先天性畸形和恶性肿瘤相关近十余年来医学界注意到某些先天性异常好发恶性肿瘤,主要表现在先天性畸形、先天性染色体异常和先天性免疫缺陷三方面和恶性肿瘤相关。近来亦有人提出将某些特定的先天性异常所好发恶性肿瘤的症群命名为恶性肿瘤-先天性异常综合征(Malignacy-congenital an-ormaly Syndrome)。日本关东甲信越地区对1964例患恶性肿瘤的小儿伴发先天性畸形的调查,提示两者相关。严重的畸形多伴发畸胎瘤,肾胚细胞瘤;较小的畸形多见于白血病和骨、软骨组织的恶性瘤、视网膜母细胞瘤、生殖腺母细胞瘤。又美国报导1960~1966年间死亡儿童的
Congenital malformations and malignant tumors Nearly ten years the medical profession has noted some of the congenital anomalies with malignant tumors, mainly in congenital malformations, congenital chromosomal abnormalities and congenital immune defects and malignant tumors in three areas. Recently, some people have also proposed to name some malignant tumors with congenital anomalies as Malignacy-congenital an-orly syndrome. A survey of 1964 cases of congenital malformations in children with malignant tumors in a Kanto region of Kanto, Japan suggests that the two are related. Serious deformity often accompanied by teratoma, nephroblastoma; smaller deformity more common in leukemia and bone, cartilage malignant tumor, retinoblastoma, gonadal cell tumor. The United States also reported the death of children between 1960 and 1966