Exhibition power and basic foreign trade cause:Overseas Exhibitions Forum will be held in Nanjingg

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  The 10th Expo Project Fair for International Exhibition Cooperation(Nanjing) 2020, namely EPFIC 2020, as an efficient B2B negotiation event for the global exhibition industry, will be held at Nanjing Airport International Expo Center on July 8-10, 2020. The event was sponsored by the People’s Government of Lishui District, Nanjing, and China International Conference and Exhibition Magazine Agency, and jointly organized by Beijing New Expo International Media Co., Ltd., Nanjing Airport International Expo Center and Jiangsu Suyun Exhibition Co., Ltd. During EPFIC 2020, Overseas Exhibitions Forum as one of the highlight forums of the Fair, will be held on August 21. Dozens of representatives of well-known exhibition agent companies will be invited to attend and share on industry trends.
  The COVID 19 epidemic that broke out in early 2020 has swept the global countries. In almost every country, the exhibition industry was paralyzed almost overnight. However, as an important channel for SMEs to explore the international market, going abroad for exhibitions plays an indispensable role in realizing the strategic goal of "stabilizing the basic foreign trade cause" put forwarded in the Government Work Report. In the post-epidemic era, how can China’s outbound exhibition industry break through obstacles, re-layout, and set sail again? Focusing on the theme of"strengthen linkage, provide new impetus for exhibition", industry elites will deeply discuss the future trend of industry development. The main topics include: What are the changes in the pattern of the Chinese outbound exhibition industry? How can exhibitions continue to play a unique role in promoting exports? Which regions have better market prospects after the epidemic? How can all parties work together to promote the development of the exhibition industry?

  So far, Li Zhenli, General Manager of Beijing Xinye International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Chen Baoying, General Manager of Ruiyingda(Beijing) International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Lin Liping, General Manager of Zhejiang Honger Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Wu Xiaoqing, General Manager of Shandong Kewei International Business Exhibition Co., Ltd. have confirmed to participate in the Forum. These industry professionals with rich experience in the convention and exhibition industry will disclose their in-depth thinking about the development of the industry this year at the forum.
  At the forum, the EPFIC 2020 Organizing Committee will also release the"2019 China Outbound Exhibition Industry Survey Report". The report is divided into two major sections: the macro analysis of China’s outbound exhibition industry in 2019 and the operation of the exhibition industry since the 2020 epidemic. Based on a survey on exhibiting companies across the country, the report comprehensively focuses on the operating conditions and business strategies of exhibiting companies under the epidemic, and provides reference for the industry.
  Last year, at the Overseas Exhibitions Forum, Ji Hongyan, Deputy Secretary General of China Convention and Exhibition Society; Tomasz Szypula, Chairman of the PTAK Warsaw Expo; Tan Jian, Director General, IP Service Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade & Director General, Legal Service Department, China Chamber of International Commerce; Khariutkin Aleksei , Vice President of the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in Moscow; Dennis Yu, Project Executive, ANDINA FAIRS Columbia and many more delegates shared on industry topics.
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