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  A man standing on cracked ground takes a picture of the Atibainha dam as it dries up due to a prolonged drought in Nazare Paulista, Sao Paulo state, October 17, 2014. The worst drought in 80 years has left the Cantareira system, that provides greater Sao Paulo with most of its water, with the lowest water level on record, with daily rationing becoming common in the region’s smaller cities, according to the state authorities. /Nacho Doce (BRAZIL - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
  In many places of the world, the demand of water has exceeded the degree that water resource can load. Therefore, a famous hydrographer once warned that, the key supplies of water resource in major economies like China, America and India are decreasing dramatically. It is estimated that, with the fast growth of population, by 2025, the water scarcity will be more serious in poor countries, such as in the Middle East, Africa and some areas of Asia. Currently, the risks that the global water resources are facing are severer than that of the widely-held.
  At noon of November 6th, lots of red zooplankons appeared after the Shapandi riverway of Changan, Shaoxing was polluted. The zooplanktons called by local people as "water maggots" appeared after the river got polluted. It is said that the river way is a typical beheaded river and some residents who live nearby pour living sewage directly into the river, so the water is bad in quality and fertile, In July and August of 2014,  there were even large outbreaks of cyanobacteria.
  11 April 2010 - Dhaka, Bangladesh - Bangladeshi army personnel distribute drinking water at a locality in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, April 11, 2010. The Bangladesh government has called in the army to help in maintaining security and water management owing to the acute water crisis in the capital. Photo Credit: Palash Khan/ /1004122154
  A resident fills water bottles from a water pipe as the eight-month rationing of water continues as a result of a record drought, in Itu October 27, 2014. The worst drought in 80 years has left the Cantareira system, that provides greater Sao Paulo with most of its water, with the lowest water level on record, with daily rationing becoming common in the region's smaller cities, according to the state authorities. /Nacho Doce (BRAZIL - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT)
  EL DORADO HILLS, CA - AUGUST 19: Boat docks at Browns Ravine sit on dry ground at Folsom Lake on August 19, 2014 in El Dorado Hills, California. As the severe drought in California continues for a third straight year, water levels in the State's lakes and reservoirs is reaching historic lows. Folsom Lake is currently at 40 percent of its total capacity of 977,000 acre feet. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
据英媒10月21日报道,一项最新研究指出,与吸烟者一起生活的非烟民如同生活在“雾霾城市”。他们所处的环境的空气质量等同于那些生活在空气极度污染城市中的非吸烟者。  报道称,爱丁堡大学和阿伯丁大学研究人员联合出版的研究报告指出,对不吸烟的人来说,搬进一个无人吸烟的住所对健康有极大的好处。  研究人员共同采集了93个吸烟家庭和17个非吸烟家庭的空气质量数据。结果显示,93个吸烟家庭中的PM2.5平均值
一颗高速飞行的彗星即将要与火星来一场近距离接触。赛丁泉彗星预计将在美国东部时间下午2点27分时进入与火星不到八万七千英里的距离,对于一颗低空飞行的彗星来说,这一距离已经非常近。太空陨石的飞行速度约为12万6千英里每小时(56千米每秒)。  美国国家航空和宇宙航行局认为该颗彗星不会和火星相撞,但彗星会喷射出一道尘埃与气体,这些尘埃与气体可能会对围绕火星运行的航天器造成损害。  “火星会正好处于一片碎
据外媒报道,当地时间25日,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的“龙”货运飞船结束了为期一个月的国际空间站之旅,携带小鼠和其他货物返回地球。  美国宇航局(NASA)表示,美国东岸夏令时间10月26日15时38分,飞船降落于墨西哥西部加利福尼亚半岛附近的太平洋海域。  报道称,在那里守候的一艘船将飞船打捞上来,并带到洛杉矶附近的一个港口。其中一些货物将交还给美国宇航局,而飞船本身将被运往太空探索
Li Yuliang, whose pen name is Huang Yin, alias Yanshan Commoner, is the Vice Chair of China Painting Artists’ Association, Vice President of Huaxia Celebrities Calligraphy and Painting Institute, memb
日前,有研究对全球清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期评估,结果显示本世纪中期可再生能源足以满足全球的电力需求。  这份刊载在《美国国家科学院院刊》的研究显示,到2050年,全球低碳能源经济不仅是可行的,还会使电力产出加倍。  本次研究由挪威科技大学能源工程学院的埃德加·赫特维希教授和托马斯·吉本教授共同完成,他们对全球经济和应对气候变化的全球再生能源和清洁能源进行了首次全生命周期的成本评估。  研究人员
The increasingly worsening environmental problems bring a storm of using and promoting new energy vehicles. In May 2013, the “Apple” in auto industry – Tesla, an American electric vehicle brand, achie
位于美国加利福尼亚州以南五十公里处,有一个面积88平方公里,人口不到18万的城市。别看这个城市不算大,但竟有7条高速公路,把其与其所归属的橘郡内其他城市相连接。作为美国最安全、规划最完善、自然环境最优美的最佳商务活动区域,它还吸引了大量的居民和企业进入,成为橘郡重要的高科技产业中心。它就是美国最佳总体规划社区之一——加州欧文生态城。  规划完善的生态城  欧文市为何具有如此大的吸引力?这与欧文占地
“没有动物天生会表演马戏,所谓的动物狂欢,少不了人类的笑声和掌声,以及动物无尽的紧张和伤痛”。  ——亚洲动物基金(AAF)  在某知名社交网站的社交界面内广泛流传着这样一组照片:在泰国,一头给游人表演的大象如何从“一无所知”的森林之子变成了“多才多艺”的明星画家。然而,这背后是它被链子铐着、强行学画的画面,是它不会拿粉笔而被强行戳伤的鼻孔,耳朵后被人为掐出的一道道伤痕触目惊心。  动物表演的伤痛