In modern Chinese, the adverbial is an additional component of the predicate. The complement is an additional component of the predicate. Although there is such a difference between them, because they all have a direct grammatical relationship with the predicate in the sentence, they are all executed. The same task; help the predicate to express a more complete, more vivid, more accurate and more vivid meaning, reflecting more complex objective things. In many sentences, often adverbial and complement at the same time, together with the predicate grammatical relationship, together Perform their task of helping the predicate. Although they are not directly related to the structure, but one of them often determines whether another component can cooperate with the predicate, there is also a certain connection in the ideographic. In order to make people understand correctly Adverbials and complements in the ideographic role of the sentence, to improve the ability to identify the right and wrong sentences, consciously use the most appropriate sentence to express their thoughts and feelings, the following talk about adverbial and complement features of several common syntactic patterns: