究对全球清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期评估,结果显示本世纪中期可再生能源足以满足全球的电力需求。  这份刊载在《美国国家科学院院刊》的研究显示,到2050年,全球低碳能源经济不仅是可行的,还会使电力产出加倍。  本次研究由挪威科技大学能源工程学院的埃德加·赫特维希教授和托马斯·吉本教授共同完成,他们对全球经济和应对气候变化的全球再生能源和清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期的成本评估。  研究人员
The increasingly worsening environmental problems bring a storm of using and promoting new energy vehicles. In May 2013, the “Apple” in auto industry – Tesla, an American electric vehicle brand, achie
位于美国加利福尼亚州以南五十公里处,有一个面积88平方公里,人口不到18万的城市。别看这个城市不算大,但竟有7条高速公路,把其与其所归属的橘郡内其他城市相连接。作为美国最安全、规划最完善、自然环境最优美的最佳商务活动区域,它还吸引了大量的居民和企业进入,成为橘郡重要的高科技产业中心。它就是美国最佳总体规划社区之一——加州欧文生态城。  规划完善的生态城  欧文市为何具有如此大的吸引力?这与欧文占地
“没有动物天生会表演马戏,所谓的动物狂欢,少不了人类的笑声和掌声,以及动物无尽的紧张和伤痛”。  ——亚洲动物基金(AAF)  在某知名社交网站的社交界面内广泛流传着这样一组照片:在泰国,一头给游人表演的大象如何从“一无所知”的森林之子变成了“多才多艺”的明星画家。然而,这背后是它被链子铐着、强行学画的画面,是它不会拿粉笔而被强行戳伤的鼻孔,耳朵后被人为掐出的一道道伤痕触目惊心。  动物表演的伤痛
当地时间2014年10月17日,巴西圣保罗州,当地旱情加剧,圣保罗市及其周边的68个小城市出现缺水现象,其中38个严重缺水的城市已实行供水配给制,定时轮流供水。目前全州共有1370多万人受到影响。  A man standing on cracked ground takes a picture of the Atibainha dam as it dries up due to a prolon
当前全球气候变化带来的极端天气,如干旱、洪涝、冻害、冰雹、雾霾、沙尘暴等,直接影响地球生态系统安全,并对人类生存和发展带来严重危害。各类灾害的发生不仅改变了世界政治格局,并且加速社会动荡和引发地区冲突。  人类对气候变化的适应能力包括遗传和后天两种。遗传表现在各种气候条件下表现形态和生理特征,为先天适应。例如在热带地区,由于气候原因,那里的人们具有皮肤色素深、身材矮小的特征,他们的后代基本继承了这
水是生命之源。人类自认识水的重要以来,对水资源的开发、利用、疏导就从未停止过。当前,由于全球水资源分布不平衡,工业开发、农业种植、生活用水,以及人口增长过快,全球气候变暖,水资源管理不善,致使人类正在遭遇空前的水资源和水安全危机,且形势日趋严峻。因此,推进水生态文明建设,已是刻不容缓。  众所周知,中国是一个严重缺水的国家。随着人口的增长和全球气候变化,两方面因素的叠加会造成更为严重的水资源短缺和
2014年3月13日上午,国际生态安全合作组织代表团一行抵达台湾桃园国际机场,对台湾桃园国际机场进行了实地考察,并与桃园国际机场营运副总经理魏胜之先生进行了亲切会谈。  桃园国际机场始建于上世纪70年代,曾是亚洲最现代化的机场之一,吸引了新加坡、泰国乃至香港及国际航空业界的关注。当时,这座机场被命名为“台湾中正国际机场”,直到2006年台湾行政院通过决议,将“台湾中正国际机场”更名为“台湾桃园国际
2014年9月,媒体曝光了一组被誉为“中国第四大沙漠”的腾格里沙漠的图片。与世人眼中“满天飞舞黄沙”的印象所不同,图片中的腾格里沙漠似乎散发着浓烈的臭气,一团又一团黑色污渍蚕食着黄沙。而更可怕的是,这些照片背后所掩盖的环境保护怪象。  “真相一直在路上”  2014年10月3日,中国中共中央总书记习近平对内蒙古阿拉善盟腾格里工业园区的环境污染问题作出重要批示。随之内蒙古各环保部门在中国的国庆假期里