“首次”,成了最近一个时期中国社会的关键词之一。由“首次”带来的“突破”性事件,无疑是最值得我们关注甚至为之骄傲和自豪的。4 August 2004神州学人铁路首次进藏:世界屋脊一小段西藏历史一大步6月22日,世界上海拔最高和最长的高原铁路开始在西藏自治区境内
“For the first time” has become one of the key words in Chinese society in the recent period. The “breakthrough” incident brought by “the first time” undoubtedly deserved our attention and even pride and pride. 4 August 2004 Shenzhou Scholars Railways First Landing in Tibet: A Short Stride of Tibetan History on the Roof of the World On June 22, the highest and longest plateau railway in the world started its operation in the Tibet Autonomous Region