L_2-gain Analysis and Anti-windup Design of Discretetime Switched Systems with Actuator Saturation

来源 :International Journal of Automation & Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeall
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This paper investigates L2-gain analysis and anti-windup compensation gains design for a class of discrete-time switched systems with saturating actuators and L2 bounded disturbances by using the switched Lyapunov function approach.For a given set of anti-windup compensation gains,we firstly give a sufficient condition on tolerable disturbances under which the state trajectory starting from the origin will remain inside a bounded set for the corresponding closed-loop switched system subject to L2 bounded disturbances.Then,the upper bound on the restricted L2-gain is obtained over the set of tolerable disturbances.Furthermore,the antiwindup compensation gains aiming to determine the largest disturbance tolerance level and the smallest upper bound of the restricted L2-gain are presented by solving a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality(LMI) constraints.A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method. This paper investigates L2-gain analysis and anti-windup compensation gains design for a class of discrete-time switched systems with saturating actuators and L2 bounded disturbances by using the switched Lyapunov function approach. For a given set of anti-windup compensation gains, we give a sufficient condition on tolerable disturbances under which the state trajectory starting from the origin will remain within a bounded set for the corresponding closed-loop switched system subject to L2 bounded disturbances.Then, the upper bound on the restricted L2-gain is obtained over the set of tolerable disturbances. Future moieties, the antiwindup compensation gains aiming to determine the largest disturbance tolerance level and the smallest upper bound of the restricted L2-gain are presented by a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.
摘要:我国教育改革正从应试教育迈向素质教育,教育要面向全体学生.而许多高中数学老师都知道,学生的数学学习表现极不平衡,尤其学困生,与其他同学差距过大,这种现状也令老师忧心.本文就如何推进学困生的学习提出几点建议.  关键词:学困生;赏识;自信;恒心  一、带着这些疑问,笔者调查了一部分学生,其原因主要有以下几种情况:  1.来自外面世界的诱惑  由于社会的因素,现在的中学生接受信息渠道多,除了书本
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摘要:自主学习是指围绕确定的学习目标,通过教师的科学引领、过程关注,由学生自主选择学习方法,能动地、创造性地完成学习任务,实现学生自主性发展的实践活动.  随着新课程改革的不断深入,学生自主学习能力的培养是所有学科教师研究的重要课题之一.作为数学教师,应该在课堂教学中想方设法,通过多种途径培养学生的自主学习能力.  关键词:初中数学;自主学习;能力培养  一、学生自主学习的能力亟待培养  1.摒弃
摘要:在新课标的要求下,教师将学生自主学习性的养成当作工作的重点.在课堂教学时,使学生发挥出对于学习的积极性.本文立足于初中数学教学活动,根据新课程要求,对如何培养学生的主动学习做出了一些分析.  关键词:初中数学;自主学习;新课程  一、自主学习的含义  自主学习是指在相对于被动学习而言的自主性学习,新的教育环境下,新课标视野下要求初中的教学中要加强培养学生自主学习的能力,这对学生的能力培养有着