Layer-number dependent high-frequency vibration modes in few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzqp178
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Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs) have attracted extensive attention due to their many novel properties.The atoms within each layer in two-dimensional TMDs are joined together by covalent bonds,while van der Waals interactions combine the layers together.This makes its lattice dynamics layer-number dependent.The evolutions of ultralow frequency(< 50 cm~(-1)) modes,such as shear and layer-breathing modes have been well-established.Here,we review the layer-number dependent high-frequency(> 50 cm~(-1)) vibration modes in few-layer TMDs and demonstrate how the interlayer coupling leads to the splitting of high-frequency vibration modes,known as Davydov splitting.Such Davydov splitting can be well described by a van der Waals model,which directly links the splitting with the interlayer coupling.Our review expands the understanding on the effect of interlayer coupling on the high-frequency vibration modes in TMDs and other two-dimensional materials. Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been extensively addressed due to their many novel properties. The atoms within each layer in two-dimensional TMDs were joined together by covalent bonds, while van der Waals interactions combine the layers together. This makes its own lattice dynamics layer-number dependent.The evolutions of ultralow frequency (<50 cm -1)) modes, such as shear and layer-breathing modes have been well-established. Here, we review the layer-number dependent high-frequency (> 50 cm -1) vibration modes in few-layer TMDs and demonstrate how the interlayer coupling leads to the splitting of high-frequency vibration modes, known as Davydov splitting. Suu Davydov splitting can be described by a van der Waals model, which directly links the splitting with the interlayer coupling. Our review expands the understanding on the effect of interlayer coupling on the high-frequency vibration modes in TMDs and other two-dimensional materials.
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摘要:幼儿都是活泼好动的,他们对周围的一切事物都很感兴趣,用新奇和探索的眼光去看周围的一切,渴望学习,渴望知识,所以教师要当好领路人,用正确而且科学的方法去指导孩子们,让他们能够在科学的道路上越走越远。本文主要介绍了幼儿教师该怎样培养学生的科学学习方法,给孩子一个很好的启蒙教育,让孩子对学习充满兴趣,培养孩子的科学探索精神。  关键词:幼儿园 科学教育 方法  【中图分类号】G42 【文献标