一旬话闻一多有一句话说出就是祸, 有一句话能点得着火。别看五千年没有说破, 你猜得透火山的缄默? 说不定是突然着了魔, 突然青天里一个霹雳爆一声: “咱们的中国!”这话教我今天怎么说? 你不信铁树开花也可, 那么有一句话你听看: 等火山忍不住了缄默, 不要发抖,伸舌头,顿脚, 等到青天里一个霹雳爆一声: “咱们的中国!” (选自上海版《语文》第一册第四单元) 1925年,闻一多留美回国。这个胸怀赤子之心、报效祖国之志的诗人,看到的却是封建军阀统治下的黑暗现实和民不聊生的残破景象。据他的学生回忆,闻一
There is a saying in the first tense words that there is a curse. There is a saying that can catch fire. Do not look at five thousand years did not say broken, you guessed through the volcano’s silence? Maybe suddenly a devil, suddenly a blatant explosion in the sky: “Our China!” This tells me how to say today? Do not believe that the iron tree blossom also Yes, then there is a saying you can hear: When the volcano can’t help but silence, don’t tremble, stick out your tongue, butt your feet, and wait until you hear a bang in Qingtian: “Our China!” (From the Shanghai version of “Language” A fourth unit) In 1925, Wen Yiduo returned to the United States. The poet who has the heart of the ego and serves the motherland will see the dark reality under the rule of the feudal warlords and the broken scenes of the people. According to his students’ memories, Wen Yi