1.引言凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield,1888—1923)出生于新西兰,是现代英国文学史上一位杰出的女性短篇小说家。她是现代短篇小说发展史上的核心人物,是英国文学史上为数不多的、单独以短篇小说成名的女作家。国内外对曼斯菲尔德的研究大致可归纳为传记式批评研究、文本解读及文体特点研究、影响研究、不同批评理论流派的解读等几类。一般来说,前三类批评研究属于20世
1. Introduction Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) was born in New Zealand and is an outstanding female short storytelling writer in the history of modern British literature. She is a key figure in the development of modern short stories and is one of the few female writers in the history of British literature who have become famous solely for short stories. The study of Mansfield at home and abroad can be summarized into the following types: biographical criticism, text interpretation, stylistic study, impact study, interpretation of different schools of critical theory. In general, the first three types of criticism belong to the twentieth century