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  ou can tour Queensland theguidebook way, following thetips in Lonely Planet'sAustralia. You can do itthe backpacker way, stopping at theSunshine Coast, Airlie Beach and Cairnsand no place in between. Or you cando it the smart way, by hiring a car orcaravan in Brisbane and taking to the roadwithout a timetable, if you allow the journey to open up on its own, everymorning will offer the freshness of yet another glorious day in the SunshineState.
  Whatever your choice, exploring Australia's northeastern state demandsa discerning touch. So developed has the tourism industry in Queenslandbecome, that the visitor is often confronted with attractions that are lessthan impressive. But with a little care and a relaxed attitude, you'll find realgems along the way.
  Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, sits roughly at the easternmost pointof Australia, near the border with New South Wales. This city of 1.8 millionpeople is a great place to start a journey of exploration.可以像旅行指南上说的那样去游览昆士兰,按着“孤独行星”出版社的《澳大利亚》分册上的建议去做。你也可以以背包客的方式去那儿游历,在阳光海岸、艾利海滩和凯恩斯驻足游玩而不去别的地方。或者你电可以选一种惬意的方式,在布里斯班雇一辆小汽车或篷车然后不受日程约束地悠然上路。假如你没有特别的计划,随心而游的话,每个早晨都会向你呈上这个阳光之州新的一灭的绝妙和新鲜。
  The region's history goes back to 1838, whenthe first non-convict settlers arrived from Europe.The city developed into a steamy, seedy river portlike something out of a |oseph Conrad novel. Untilrecently, Brisbane had to fight a reputation forlacking class, style and culture. But now all this haschanged and the city has remade itself into whatit calls "the culture capital of Australia".
  The city's cultural precinct is centred aroundthe new Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), nowAustralia's largest contemporary art gallery, whichopened in early 2007. Next to GOMA, the newState Library is worth a visit as well. A ten-minutewalk takes you to the Queensland Museum andSciencentre. There you'll also find the DandiiriMaiwar Aboriginal and Tortes Strait Islander CulturesCentre, a fine introduction to Australia's two nativecultural groups through their art, photographs,sculpture and causic.
  August and September are the city's festivalseason, with the Brisbane International FilmFestival, the Riverfestival and the Brisbane Writers'Festival all taking place within the space of a fewweeks.
  The trendiest part of Brisbane is FortitudeValley, where the James Street Markets definerelaxed dining. Tables overlook the street,and large windows give you the feeling thatyou're sitting outdoors even when you'renot. After lunch, explore the area's many artgalleries and boutiques. Philip Bacon Galleries, with works by leading Australian artists, suchas Albert Namatjira, Margaret O]]ey and SidneyNo]an, is often nominated as Australia's finestprivately owned art gallery.
  It's hard to leave Brisbane, but the Sunshine Coast, an areaof unbelievable beauty, lies only an hour's drive north. Itstarts at Caloundra Beach. As a child I imagined that the sandsthere stretched forever; in fact, they do stretch more than 50kilometres. Noosa Heads is the finest part. Here the beachcurves around to face north, so that all fire world's sunshineseems to be focused on this one point. But the inland areabehind the Sunshine Coast aIso offers opportunities forunusual activities (see box on next page).
  Five unusual things to do on the Sunshine Coast
  1. Take the fells. The cool Molent-Monlville-pleton plateau is known asthe Sunshine coast hinlerland. The road is so steep that the air 1urns fromhot to cold within lusl a few kilomelres. Visit Kondalilla Falls National Park.one of lhe last remaining pods of on enormous roinforest.2. Visit Kenilworth State Forest. Getting there involves a rollerCoaster ride along the George Wyer Scenic Drive. One of the best reasons to visit is the Charlie Moreland camp ng area, deep wth n the ranforest Here,kangaroos graze between the gum trees. The only sounds you hear orethe calls of birds and the wh st e of the w nd through the treetops
  3. Fly post the post. The sleepy little town of Coloundra seems on unlikelypiece to find the Queensland Air Museum; but the museum is now hometo more than 40 historical aircraft.
  4. Kayak Bribie Island Kayaking the Pumicestone Passage at the island'snorhern end is one of the greatest pleasures life can offer. An astonishingrange of bird life is found here.
  5. Rise high at Mooloolaba. There's a definite excitement in the air here,with a brand-new boardwalk and lookout on lhe beach, and a row ofcolourful high-rises opposite. A near-continuous strip of cool cafes andrestaurants slretches for almost a kilometre.
  1、参观瀑布。气候凉爽的梅勒尼一蒙特维勒一梅普顿高原被认为是阳光海岸的腹地。那里的道路十分陡峭,以至于气温在几公里之内就会从炎热骤变为寒冷。记得参观高达利拉瀑布国家公园,这是 一片庞大的雨林最后仅存的部分之一。
  Just north of the Sunshine Coast, it's worth stoppingin Gympie. This is an unusual town with a main streetmore crooked than a dog's back leg, dipping up anddown like a roller coaster. The Gympie Muster, heldeach year in late August, is possibly Australia's finestcountry music festival, with a bit of blues and folkthrown in. Just outside Gympie, you'll be inspiredas the sun sets behind the Glasshouse Mountains.According to Aboriginal legend, MountTibrogargan and his wife, Mount Beerwah, are theparents of all the other Glasshouse Mountains, whichwoke up to find the entire Uhr family sitting on his bed.At other times, taps get mysteriously turned on, or you'llhear noises on the staircase in the middle of the night."
  The whole of Maryborough's wharf precinct is acultural treasure. From the 1840s down to well after1900, Maryborough and Sydney were the only two portson Australia's east coast that were allowed to accept andprocess immigrants. More than 30,000 people, includingScots, Danes, Germans and Kanakas--islanders fromFiji and Vanuatu--passed through Maryborough ontheir way to a new life.
  After Gayndah, the oldest town in Queensland(1849), you come to EidsvoId, which calls itself theregion's beef capital. Today, Eidsvold's main attractionis the extraordinary museum of George Schafer: sevenbuildings that house Schafer's gem collection, worthA$ 250,000 (¢150,000), as well as a huge display of bottles,a working windmill and a railway village.
  An absolute "must" in this area is a drive to themagical Cania Gorge, with cliffs in brilliant shades ofyellow, with rock pools that burble and sparkle even in dryweather, and with cabbage palms that reach towards the sky. A lookout among grass trees gives you an excellentview over the gorge and Cania Dam.
  At Rockhampton, a metropolis in the heart ofcattle country, we're back on the coast. Just outside the citylies the Rydges Capricorn Resort: 9,000 hectares in areawith more than a thousand hectares of wetlands. Here youcan play 36 holes on two championship golf courses, thenride a horse through the waves on a 20-kilometre-longbeach, in addition to its regular clientele, the resort givesmore than 1,500 disabled and underprivileged guests everyyear a free or low-cost holiday in its attached MelaleucaLodge.
  Just a short drive north, the Tropic of Capricornmarker shows that you've officially arrived in the tropics.The landscape changes from cleared scrub--perfect forcattle grazing, but disastrous for the ecological balance~toareas of rainforest next to fields of sugar cane. The changeof scenery keeps the view interesting on the three-hourdrive to Mackay--an attractive town witha Scottish name, but a population mainly ofItalian origin.
  North of Mackay, a road takes you to ShuteHarbour by way of the backpackers' paradiseknown as Airlie Beach. A "must" while inShute Harbour is a walk along a path calledthe Whitsunday Great Walk, following thecoastline and overlooking the beautifulWhitsunday Islands.
  Even better is a visit to the islandsthemselves. One of their outstanding attractionsis Whitehaven Beach, which leading travelmagazines have several times named thebest beach in the world. Whitehaven is purewhite silica next to a crystalline turquoise sea.The island is a protected reserve where nocamping is allowed, but even a few hours thereare enough to tell you what heaven is like.
  The next stop on the mainlined is Townsville, which callsitself "the gateway to north Queensland'. A visit tothe Townsville Aquarium is highly recommended.
  Finally, more than 1,700 kilometres from Brisbane,we reach the unspectacular city of Cairns. Down onthe Cairns Esplanade, there are nothing but tourists. Inthe Night Market, hundreds of potential buyers look at silver jewellery, didgeridoos, fake manacles andcrocodile-skin belts--things you won't find anywhereelse in Australia. Port Douglas, north of Cairns, isa totally different story. "The things that make PortDouglas special are what we don't have," says locallegend Billie Lloyd. "No McDonaId's, no advertisinghoardings, and no building taller than a palm tree."Lloyd, who with her son once operated the CrocodileExpress ferry across the Daintree River, is now curatorof the Old Courthouse Museum. She praises thepotential of this regi-a territory that includes PortDouglas, the colourful plateau towns of Kuranda andMareeba, nearby Lake Barrine and the World HeritageDaintree National Park. Port Douglas is also not farfrom the Great Barrier Reef and is a good starting pointto explore it.
  Recently, Port Douglas has acquired a reputationas a top culinary location. The products of thenearbv Daintree rainforest areserved in 1Ttany of the town’srestaurants——fr011l fresh crocod.1eand barranlundi fish to tr。picalfruits(including jackfruit:andmangosteen)and l。cally growncoffee."It's the COLTl bjnation ofreef and ramforest that attractspeoPle to Port Douglas,"saysDavid zlaterlch,a long一timeresldent"Nowhere else inthe world Can Vou find tesetwo attractijons in 8uch closeproxlmlity."
  Despite some concernsurrounding the。penlng ofthe road thrODgh the Damtreeregion to Cape Tribulation inthe early 1980s, the rainforest still remains relativelyuntouched. Sensitive developments such as thenew Daintree Eco-Lodge have dispelled fears ofenvironmental ruin.
  To get away from the coast and see the greatrainforest, you must take the train or the Skyrailcablewvay from Cairns to Kuranda across the ruggedBarron Ranges. If you go by Skyrail, go to one ofthe shows at the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park,which tell the Dreamtime creation story. It is said ththe centre has single-handedly reawakened pride inthe Tjapukai culture and language.
  Kuranda, like a recycled Woodstock in thetropics, activates all the senses at once. Outside theCoffee Company shop, a "nouveau feral" sitaristplays an otherworldly melody, while just down thestreet a didgeridoo player and a duskyvoiced bluessinger provide a contrast. At the nearby KurandaRainforestation, nature reveals some of the biggestsecrets about its flora and fauna.
  Heiner and Heike from St. Augustin, Germany,can't stop praising the surroundings. "This isn'tjust another country," they say. "It must be anotherplanet!" Queensland is definitely a world of its own.
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